【例句】Backfilling pipeline should avoid collision on both sides of the pipeline in order to avoid damage,each layer after the backfill,rammers ramming.回填管道两侧土方时应避免碰撞管道以免损坏,每层回填完后,采用打夯机夯实。|Backfills around any tunnel inlet and outlet structure need material from borrow excavation.隧洞进出口建筑物周围的回填需要料场开挖料。|The space between the steel lining and the rock in the pen-stock section will be backfilled with concrete.压力管道段的钢衬和 岩体之间的空隙采用混凝土回填。|This excavation will be backfilled with concrete and used as a grouting platform for the consolidation grouting.开挖后将进行混凝土回填,并作为固结灌浆平台。
【常用搭配】 abutment backfill 坝肩回填;back-fill material 回填物料,回填料;backfill ram-mer 回填夯实机;backfill grouting 回填灌浆;superimposed backfill 上覆回填;backfilled con-crete 回填混凝土
backfill expansion concrete
【例句】Miscellaneous concrete will consist of all concrete placed in the permanent works not otherwise classified,such as,but not limited to,backfill ex-pansion concrete in exploratory adits and holes,colli-mation piers,dental concrete,gauging station,and retaining walls not part of the above-listed structures.其他混凝土是指浇筑于的永久工程中未进行分类的所有混凝土,如 (但不限于)勘测孔、洞的回填膨胀混凝土、水准点、齿墙、水文测站混凝土,以及上述所列建筑物中 未包括的挡墙混凝土。
backfill grouting
【例句】Backfill grouting is a key process during shield tunnel construction.回填灌浆是盾构施工的关键工序。
【中文定义】回填灌浆:在混凝土衬砌的背面或周边 回填混凝土,对混凝土浇筑未能浇实留有空 隙的部位的灌浆。灌浆可使一次、二次混凝土体结合为整体,还可加固土体、回填空隙,共同抵御外力,防止渗漏,因此称为回填灌浆。回填灌浆的目的是对隧洞混凝土衬砌或支洞堵头顶部缝隙作灌浆填充。
backfilling of earth and rock
【例句】Backhoe excavator operates each cycle,including mining,rotary,discharge and return to the course of four.反铲挖掘机每一作业循环包括挖掘、回转、卸料和返回等4个过程。
【常用搭配】backhoe shovel 反向铲铲土机;back-hoe excavator 反铲挖掘机
backup equipment
【例句】Extra backup equipment,personnel or copies of data are provided in order to maintain capacity in the event of a failure of the primary equipment.提供额外的备用设备、人手或数据的副本用来应付临时机件故障,以维持应有的运作。
【同义词】standby equipment
【例句】These deposits look like backwater zone deposits.这些沉积物看起来像是回水区沉积物。
【常用搭配】backwater zone 回水区
【例句】Cliff reentrants,badlands and advancing gully heads are features representing accelerated erosion.悬崖凹角、荒原以及向沟源发展的冲沟是代表了加速侵蚀的地质特征。
balance of plant(BOP)
ball float valve
ball valve
【例句】The powerhouse is on the right bank of the river.厂房位于河流右岸。
【常用搭配】left bank 左岸
bank storage
【常用搭配】seepage barrier 防渗屏障;water barrier 挡水屏障
【例句】Rock excavation shall be accomplished by systematic drilling and blasting,barring,or wedging.岩石开挖应按此顺序完成:系统的钻孔和爆破以及对开挖面的修正或加固。|Open-cut rock excavation shall consist of the ex-cavation of in-place bedrock which requiressys-tematic drilling and blasting,or barring and wedging to the lines and grades as shown on the drawings or as directed by the engineer.岩石明挖包括需要进行系统的钻孔和爆破的基岩开挖或为达到图示的或工程师指导的开挖线和坡度而进行的修整和加固工作。

