更新时间:2019-02-18 17:22:03
PART1 各式酱汁
经典港式XO酱 XO sauce
南洋桑巴酱 Sambal belachan
欧文的牛肉酱 Owen's beef sauce
蟹粉 Crab meat Sauce
传统意式白酱 Creamy béchamel Sauce
白兰地樱桃果酱 Brandy and cherry sauce
百香果酱 Passion fruit sauce
罗勒番茄酱 Basil and tomato sauce
松子罗勒酱 Pesto sauce
那不勒斯牛肉酱 Naples beef sauce
PART2 东方美食
南洋沙爹鸡肉串 Satay chicken sticks
日式味噌银鳕鱼 Fried cod marinated with miso
大漠孜香烤羊架 Roast lamb cutlets with cumin
新加坡辣椒蟹 Singapore chili crabs
木瓜海鲜沙拉 Papaya salad with seafood
杏仁焖烤小牛肉 Roast veal with almond
桑巴龙豆炒虾球 Shrimp and longdou salad with macadamias
榴莲鸡汤 Durian and chicken soup
是拉差香茅烤鲅鱼 Roast Spanish mackerel with lemongrass
清迈青咖喱鸡肉 Chiangmai chicken and green curry soup
日式照烧京葱鸡肉串 Chicken teyiyaki and scallion skewers
粤式腊味煲仔饭 Steamed rice with cured meat in clay pot
川味脆椒帝王蟹 King crab and capsicum
芒果糯米饭 Glutinous rice and mango
港式蜜汁叉烧肉 Guangdong style barbecued pork
越南春卷 Vietnamese spring rolls
酒酿蒸虎头鱼 Steamed arne fermented glutinous rice
酸汤藤椒鱼柳 Fish fillets and vine pepper soup
青柠蒸鳜鱼 Steamed mandarin fish and lime
XO酱烤生蚝 XO sauce grilled oysters
PART3 西式美食
低温三文鱼 Roasted salmon
坚果火鸡沙拉 Chicken and vegetable salad with walnut
半熟金枪鱼沙拉 Half-cooked tuna and vegetable salad
培根牛菲力卷 Bacon and beef fillet rolls
墨西哥牛肉卷 Mexico beef rolls
德克萨斯烧烤肋排 Texas barbecued pork ribs
德芥蜜汁烤猪肘 German roasted pork knuckle
匈牙利牛肉汤 Hungarian goulash soup
法式淡奶油蜗牛汤 French cream and snail soup
海鲜松子酱意面 Fettuccine with seafood and pesto
忌廉熏三文鱼焗通心粉 Penne with smoked salmon and pale cream
海鲜芝士酿茄盒 Roasted tomatoes with seafood and cheese
焗烤生蚝配番茄罗勒莎儿莎 Roasted oysters with tomato and basil salsa
白酒茴香焖贻贝 Roasted Mussels with white wine and fennel
美式烤春鸡 American roast poussin
英式炸鳕鱼 Fried cod fish
西班牙海鲜烩饭 Spanish seafood paella
香料黄油焗龙虾 Roasted lobsters with garlic herb butter
香草蒜子烤七骨羊排 Roasted lamb with herbs and garlic
龙井茶盐烤虾 Roasted shrimps with Longjing green tea and salt
PART4 甜品 & 面包
焦糖核桃派 Caramel and walnuts pie
柠檬塔 Lemon tart
法式栗蓉塔 Chestnut puree tart
提拉米苏 Tiramisu
罗马盾牌 Rome shield Cookies
美式松饼 Pancakes
香草酸奶慕斯杯 Yogurt and vanilla mousse
马卡龙 Macaroon
坚果磅蛋糕 Nut pound cake
巧克力熔岩蛋糕 Molten chocolate cake
巧克力酥皮泡芙 Chocolate puff
德国重芝士蛋糕 Rich cheese cake
抹茶玛德琳蛋糕 Green tea Madelyn cake
红丝绒蛋糕 Red velvet cake
意大利佛卡夏 Focaccia
欧式黑麦面包 Rye bread
法棍 Bbaguette
乳酪面包 Cheese bread
面包布丁 Bread pudding
PART5 鸡尾酒 & 小食
贵妃蓝 China blue
金汤力 Gin tonic
黑俄罗斯 Black Russian
咖啡马天尼 Coffee Martini
丁香苹果 Clove and apple cocktail
杏仁蔓越莓 Almond and cranberry cocktail
香槟鸡尾酒 Champagne cocktail
伯爵茶佛手柑沁饮 Earl grey and bergamot cocktail
法棍小食 Tapas
黑麦三明治 Rye sandwich