4.5 Dumping Site and Waste Ore Reservoir
4.5.1 The following principles shall be observed when selecting the location of the dumping site:
1 It shall,in line with the mining process,allow for smooth and short transportation of the stripping substances.
2 It should not be located in the areas with unfavorable engineering geological condition or hydrogeological condition;effective measures shall be taken if the site safety is affected by poor foundation.
3 It shall be assured that safety of the mining pit,industrial site,plant area,residential area,railway,road,power transmission line,trunk communication line,farm area,waters,tunnel and culvert,tourist spots,fixed signs and permanent architectures would not be threatened by the dumping site as a result of rockfall,landslide,cave-in,etc.
4 It shall be avoided to make the dumping site a major hazard for casuing debris flow of the mine,and if necessary,effective control measures shall be adopted.
5 It shall meet the relevant environmental requirements and shall be located at windward side of the residential area and industrial building in terms of the wind direction of least frequency in normal year and at lower reach of the potable water source thereof.The waste rock containing pollutants shall be stored and disposed in accordance with the current national standard GB 18599 Standard for Pollution Control on the Storage and Disposal Site for General Industrial Wastes.
4.5.2 The safety distance between the designed final bench toe of the dumping site which in no way could cause debris flow of the mine and which has favorable conditions in respect of water drainage,integral stability,engineering geology and hydrogeology and other facilities,sites and residential areas shall be:determined in accordance with the requirements of the protection measures if such measures are adopted,or determined in accordance with those specified in Table 4.5.2 and the following requirements if the said protection measures are not adopted:
Table 4.5.2 Safety distance(m)between the designed final bench toe of the dumping site and other facilities,sites and residential areas

Notes:1 As for the value range of item No.1,the lower limit shall be taken when the ground slope outside the bench toe of the dumping site is not larger than 1∶5,and the upper limit shall be taken when the said ground slope is equal to 1∶2.5.
2 "H"in the table refers to the designed final stacking height of the dumping site.
1 For calculation of the safety distance,counting shall be made from the waterline of the designed water level when it comes to the waterways,from the nearest edge when it comes to the buildings and structures,from the most outside engineering facility when it comes to railways and roads,and from boundary or enclosure wall centerline of the plant(yard)when it comes to industrial sites.
2 For the residential area of the mine,village,town and industrial site of rather big size(more than 1000 people),the safety distance shall be properly increased with reference to Item No.4 of Table 4.5.2.And for sporadic buildings and structures and scattered individual farmhouses,the safety distance may be taken as 75% of those in Item No.4 of Table 4.5.2.
3 When the dumping site is of tierwise stacking arrangement and there is a 20m-30m wide safety platform between each two tiers,the safety distance shown in Item No.1 and No.2 of Table 4.5.2 may be reduced by 25%.
4 If the ground slope outside the bench toe of the dumping site is larger than 1∶2.5,rockfall prevention measures shall be adopted between the designed final bench toe of the dumping site and the important facilities such as national arterial railways and roads,waterways,tower structures for HV power transmission line,etc.
4.5.3 The refused ore storage should be located close to the benefication plant and in the barren hill or river valley with good dam-building condition and having little influence on the farmland.The storage shall make rational use of the landform,allowing gravity flow conveyance of the refused ore where possible;if gravity flow is not possible,efforts shall be made for seeking the minimum lift.
4.5.4 The refued ore storage should be located at windward side of the residential areas,villages and towns in terms of the wind direction of least frequency in normal year,and should be provided with sanitary protective zone or shelterbelt.
4.5.5 Vegetation or other covering measures shall be adopted for the refused ore storage to prevent dust nuisance.Where conditions permit,land recovery of the refused ore storage shall be made together with the topsoil disposal.