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Unreal Development Kit Game Design Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Heads Up—UDK Interface Essentials
Installing UDK and folder structure
What content comes with UDK?
Beginning building and testing a new level
Deciding on your preferences
UI survival steps
Navigating the Content Browser
Accessing assets in the Content Browser
Creating and managing packages
Importing your own content
Cooking a map in Unreal Frontend
Mobile device emulation
Kismet debugging
Chapter 2. Notes From an Unreal World—Constructing Game World Elements
How to handle BSP geometry
Building a hollow room
Adjusting surface properties of BSP
Generating volume from the BSP brush
Handling StaticMesh actors in the scene
Setting collision in the Static Mesh Editor
Creating Terrain Deco Layers and Material Layers
Creating a Landscape
Scattering meshes on a Landscape using the Foliage tool
Creating a steamy plume in Cascade
Chapter 3. It Lives!—Character Setup and Animation
Installing ActorX and exporting skeletal animation
Importing SkeletalMesh content into UDK
Morph targets and .FBX importing
Setting up sockets
Attachments to SkeletalMeshes without using sockets
Setting up a custom AnimTree
Defining animations in your AnimTree
Configuring your character to use your AnimTree
How to use a single bone control chain to correct an offset crouch animation
Setting up a physics asset using PhAT
Adding limits to physics asset joint rotations
Adding a physics-driven tail to a key framed SkeletalMesh
Enabling the head to face in a given direction for tracking purposes
Setting a LookAt target for head rotation in code
Setting morph weights in code
Calling up SkeletalMesh animation using Matinee
Associating sounds with character moves in Matinee
Sound for non-Matinee controlled animation
Chapter 4. Got Your Wires Crossed?—Visual Scripting of Gameplay in Kismet
Kismet UI essentials
Creating a simple enemy Bot
Event-based movement of scene objects in Matinee
Trace actions in a shooting situation
Revealing and hiding scene actors during gameplay
Producing sounds through Kismet
Using Take Damage events to produce explosions
Understanding the usage of Named Variables
Tidying up Kismet networks using Sub-sequences
Tidying up Kismet networks using Remote Events
Toggling Materials through Kismet
Toggling lights through Kismet
Animating PointLights in Matinee to mimic texture animation
Making a comparison following a countdown
Using Integer Counter to count enemy deaths
Controlling node flow using a Gate action
Making Bots follow a path
Chapter 5. It Is Your Destiny!—Scripting Complex Gameplay Flow in Kismet
Prefabs including Kismet references
Swapping control of a Bot using Possess Pawn
Ways to stop a recurring loop
Setting up cinematic cameras
Animating cinematic cameras
Obtaining a trigger event off a RigidBody
Creating a firing pattern based puzzle
Allowing the player to pick up carry and place an object
Exploring 'following' and 'attracting' behaviors
Creating a regenerative health shield
Creating a per-session checkpoint series
Chapter 6. Under The Hood—Configuration and Handy Tweaks for UDK
Groundwork for adjusting configuration defaults
Enabling the remote control for game inspection
Changing the Play in Editor view resolution
Removing the loading hints and similar articles
Editing DefaultEngineUDK to allow 4096x4096 texture compression
Setting the preview player size reference object
Binding a keyboard shortcut to a player action
Adjusting player speed