06 沃尔沃将为全公司新生儿父母均提供完整产假

全文共387个词,By Peter Campbell
Volvo Cars will offer full parental leave across the company to fathers, with 24 paid weeks for either parent regardless of gender, in a move the carmaker hopes will eventually help raise the number of senior female managers and bolster its image among potential car buyers.
沃尔沃汽车(Volvo Cars)将为全公司的新生儿父亲提供完整产假,即新生儿父母均可享受24周带薪假期。这家汽车制造商希望此举最终将有助于提高该公司高层女性经理的人数,并提升其在潜在购车者心目中的形象。
The group joins a growing number of companies rolling out joint benefits, including Standard Life Aberdeen, which offers nine months fully paid to both parents, and drinks giant Diageo’s offer of 26 weeks paternity leave in some markets.
越来越多的企业开始推出联合福利,比如标准人寿安本(Standard Life Aberdeen)为公司的新生儿父母均提供9个月的全薪产假,酿酒巨头帝亚吉欧(Diageo)在某些地方提供26周的陪产假。现在沃尔沃也加入了这些企业的行列。
Currently, Volvo offers six months paid leave to new mothers, but follows local country regulations for fathers.

Its new policy from April will mean employees who have been with the company for a year, including factory workers, will be able to take the full period on 80 per cent pay.
The company ran a trial of the policy among European sales staff over the past two years, and found equal take-up from men and women.
While generous parental leave is common among Swedish groups, Volvo will roll the policy out to its global workforce, including staff in the US and China.

“You will never know what the value of this is, but it is often the really important things you cannot directly measure, but you still have to do them,” said chief executive Hakan Samuelsson, who likened the move to the decision to install the first airbags in its cars.
沃尔沃首席执行官汉肯·塞缪尔森(Hakan Samuelsson)表示:“你永远不知道此举价值几何,但你无法直接衡量其价值、还必须去做的,往往是真正重要的事。”他将此举与在汽车上安装第一个安全气囊的决定相提并论。
“It will cost millions of dollars, but it is the right thing to do, and we hope others will follow,” he told the FT.
He said the brand, which already trades on safety and sustainability, will also be helped by the move.
“When people hear it is Volvo doing this, I don’t think they will be surprised,” Samuelsson said, predicting that future buyers “will choose brands more on values than on horsepower”.

The move will also, he believes, increase the number of female managers, in part by removing the stigma of taking extended working breaks.
“We don’t want to see females overtaken when they have kids.”
Currently, a third of Volvo’s senior management are female, but the company aims to raise this to 50 per cent.
“In the long term, our brand will be stronger, because we have better diverse leadership to take the right decisions,” he added.