更新时间:2020-04-24 12:09:17
About the Author
CHAPTER 1 Basic Pricing Policy and Concepts
CHAPTER 2 Contracting Methods and Contract Types: Pricing Implications
CHAPTER 3 Price Analysis
CHAPTER 4 Cost Principles and Cost Classifications
CHAPTER 5 Obtaining Cost or Pricing Data
CHAPTER 6 Analysis of Direct Labor Costs
CHAPTER 7 Analysis of Direct Material and Other Direct Costs
CHAPTER 8 Analysis of Indirect Costs
CHAPTER 9 Facilities Capital Cost of Money
CHAPTER 10 Profit or Fee Determination
CHAPTER 11 Pricing Equitable Adjustments for Contract Changes
CHAPTER 12 Contract Pricing: The Role of Auditors
APPENDIX A Cost-Reimbursement Contracts How They Work
APPENDIX B Cost Accounting System Review Self-Assessment Pursuant to Standards in Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor Accounting System (SF 1408)
APPENDIX C Demonstrating Market-Based Commercial Prices
APPENDIX D Government Contract Pricing Sources of Information
APPENDIX E Sample Cost or Pricing Data and Cost Allocation Plans
APPENDIX E-1 Cost or Pricing Data and Cost Allocation Plans Bangor Production Inc. (a production or manufacturing contractor)
APPENDIX E-2 Cost or Pricing Data and Cost Allocation Plans Murphy & Murphy Associates (MMA) (a service contractor)