【常用搭配】an abortive scheme 不成功的方案
【例句】The region abounds in coal.该地区煤藏丰富。
above sea level (a.s.l.)
【例句】The Maldives islands,which on average are just one metre above sea level,consist of 1192 coral islands.马尔代夫群岛平均海拔高度仅为1米,由1192个珊瑚岛组成。
abrasion surface
【例句】Sand-laden ropes serve as a very effective abrasive cutting tool and can wear down through light-weight aluminum carabiners in a relatively short period of time.粘上沙子的绳子就像是一个非常有效的研磨切割工具,可以在很短时间里磨穿轻量化的铝合金钩环。
【常用搭配】abrasive resistance 耐磨性,耐磨强度;abrasive material 研磨材料,研磨剂,打磨器材
abrupt slope
【例句】The characters of seismicresponse of the structure at an abrupt slope or an acclivity are studied by explicit finite element method.使用显式有限元法分析了位于陡坎或斜坡上的结构地震反应特点。
【例句】The laboratory rock tests for a high CFRD of grade 1 or 2 shall include such items as specific weight,density,absorption,compressive strength and elastic modulus.1级和2级高混凝土面板堆石坝的岩石室内试验项目应包括比重、密度、吸水率、抗压强度、弹性模量。
【例句】It decompose your model into fragments only after its abstraction level.它只是在抽象层次下将您的模型分解为片段。
【例句】Normally,outwash deposits are too pervious and do not provide satisfactory abutments for dams.通常,冰水沉积渗透性太高,无法满足作为大坝基础的要求。|The paper introduces the project general arrangement,the selection of dam body shape,the stress analysis,the stability against sliding of dam abutment and the foundation treatment.文章介绍了工程总体布置、大坝体型选择、应力分析、坝肩抗滑稳定和基础处理。
【常用搭配】gravity abutment 重力式桥台,重力墩;dead abutment 固定支座;abutment backfill 坝肩回填;abutment deformation 坝肩变形;abutment piece桥台,支座;bridge abutment 桥台abutment pressure 支承压力
abutment stability
【释义】 坝肩稳定性
【例句】 In the report,the necessity to focus attention on the abutment stability is highlighted.报告强调了坝肩稳定性。
accelerated circulation


acceleration time
【例句】Both programs use acceleration time re-cords for dynamic input.两种程序都以加速时间作为动态输入数据。
acceleration-time history method
【释义】 加速度时间历史分析法
【例句】 The acceleration-time history method re-quires a general purpose finite element program or the special purpose computer program called EADHI.加速度时间历史分析法需要通用有限元程序或者叫做 EADHI 的专门软件。
【例句】A typical filtered accelerogram and its double integrated displacements are given as an example and a comparison with the unfiltered ac-celerogram and its respective displacements is al-so made.作为实例,给出了一个典型的经过滤波的 (地震)加速度曲线和一个通过二次积分算得的位移曲线,且和未经滤波的相应记录及其位移进行了比较。|Accelerogram,used for input for the dynamic analysis,provide a simula-tion of the actual response of the structure to the given seismic ground motion through time.用来作为动力分析输入的加速度记录提供了建筑物随时间对地震地面运动的真实反馈的模拟。
【常用搭配】synthetic accelerogram 合成加速度图;uncorrected accelerogram 未校正的加速度记录;earthquake accelerogram 地震加速度图;digitized accelerogram 数字化加速度图
access gallery
【例句】Access galleries should be in sufficient size to permit passage of the largest component of the gates and hoists and equipment required for maintenance.交通廊道应具备足够的空间,以满足闸门、启闭机中的最大组件和维修设备的进出。
access road
access shaft
access tunnel
【例句】The excavation of all materials encoun-tered within the limits of the access tunnels,ventilation tunnels,tailrace tunnels,bus tun-nels,log tunnel,diversion tunnels,tunnel spill-ways,and other tunnels shown on the drawings will be classified as tunnel excavation.对图纸所示的交通洞、通风洞、尾水洞、母线洞、过木洞、导流洞、泄洪洞及其他隧洞所在范围内的所有开挖被定为隧洞开挖。
accumulation of standing water
【常用搭配】measuring accuracy 测量精度;calculation accuracy 计算精度
【例句】In fact you could consider the nurturing of this awareness as fundamental to skills acqui-sition.事实上你可以把培养这种认知作为获得技能的基础。
【常用搭配】data acquisition 数据采集;data acquisition system 数据采集系统,资料获取系统
active fault
【例句】Temporal variation of the seismic activi-ty along the active fault is closely related with similar variations in others.沿活动断层的地震活动性随时间的变化与其他活动断层的类似变化密切相关。
active wedge【图】