base course
【例句】The pavement shall consist of base course and surface course.路面包括基础层和表面层。
base date
【例句】If no rates of exchange are stated in the Appendix to Tender,they shall be those pre-vailing on the Base Date and determined by the central bank of the Country.如果在投标函附录中未注明汇率,所采用的汇率应为工程所在国中央银行规定的在基准日期通行的汇率。
base flow
【例句】This paper studies the discharge hydro-graph separation methods,discusses the concept of base flow,and gives a reasonable definition of base flow.论文对流量过程线分割方法进行了研究,讨论了对基流问题的认识,给出了较合理的基流定义。
base pressure
【例句】The maximum computed base pressure should be equal to or less than the allowable bearing capacity for the usual and unusual load conditions.最大的计算基础压力应该等于或小于容许承载力的常规和非常规的负载条件。
base screed
【释义】 基准条
【例句】 Base screed shall be thicker than 1.417mm galvanized metal.基准条应为厚度大于1.417mm 的镀锌钢板。
baseline cost
basic loading condition
【释义】 基本荷载条件
【例句】 The following basic loading conditions are generally used in concrete gravity dam de-signs.下列基本荷载条件通常用于混凝土重力坝设计。
【例句】 The water of Huilong Pumped Storage Plant is insufficient and the upper reservoir basin exists severe seepage.回龙抽水蓄能电站水量较少,上库库盆存在较严重的渗漏问题。
【常用搭配】closed basin 封闭盆地;water basin 流域;water storage basin 贮水池;river basin 流域;lake basin 湖盆,湖泊盆地;fault basin 断层盆地,断陷盆地;safety basin 安全泊地
batch plant【图】
【例句】Coarse aggregate shall be rewashed on rinsing screens with spray bars immediately prior to elevating into batching plant bins.粗骨料在进拌和楼贮料仓以前需用带喷水管的淋水筛再次清洗。

batch plant
【例句】Construction procedures include batching and mixing,and transportation,placement,vibra-tion,cooling,curing and preparation of hori-zontal construction joints between lifts.施工工艺包括投配混合、运输、浇筑、震动、冷却,养护以及浇筑层间水平施工缝的准备工作。
【例句】The forming mechanism of the magma is partly melting of deep material,multiple activi-ty of magma,emplacing along regional great fault forming E-W trending linear batholith.岩浆形成机制主要是深部物质部分熔融,岩浆多幕性活动,沿区域性大断裂侵位,形成东西向展布的线状岩基。
【中文定义】岩基:是巨大的岩体 (一般大于100km2,甚至可超过数万平方千米),处于山脉的核部,它们是由于大规模的深位运动而形成的,所以大片岩浆缓慢地冷却,形成结晶体大的岩石(如花岗岩)。后来,它们由于长期剥蚀作用而出露,成为广大的高地。岩基的边缘陡削地下降到未知的深度,而侵入体与之接触的围岩常常由于热力接触而变质。
【常用搭配】bathtub-shaped combustion cham-ber 盆形燃烧室
【例句】1 vertical on 1.4 horizontal batter is proper.1∶1.4 的坡度是合适的。
Baume degree
beach nourishment
【释义】 海滩养护
【例句】Beach nourishment engineering for Ameri-can east coast is a typical case.美国东海岸海滩养护工程是一个典型实例。
beach profile
【例句】The beach profile shape is an important research content of nearshore processes,which is significant in theory and application.海滩剖面形态是近岸过程与海岸工程环境的一个重要研究内容,对其研究具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。
【例句】It would be better to have these 4 parts separately maneuvered by a lifting beam.分 别用 4 段单独的吊梁控制会更好。
【常用搭配】lifting beam 吊梁
【常用搭配】 rolling bearing 滚动轴承;magnetic bearing system 电磁轴承系统
bearing capacity
【常用搭配】bearing capacity analysis 承载力分析
bearing pad
【例句】Where welding is required in the vicinity of the elastomeric bearing pad,adequate protec-tion shall be provided to avoid any injurious effect on the elastomer.当需要在弹性支承垫片旁边焊接时应采取合适的保护措施,以避免对弹性体产生不利影响。
bearing plate
【例句】Bearing plate shall be not less than 10mm thick.垫板厚度不小于10mm。
【例句】Material for bedding and backfill of cul-vert pipe shall be as specified for Random Fill in Part 6.7,Fills and Backfill.涵管的垫层料及回填料都应满足 6.7 节“填筑与回填”中所描述的 “随机填筑”的要求。
bedding plane【图】

bedding plane
bedrock 【图】[′bed′rɒk]
【例句】At the appraisal stage of investigation,these drawings should show the contacts be-tween surficial deposits and bedrock units.在勘察评估阶段所绘 制的图件应该反映地表沉积物与基岩的接触关系。|The planned dam foun-dation excavation will extend down to el 1580m,some 10 to 15m below the bedrock base of the valley.设计坝基开挖至1580m高程,在河床基岩10~15m以下。|The span will have a sin-gle 525 foot tower,anchored to bedrock and supported by a single,enormous steel-wire ca-ble that threads through the suspension bridge.大桥将会有一个固定在基岩之上的高达 525英尺的桥墩,并且由一根单一的,巨大的钢缆通过吊桥的全程。
【常用搭配】bedrock relief 基岩起伏

bedrock foundation
【例句】A concrete dam requires a sound bed-rock foundation.混凝土坝需要建立在坚实的岩基上。
【例句】The bellmouth entrance and the transi-tion into a circular tunnel profile is about 22m long.喇叭口进口及渐变段处长约22m。
【常用搭配】bellmouth entrance 喇叭形进口
【常用搭配】bench mark 水准点
bench mark【图】
【例句】Measurement for payment for these ob-servation piers,bench marks and miscellaneous surveying targets shall be based on the actual volume in cubic meters of concrete placed.这些观测墩、水准点和测量标志将以实浇混凝土的方量计价格。
【中文定义】 水准点:是在高程控制网中用水准测量的方法测定其高程的控制点。

bench mark
bend loss
bending test
【例句】A special machine with scanning elec-tron microscope (SEM)was designed for three point bending test.一种电子微观扫描电镜(SEM)被设计,专门用于三点弯曲试验的特殊装置。
【例句】Bentonite clay is hydroscopic and ab-sorbs water.膨润土是具有吸湿性,可以吸收水分。
【常用搭配】organic bentonite 有机膨润土
【中文定义】膨润土:主要由蒙脱石组成的岩 石。吸水后高度膨胀。
berm 【图】[bɜ:rm]

【例句】Adopt a widened crest and a dam slope with gentle upper part and steep lower part,and provide a berm at the changing point of slope.采用较大的坝顶宽度和上缓下陡的坝坡,并在坝坡变化处设置马道。|The berm breakwater is designed for the protection of the harbor.宽平台斜坡式防波堤是为保护港口而设计的。
Bernoulli equation
bevel gear gate lifting device
【释义】 adj.双轴的
【常用搭配】biaxial bending and tension 双向偏心受拉
【例句】 The bifurcation is situated before the powerhouse in the rock mass.分岔位于发电厂房前岩体中。|The inner diameter starts with 4m,and reduces at the transition from concrete to steel lined part from 4m to 3.25m and at the bifurcation to 2.30m.内径开始为4m,在混凝土和钢衬渐变段从4m减少到3.25m,在分岔段位减少至 2.30m。
【常用搭配】secondary bifurcation [力]次级分岔;bifurcation buoy 湾叉浮标,叉流浮标,分支浮标,[水运]航道分叉浮标;constrained bifurcation 约束分岔
bill of quantity
【例句】 Aiming at this problem and combining with bill of quantity tender mode,four counter-measures are presented.针对这一问题,结合工程量清单报价模式,提出了四条具体措施。
【例句】Coarse aggregate shall be rewashed on rinsing screens with spray bars immediately prior to elevating into batching plant bins.粗骨料在即将进入贮料仓前需用带喷水管的淋水筛再次清洗。
【例句】The utility of coarse-grained materials for surfacing roads can be improved by the addi-tion of a small amount of clay to act as a binder for the sand and gravel particles.表层路面的粗颗粒填筑料特性可由增加小部分黏土作为砂与碎石颗粒的黏合剂而得到提高。|These mate-rials(cement,asphalt,clay,and various chemi-cals)have been injected to act as a binder and to fill the voids.这些材料(水泥、沥青、黏土和各种化学剂)被作为黏结剂注入,并填充孔隙。
【常用搭配】 organic binder 有机黏结剂;asphalt binder 沥青结合料,沥青黏结剂
【常用搭配】 biological activity 生物活性;biological diversity 生物多样性,生物差异
Bishop method
【常用搭配】simplified Bishop method 简化毕肖普法
【例句】Diamond coring bits,roller bits,or ro-tary-percussion button bits shall be used for drilling through rock or concrete.在岩石或混凝土中钻孔时,应使用金刚石钻头、滚旋钻头或旋冲纽扣型钻头。
bitumen concrete-core rockfill dam【图】

bitumen concrete-core rockfill dam
【例句】The interior of peripheral joint shall be filled with bituminized plank or other board with a certain strength.周边缝内部应设置沥青浸渍板或其他有一定强度的填充板。
【常用搭配】bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土
bituminous concrete【图】

bituminous concrete
【例句】To pave with bituminous concrete on old cement pavement could improve the usage func-tion of pavement with the advantage such as short construction stage and less influence on traffic and environment.在旧水泥路面上加铺沥青混凝土可以改善路面的使用功能,具有施工工期短和对交通、环境影响较小的优点。
【常用搭配】bituminous concrete pavement 沥青混凝土路面;bituminous concrete paver 沥青混凝土摊铺机;bituminous concrete overlay 沥青混凝土铺装结构
【例句】The methods for control of under seep-age in dam foundations are horizontal drains,cutoffs (compacted backfill trenches,slurry walls,and concrete walls),upstream impervi-ous blankets,downstream seepage berms,toe drains,and relief wells.控制坝基底部渗流的方法有设置水平排水,防渗 (压实回填沟、泥浆墙和混凝土墙),上游不透水铺盖,下游排水棱体,坝趾排水和减压井。
【常用搭配】upstream impervious blankets 上游防渗铺盖

【例句】 Caution in blasting is most important within the immediate vicinity of buildings and installations.在十分靠近建筑物和设备的地点爆破时,谨慎是最重要的。|On the right bank,the curtain extends 20m into the abutment to treat rock close to the surface that may have been damaged during foundation excavation blasting.在右岸,帷幕深入坝肩20m,来处理因基础开挖爆破而松弛的岩体。|A special blast design and test shall be exercised before excavation starts.在开采之前,应进行专门的爆破设计与爆破试验。
【例句】This looks nice,but there is a blemish on the right side.这个看起来很好,就是右侧有一个污点。
【例句】 Temporary diversion conduit shall be lo-cated in blocks 19,20,21 and 22.临时导流底孔应设在 19、20、21 和 22 坝段。
【例句】 Blockout concrete will consist of all con-crete placed in blockouts,gate guides,gate an-chorage,trunnions,hoists,and crane rails.预埋件混凝土指闸门导轨、闸门锚座、弧门支座枢轴、启闭机及起重机轨道中的混凝土。
【例句】Blowout refers to this phenomenon:if an impervious layer at the surface overlies a per-vious foundation,sudden upheaval of the foun-dation at the downstream toe of the dam can oc-cur.井喷是指这种现象:如果在透水基础上覆盖了一层不透水层,则基础在下游坝趾处可能突然隆起。
【常用搭配】blowout dune [地质]吹蚀沙丘,[地质] 风蚀沙丘
【例句】We use the thermal sensing circuit to re-place the special material in antenna coupled bo-lometer in other process which the CMOS process does not provide.我们使用温测电路的原因是CMOS制程并没有其他制程的天线耦合辐射热计所需要的特殊材料。
【常用搭配】infrared bolometer [红外] 红外辐 射热计,[红外] 红外辐射热测量计;bolome-ter bridge 辐射计电桥;wave guide bolometer 波导测辐射热计
bolt【图】 [bolt]
【例句】Secondary support,consisting of 6 and 9 mlong rock bolts,is installed with 4m×4m spacingto provide surficial reinforcement.次级支护由 6m和9m长的锚杆构成,安装间距为4m×4m,用以浅层加固。|Bolts shall be 25mm minimum diameter and straight.锚杆最小直径应为25mm且应平直。|Bolts and nuts shall conform to ASTM-A307.螺栓和螺母应符合ASTM-A307的标准。|When nec-essary,install rock bolts to assure stability.在需要时,可安装岩石锚杆以确保边坡稳定。

【常用搭配】expansion-shell bolt 膨胀螺栓;resin-grouted bolt 树脂灌浆锚杆;cement-grou-ted bolt 水泥灌浆锚杆
bolt stress meter【图】

bolt stress meter
【常用搭配】exploratory boring 探孔
【例句】In grouting work,all boreholes shall be classified in unified manner and numbered.灌浆工程中的各个钻孔必须统一分类和编号。
borehole extensometer
boring rod
borrow area【图】
【例句】An earth dam is composed of suitable soils obtained from borrow areas or required ex-cavation and compacted in layers by mechanical means.土坝由从料场或其他需要的开挖中获得的合适土料组成,并通过机械方式一层层地压实。|The work consists of clearing and grub-bing of the construction and borrow areas.本工作包括施工 场地和料场的清基。|A systemat-ic plan for selecting borrow areas should be fol-lowed during the feasibility investigation stage after final selection of the dam site.可行性研究阶段,在最终坝址确定之后,应按料场选择的系统性规划来执行。

borrow area
【常用搭配】borrow pit 料场;borrow excava-tion 取料开挖;soil borrow area 土料场
borrow excavation
【例句】Borrow excavation will obtain materials for other projects.取料开挖可为其他工程取得开挖料。
bottom ring
【例句】If rounded cobbles and boulders are sca-ttered throughout the mass,they need to be picked out.如果圆形卵石或大圆石散布在填筑料中,需要把它们拣出来。|In several cases surface boulders have been gathered and used for riprap on earthfill dams because suitable quarry rock of quality could not be found within 100 mi-les of thedamsite.在一些情况下,地表的卵石以及巨砾被收集并用于作为土石坝的堆石护坡,因为在距坝址100英里范围内无法找到合适的采石场。
【常用搭配】boulder concrete 卵石混凝土
boundary condition
box girder【图】

box girder
【常用搭配】mounting bracket 安装支架,固定架;support bracket 支架,支撑托架;steel bracket 钢支架,钢角码,钢制肘板
【常用搭配】two branches 两个岔管
【常用搭配】dam breach 溃坝;dike breach 决 堤;to breach the cofferdam 在围堰上开个缺口


【例句】 In the general design and analysis meth-ods for problems of the breakwater stability,the concept of compositive safety factors is used usually.However,floodwater,storm wave and beach erosion as well as properties of soil medi-um are always random,which may have uncer-tainties.在防洪堤坝的设计中,传统的安全性能分析方法通常采用综合的安全系数概念,但洪水、风浪、河道冲刷、土力学特性等因子都是随机性的,具有一定的不确定性。
breast wall
【释义】n.[岩] 角砾岩
【例句】 On earth,breccia is a jumble of broken rocks cemented together by fine-grained material that is found around volcanoes and impact craters.在地球上,角砾岩是火山周围和遍布陨石坑中的破碎岩石通过细粒材料黏结在一起而形成的。
【常用搭配】volcanic breccia 火山角砾岩
bridge crane【图】
【释义】 桥机

bridge crane
brittle temperature
【释义】 脆性温度
【例句】 For PVC sealing strips,the tension stre-ngth,elongation at rupture,shore hardness and brittle temperature shall meet the design require-ments.PVC 止水带的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、邵氏硬度和脆性温度应满足设计要求。
【常用搭配】 bucket angle 挑角;roller bucket 消力戽
bucket drilling【图】
【例句】Bucket drillings are used to drill large diameter borings for disturbed sampling of over-burden soil and gravel material.带钻粉筒的螺旋钻机用于钻进大孔径钻孔,获得被扰动的覆盖层砾石土样本。
buckstay ['bʌksteI]
【例句】 The calculation methods of horizontal buckstay was presented in detail.详细介绍了水平刚性梁的计算方法。

bucket drilling
【常用搭配】buckstay spacer 刚性拉撑垫块;buckstay heel 立柱柱脚;front wall buckstay 前脸墙立柱
【例句】Such facilities include buildings for va-rious site,grading,drainage,landscaping,fencing,lighting and other area improvements.此类设施包括各种用途的建筑物、土地平整、排水、园林、防护栏栅、照明及其他用于改善场地条件的设施。
【例句】For the late foreland basin,the large structural traps in the thrust belt and fore bulge have some good conditions for pooling gas and will be the key exploration targets recently.晚期前陆盆地逆冲带与前缘隆起构造圈闭发育,成藏条件好,是近期勘探的主攻目标。
【常用搭配】 structural bulge 构造凸起;subma-rine bulge 海底凸起
【例句】Buttering should be performed on the deck or bulkhead.对焊应在甲板或舱壁上进行。
【释义】 adj.巨粒的,含巨粒的
【例句】 The liquid limit of a typical bulky-grai-ned,inorganic silt is about 30 percent.Where-as,highly micaceous or diatomaceous silts (elas-tic silts),consisting mainly of flaky grains,may have liquid limits as high as 100 percent.典型的无机巨粒粉土液限为大约30%。而主要成分为薄片状颗粒的云母或硅藻型粉土 (弹性粉土)的液限可能达到最高100%。
【常用搭配】full hydraulic bulldozer 全液压推土机
bus tunnel
【例句】The excavation of all materials encoun-tered within the limits of the access tunnels,ventilation Tunnels,tailrace tunnels,bus tun-nels,log tunnel,diversion tunnels,tunnel spillways,and other tunnels shown on the drawings will be classifiedastunnel excavation.对图纸所示的交通洞、通风洞、尾水洞、母线洞、过木洞、导流洞、泄洪洞及其他隧洞所在范围内的所有开挖被定为隧洞开挖。

bus duct
【例句】For reducing the losses of the isolated bus duct system,the following cases should be modified.为了减少绝缘母线管系统的损失,以下情况要进行修改。
【常用搭配】isolated bus duct 绝缘母线管
bus duct system
butt weld
【例句】All butt welds in shell plate,Seepage collars and stiffeners shall be detailed for double-vee welding and welded to obtain full fusion and penetration to provide a joint efficiency of 100%.所有薄板、防渗环及加劲肋的对头焊接应采用精密的双面坡口焊,焊缝内的材料应全部熔化,焊缝的连接率应达到100%。
butterfly valve【图】

butterfly valve
buttress centre
buttress dam【图】
buttress spacing

buttress dam(一)

buttress dam(二)