02 巨型集装箱船搁浅堵塞苏伊士运河

全文共432个词,By David Sheppard, Energy Editor
The Suez Canal has been blocked after one of the world’s largest container ships ran aground, severing a vital trade artery and delaying shipments of goods and commodities.
因一艘全球最大级别的集装箱船搁浅,苏伊士运河(Suez Canal)航道堵塞,一条重要的贸易动脉被切断,许多货物和大宗商品的运输被耽误。
The Ever Given container ship, which is almost as long as the Empire State Building is tall, was shown on ship tracking satellite services on Tuesday morning to have wedged itself horizontally across the southern end of the canal, with tug boats engaged in a frantic effort to free it.
船舶追踪卫星服务网站显示,周二上午,一艘名为“长赐”号(Ever Given)的集装箱船几乎横向卡在苏伊士运河南端,多艘拖船正在拼命协助其脱险。这艘集装箱船竖起来几乎和帝国大厦(Empire State Building)一样高。
It was unclear what caused the Ever Given to run aground. But the blockage has caused a rapid build-up of ships behind the vessel. The container ship is operated by Evergreen Marine, which is based in Taiwan.
目前尚不清楚什么原因导致“长赐”号搁浅。但其造成的阻塞已导致后面越来越多船只无法通过。这艘集装箱船由总部位于台湾的长荣海运(Evergreen Marine)运营。

Evergreen said on Wednesday that the ship had entered the Suez Canal from the Red Sea at 8am Eastern European Time on Tuesday.
“At about six nautical miles from the canal’s southern end, the ship is suspected to have met with a sudden gust of strong wind, which caused the ship's body to veer from its course and accidentally run aground,” Evergreen Marine said in an emailed statement.
Every day, about 50 vessels sail through the 120-mile length of the Suez Canal, which was built between 1859 and 1869 to connect the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and Asia.

Samir Madani at TankerTrackers said that within hours of the blockage, about 10m barrels of crude and petroleum product shipments had backed up near the north and south entrances to the canals.
TankerTrackers的萨米尔·迈达尼(Samir Madani)表示,在运河堵塞数小时内,共计装载约1000万桶原油和石油产品的货船被迫停留在运河南北入口附近。
Apart from crude flowing from the Middle East to markets in Europe and North America, the canal has become a large transit route for oil flowing from Russia to Asia in recent years.
“The canal is a key chokepoint for global trade” Madani said. “If they can free the vessel quickly then the impact will be minimised but any prolonged blockage would have severe consequences, from affecting oil prices and shipping rates to forcing container vessels to take the much longer route around Africa.”

Total oil flows through the canal and its associated Sumed pipeline system accounted for almost 10 per cent of global seaborne traded petroleum in 2018, according to the US Energy Information Administration. About 8 per cent of liquefied natural gas trade also passed through the canal that year, the EIA said.
美国能源信息署(EIA)的数据显示,2018年,通过苏伊士运河以及与之相连的苏麦德输油管道(Sumed Pipeline)系统输送的石油总量,占到全球海运石油贸易总量的近10%。EIA表示,当年约8%的液化天然气贸易也以苏伊士运河为通道。
The Panama-flagged Ever Given vessel, which was launched in 2018, is just under 400m long and 59m wide and was en route to Rotterdam, according to the Marine Traffic vessel tracking website.
船舶追踪服务网站Marine Traffic的信息显示,悬挂巴拿马国旗的“长赐”号集装箱船于2018年下水,船长近400米,宽59米,搁浅时正在驶往鹿特丹途中。
Calls to the Suez Canal Authority in Egypt went unanswered outside of normal business hours on Tuesday.
由于正值周二的下班时间,打给埃及苏伊士运河管理局(Suez Canal Authority)的电话无人接听。