active wedge
added mass
【例句】If something comes up later that drasti-cally changes the project it is best to write up an addendum,have all parties sign it,and attach it to the original agreement.如果后来出现会导致工程产生重大变化的因素,最为妥善的做法是就此写一份补遗说明,请各方签字,并将此附在原合同 (协议)之后。
【同义词】 appendix,attachment (多用于email所附的附件),annex,supplement
【例句】No additives will be included in most grout mixes.大多数灌浆材料中将不含任何外加剂。|The compressive strength of the mortar with accelerator additive should be more than 300kgf/sq.cm.加入速凝剂的砂浆的抗压强度应该大于300kgf/cm2。|The kinds and quantity of addi-tives and admixtures shall be determined through tests.采用的外加剂和掺合料的种类及掺量应通过试验确定。
【常用搭配】 retardant additive缓凝剂;acceler-ator additive 速凝剂;superplasticizer additive强塑剂
【例句】 The geologic adequacy of a proposed res-ervoir is as important as the adequacy of a dam-site foundation.拟建水库的地质适宜性与坝基适宜性同样重要。
【常用搭配】geologic adequacy 地质适宜性
【例句】It could be stuck with such adhesive.用这种胶能把它粘住。|Adhesive for application of insulation shall be as recommended by the in-sulation supplier.用于隔热的黏结剂应采用供货商推荐的产品。

【例句】These survey monuments are installed in the exploration adits to monitor deep seated de-formation of the rock slopes at horizontal depths up to 200m into the slope.在勘探平硐里安装测点以监测边坡水平深度达200m范围内的深部变形。|Underground excavation shall consist of all excavation in tunnels,drainage galleries,adits,shafts,underground pumphouse and other chambers.地下开挖包括隧洞、排水廊道、施工支洞、竖井、地下泵房及其他洞室。
【常用搭配】auxiliary adit 辅助平硐,辅助坑道;exploratory adits 勘探平硐,探洞
【例句】Where there exists gently dipped struc-tural plane adjacent to plinth foundation surface,the reinforcement parameters shall be deter-mined through stability analysis and the re-sist ance against grouting pressure.趾板建基面附近存在缓倾角结构面时,加固参数应根据稳定性要求或抗灌浆压力确定。
【常用搭配】 adjustment of the dam layout 大坝布置调整
【常用搭配】burden of proof in admiralty cases海事诉讼举证责任
【例句】 Accelerator is a kind of admixture to regulate setting time and hardening speed of con-crete or mortar.速凝剂是一种调节混凝土或砂浆凝结时间和硬化速度的外加剂。|Fly ash not lower than class Ⅱ or other high quality ad-mixtures should be added into face slab con-crete.面板混凝土中宜掺入不低于Ⅱ级的粉煤灰或其他优质掺合料。
【常用搭配】air-entraining admixture 加气剂;water-reducing admixture 减水剂
【同义词】 additive
adverse slope【图】
【例句】The adverse slope and scarps interfering the compaction of cushion material shall be cut off or backfilled with concrete,or the plinth may be relocated,if necessary.当有妨碍垫层料碾压的反坡和陡坎,应作削坡或回填混凝土处理,或重新调整趾板位置。

adverse slope
aeolian deposit
【例句】Soils deposited by the wind are known as aeolian deposits.因风化、风蚀作用形成的沉积型土被称作风成沉积。
【常用搭配】aeolian deposit loess 风积黄土
【常用搭配】aerated flow 通气量
【例句】Aeration devices will be required.需要曝气装置。
【常用搭配】aeration device 曝气装置
aeration slot【图】
【例句】As the aeration slots can be integrated in the dividing walls,a sufficient air entrain-ment of the aeration devices can be guaranteed.掺气槽可以设在隔墙内,因此保证了掺气装置有足够的掺气量。

aeration slot
【例句】 Afforestation planning shall be made for the powerhouse area.厂房区应该进行绿化规划。
aggrading stream
【例句】Aggrading stream produces deep valley fill.堆积型河流产生深厚的河谷堆积体。
【例句】Field investigations for concrete materi-als before construction are confined chiefly to ex-isting aggregate sources and to locating,explo-ring,and sampling potential sources.工程开工前 对混凝土 材料的现场调查主要限于对现存的骨料源以 及对潜在骨料源的定位、探测以及试验取样。|Aggregates with two grain-size fractions shall be used for face slab concrete.面板混凝土应采用二级配的骨料。
【常用搭配】fine aggregate细骨料;aggregate size骨料粒度;artificial aggregate人工骨料;aggregate source料源;fine aggregate细骨料;coarse aggregate粗骨料;lightweight aggregate轻骨料,轻砂石;specification for concrete ag-gregates混凝土骨料规范
air compressor
【例句】WARNING:Do not use for Reciproca-ting Air Compressor Service.警告:勿用于往复式空气压缩机。
air conditioning
air entraining agent
【例句】Air entraining agent and water reducing agentshall be added into face slab concrete and other kinds of admixtures which can regulate concrete setting time may be applied if necessa-ry.面板混凝土应掺用引气剂和减水剂,根据需要,也可掺用调节混凝土凝结时间的其他种类外加剂。
air vent
air vent pipe
【例句】The orifices of inlet pipe,return pipe and air vent pipe in the same zone are concen-trated.同一灌区的进浆管、回浆管和排气管管口集中。
【例句】Vibration is generally performed by a large one-man,air-driven,spud-type,vibra-tor.振动一般是由一个单人、空气动力、钻探挖掘的大型振动器操作产生的。
air-entraining admixture
【例句】Concrete shall be composed of Portland cement,flyash,water,fine and course aggre-gate,an air-entraining admixture,a water-re-ducing admixture,and for locations shown on the drawings,silica fume.混凝土应由这样一些材料组成:硅酸盐水泥、粉煤灰、水、粗细骨料、加气剂、减水剂以及图中所示部位所需的硅粉。
aliform dam
【例句】The road shall be constructed along the general alignment shown on the drawings.公路应 沿图纸所示的大致线路修建。|After com-pletion of stage 1 foundation excavation,the secondary alignment of plinth should be conduc-ted,and the dam axis may be adjusted properly if necessary.趾板基础一期开挖后,宜作趾板二次定线,必要时可适当调整坝轴线位置。
【例句】The applications of soft X-ray microsco-py in study of alkali-aggregate reaction and calci-um distribution in cement were introduced.在此主要介绍软X射线显微术在水泥碱性骨料反应机理研究以及水泥中钙分布分析的应用。
【中文定义】碱骨料:含碱性成分的骨料,会 与水泥发生碱骨料反应,从而引起混凝土内部疏松、强度降低开裂等。
【例句】Alligatoring the cleaned magnesium or magnesium alloy substrate to ensure that the surface of the substrate is rough.对清洁后的镁或镁合金基体进行糙化处理,以使基体表面粗糙。
【常用搭配】alligatoring fishmounthing [机]鳄口裂纹;alligatoring lacquer 裂纹漆,鳄纹漆
【例句】 With a safety factor 4,the allowable compressive stress would be 10.0MPa according to the Chinese code SD145-85.根据中国规范SD145—85,在保证安全系数4的条件下的最大容许压应力为10.0MPa。
【常用搭配】allowable tensive stress允许拉应力;allowable compressive stress允许压应力
【例句】 Like much of east India,Shahabpur has rich alluvial soil,a gift of the Ganges,which flows three miles to the south.像东印度的大部分地区一样,沙哈普尔具有丰富的冲积土壤,是向南流动3英里的恒河的馈赠。
【常用搭配】 alluvial terraces 冲积平原;alluvial material 冲积物;alluvial fan 冲积扇;alluvial plain 冲积平原
alluvial fan【图】
【例句】Alluvial fans may be used as sources of aggregate,but they often require more than normal processing.冲积扇可以作为骨料源,但一般需对其进行特别的工程处理。

alluvial fan
【例句】When the alluvium contains layers of silty sand or clayed soil,its economic advisabili-ty and safety shall be demonstrated through dam stability and deformation analysis.当冲积层内有粉细砂层、黏性土层时,应结合坝体稳定和变形分析,论证其安全性和经济合理性。
【中文定义】冲积层:冲积层又称淤积层,是 由冲积物组成的沉积层。
altered rock
alternating current(A.C.)
alternative methodology
aluminium alloy
ambient noise level
【例句】 In addition to the principle pyroxene min-eral,the secondary minerals of FeiCui are amphi-bole and feldspar.除了辉石质的主要矿物之外,翡翠的次要矿物主要是闪石和长石。
【常用搭配】artificial amphibole 人造角闪石
【中文定义】 闪石:晶 体 属 斜 方(正交)或 单 斜 晶系的 双 链 结 构 硅 酸 盐矿物族的总称。有直闪石、铁闪石、普通角闪石、蓝闪石等。

amplification factor
【例句】The structural influencing coefficient and displacement amplification factor are calcu-lated and compared with the analysis result of pushover method.计算了结构影响系数和位移放大系数并和推算法的分析结果进行了比较。
【例句】But the test method also reduces the amplitude of the motion,making it harder to detect.但 这 种测试方法同时也降低了运动的振幅,使运动更难被探测到。|Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.声波是根据其振幅来测量的。
【常用搭配】amplitude ratio [电子]振幅比,幅度比率;vibration amplitude 振动振幅,振动强度;amplitude spectrum 振幅谱,振幅频谱
【例句】 A high CFRD of grade 1 or 2 shall be zoned on the basis of embankment material tests,and technical and economic comparison,while other grade CFRD is zoned through pro-jects analogism.1级、2级高混凝土面板堆石坝的坝体分区应在坝料试验的基础上,通过技术经济比较确定,其他的坝可通过工程类比确定。
【释义】n.锚索,锚筋,锚固; v.锚固
【例句】Most rock support consists of grids of multi-strand tendon anchors installed along the major slope faces.大部分边坡的岩体支护由呈框格状布置的多束锚索组成。
【常用搭配】prestressed anchor 预应力锚索;anchor bar 锚筋;rock anchor 岩锚;anchor ca-ble 锚索
【中文定义】锚索:锚索是通过外端固定于坡面,另一端锚固在滑动面以内的稳定岩体中穿过边坡滑动面的预应力钢绞线,直接在滑面上产生抗滑阻力,增大抗滑摩擦阻力,使结构面处于压紧状态,以提高边坡岩体的整体性,从而 从根本上改善岩体的力学性能,有效地控制岩体的位移,促使其稳定,达到整治顺层、滑坡及危岩、危石的目的。
anchor bar
【例句】The plinth shall be anchored to bedrock by anchor bars and the anchor bar's parameters may be drawn up by experiences.趾板应用锚筋与基岩连接,锚筋参数可按经验确定。
【例句】Mechanical anchorage shall be expansion shells made of malleable iron casting or forged steel expansion shells and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A47,“Specification for Melleable Iron Castings”,Grade 32510.机械式锚固件应是由可锻铸铁组成的膨胀外壳或锻钢膨胀外壳,并满足ASTM A47“可锻铸铁技术规范”第32510级的要求。|Block-outcon-crete will consist of all concrete placed in block-outs,gate guides,gate anchorage,trunnions,hoists,and crane rails.预埋件混凝土指闸门导轨、闸门锚座、弧门支座枢轴、启闭机及起重机轨道中的混凝土。


【常用搭配】 anchorage zone 锚固区域;anchorage system 锚定系统;anchorage length 锚固长度;an-chorage force 锚固力,支撑力
【例句】 The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt-thick andes-ite-alkaline rhyolite.巴音布鲁克的火山岩岩石组合以碱性玄武岩-粗安岩-碱性流纹岩为主。
【常用搭配】 basalt andesite 玄武安山岩;horn-blende andesite 角闪安山岩


angle steel
【例句】The suspension coop is welded by the angle steel and channel steel.吊笼由角钢和槽钢焊接而成。
【例句】 In rotation,force becomes torque,mass becomes moment of inertia,and acceleration be-comes angular acceleration.在旋转时,力变成力矩,质量变成转动惯量,加速度变成角加速度。
【例句】 The angularity of the individual soil par-ticles can affect the physical properties of a soil.土壤颗粒的棱角度会影响其土体的物理特性。
【常用搭配】gravel angularity 砾石棱角度
【例句】In most cases,more than one stratum is present,and conditions are nonhomogeneous and anisotropic.在大部分时候,岩土都不只一层,而且是非均质和各向异性的。
【反义词】isotropic 各向同性的
【常用搭配】anisotropic rock masses 各向异性岩体
annual ambient temperature
annual temperature cycle
【释义】 adj.环状的,有环纹的
【例句】Anomalous stress patterns are very common in mountainous areas,which can be explained by the presence of faults and major discontinuities.地应力异常现象在山区很常见,主要是由于断层和大结构面引起。
【例句】The geological anomalies must be recorded during excavation of foundation.地基基础开挖时遇到的地质异常情况需要被记录下来。
anti-binding material
【例句】In normal case,vertical joint is not filled with filler,the joint face shall be coated with a thin asphalt emulsion or other anti-binding material.垂直缝内一般不设填充料,缝面应涂刷薄层沥青乳剂或其他防黏结材料。
【释义】 抗震的
【例句】 The following anti-seismic measures should be taken when design seismic intensity is Ⅷ or Ⅸ.当地震设计烈度为8度或9度时,宜采用下列抗震措施。
【例句】Anti-vibration structure,strong stability at much vibration work field is also very stable.采用抗振强化结构,在振动大的现场工作也非常稳定。
anti-noise telephone
【例句】 In the new study,researchers located grains of the mineral apatite in thin sections from the moon rocks and meteorite.在最新的一项研究中,研究人员在月岩和月陨薄碎片中找到了磷灰石的矿物颗粒。
【例句】Many of these fractures have open apertures of several centimeters.这些裂隙大多张开数厘米。
【例句】 Keeping the dams thickness constant over a certain distance from the apex of the parabola.在距离抛物线顶点一定距离范围内保持坝体厚度不变。
apex angle
【常用搭配】aphanophyric texture 隐晶基斑状结构
【常用搭配】 apparent density 表观密度;apparent cohesion 表观黏聚力
【例句】You will find a complete list of targets in the appendix(see Downloads).您将在附录中找到目标的完整列表(参见下载)。
【例句】Approach or construction ramps on the faces of fills shall be removed before completion of the work.填筑表面的沟槽或施工通道应在完工前予以清除。|The contractor shall operate and maintain the diversion tunnel and its approach and exit channels.承包商应运行及维护导流隧洞及其进出口明渠。

