The status bar toggles
The options in the status bar help in making precise drawings. The tools in the status bar, such as Object Snap, help you to select precise points, such as the midpoint and endpoints of any geometry, and tools such as polar and ortho mode help you to make lines that are inclined at any angle or horizontal and vertical lines. The toggles on the status bar can be turned on by clicking on them once, and similarly, clicking on them again turns them off. Most of the status bar tools have their function key shortcuts as well and you can see the function key shortcut of any status bar option by hovering your cursor over it:
Not all of the status bar options are visible in the status bar and to make the options visible or hide them, use the customization option, which looks like three lines at the end of the status bar. Just click on the three lines, shown in the red circle highlighted in figure 1.12, and check the options you want to show on the status bar and uncheck the ones you want to hide. We will learn more about the status bar options later in this book.
So, now that you are familiar with the user interface and the way the ribbon area works, let's move on to the navigation tools. In the next section, we will talk about the navigation tools and how these tools can be accessed using the mouse or from the AutoCAD interface.