Asset importing for Dead Keys
The last section explored some general tips on preparing assets for Unity, with optimal performance in mind. These tips are general insofar as they apply to almost all asset types in almost all cases, including Dead Keys. Now, let's focus on creating our project, DK, a first-person zombie-typer game. This game relies on many assets, from meshes and textures to animation and sound. Here, we'll import and configure many core assets, considering optimization issues and asset-related subjects. We don't need to import all assets right now; we can, and often will, import later during development, integrating them into our existing asset library. This section assumes that you've already created a new Unity project. From here on, we can begin our work.
To prepare, let's create a basic folder structure in the Project panel to contain all imported assets in a systematic and organized way. The names I've used are self-descriptive and optional. The named folders are animation, audio, audiomixers, Materials, meshes, music, prefabs, Resources, scenes, scripts, and textures; feel free to add more, or change the names, if it suits your purposes: