Unit 1 An Overview of Cross-Border E-Commerce
1.1 Basic Knowledge about E-Commerce and Cross-Border E-Commerce
1.1.1 Basic Concepts
Electronic commerce (e-commerce)refers the buying and selling by companies and individuals of goods and services over the Internet.E-commerce operates in different types of market segments and can be conducted over computers,tablets,smartphones,and other smart devices.Nearly every imaginable product and service is available through e-commerce transactions,including books,music,plane tickets,and financial services such as stock investing and online banking.Almost everything can be purchased through e-commerce today; for this reason,e-commerce is often highly competitive.It can be a substitute for store,though some businesses choose to maintain both.E-commerce operates in several market segments including business-to-business,business-to-consumer,consumer-to-consumer,and consumer-to-business.
Cross-border e-commerce is international e-commerce.It is literally "selling across a border using e-commerce" as opposed to domestic e-commerce transactions.As a retailer,cross-border e-commerce is defined as selling goods from a website of a national store in another country to another party.
Cross-border e-commerce can be used by any seller looking to:
·expand their business;
·explore new markets and buying trends;
·export what they offer and reach a bigger audience.