Chapter 19 An Italian and a Dane
The best Italian sculptor since the time of Michelangelo was named Antonio Canova. He lived from 1757 to 1822.Canova was brought up by his grandparents and, as his grandfather was a stonecutter, the boy had the chance to be a sculptor.When he was only eight years old, he carved two small shrines in marble.When he was about ten, he is said to have carved a lion out of butter for the banquet of a rich nobleman.The nobleman liked it so much he became Canova's patron.
Canova studied hard to become a sculptor. By the time he was a man, he was doing a great many good statues that brought him fame and fortune.He spent the money by giving it away to poor people, establishing art schools, helping sculptors, and giving prizes for good sculpture.
Canova's statues are very smooth and pretty rather than strong in appearance. He carved a great many of the ancient gods and goddesses and seemed to imitate the old Greek and Roman art.He also carved portrait busts of famous men, including George Washington.
Canova's Perseus With the Head of Medusa may remind you of another Perseus. Canova's Perseus isn't as good as Cellini's, in my opinion, but many believe it is just as famous.Which one do you prefer?
When Canova was at the height of his fame, a young man from Denmark came to Italy.