approach channel
approximate simplified method
【例句】 Gravity dam stresses are analyzed by ei-ther approximate simplified methods or the finite element method depending on the refinement re-quired for the particular level of design and the type and configuration of the dam.重力坝应力分析可采用近似简化法或者有限元法,取决于特定设计阶段的要求和坝型及布置。
【常用搭配】canal appurtenances 渠道附属设施
【常用搭配】appurtenant structure 附属结构
appurtenant structure
【例句】The character of both the bedrock and the soils under the dam and under appurtenant struc-tures must be determined.大坝以及附属建筑物下部的基岩以及覆盖层土体特性必须被查明。|The differences lie in the construction methods,concrete mix design,and details of the appurtenant structures.差别在于施工方法、混凝土混合设计和附属结构相关详细内容。
【例句】The safety of apron slabs in plunge pool of high dam is a key problem to success or failure of flood energy dissipation.高坝消力池作为防护下游河床的结构,其自身在高速水流冲击下的安全性是实现消能和防冲目的的关键所在。
【常用搭配】downstream apron 下游护坦

apron extension【图】见“apron”
【例句】The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System,the world's largest,is located under the eastern part of the Sahara desert and spans the political boundaries of Libya,Chad,Sudan and Egypt.世界上最大的努比亚砂岩蓄水系统,位于撒哈拉沙漠东部地区下面,跨越利比亚、乍得、苏丹和埃及。|This paper focuses on the non-steady flow of groundwater in aquifer system with viscoelastic properties.这篇论文探讨了地下水在黏弹性含水层系中的非定常渗流。
【常用搭配】confined aquifer 承压含水层;perched aquifer 上层滞水含水层
【常用搭配】block arcade 街区拱廊,购物拱廊
arch action
arch back
arch crown【图】
【例句】Arch crown shall be divided into some zones for backfill grouting,the length of each zone should not be longer than 3 liner sections.顶拱回填灌浆应分成区段进行,每区段长度不宜大于 3个衬砌段。

arch crown
arch dam【图】
【释义】 拱坝

arch dam(一)

arch dam(二)
【例句】 Simply making the arch dam thicker does not increase the over all safety margin of the project.单纯加厚拱坝并不能增加工程的安全裕度。|Especially in the case of a very high arch dam,the location and tightness of the grout curtain plays an important role.特别在高拱坝工程中,帷幕的位置和密闭性都非常重要。
【常用搭配】double curvature arch dam 双曲拱坝;parabolic double curvature thin arch dam 抛物线型双曲薄拱坝;stone masonry arch dam 浆砌石拱坝;multiple-arch dam 连拱坝
arch dam stress analysis system(ADSAS)
【释义】 拱坝应力分析系统
arch haunch
arch thrust【图】
【例句】Increasing the arch thrust augments the shear stress on the surface of the shearing resistance part,which counteracts the influence of the arch dam crushed rock.由于拱向应力的增大,增大了抗剪面剪应力,从而抵消了坝体下游破碎岩石的影响。

arch thrust
【例句】He obtained a diploma in architecture.他获得了建筑学的文凭。|The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works of architecture.紫禁城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。
【常用搭配】memorial archway 牌坊,牌楼
area capacity
【例句】The as-built drawings of the grouting zone shall be made after the whole grouting zone is formed.整个灌区形成后,必须绘制该灌区灌浆系统的竣工图。
ascending stage grouting method
【例句】 The ascending stage grouting method which a grout hole is drilled to its full depth once and then grouted with installed packer stage by stage from lower to upper until to the orifice of hole.自下而上分段灌浆法就是将灌浆孔一次钻进到底,然后从钻孔的底部往上,逐段安装灌浆塞进行灌浆,直至孔口的灌浆方法。
【例句】The aseismatic fortifition of crucial point branch and lifeline establishment works should be strengthened.应加强要害部门及生命线设施的抗震设防工作。
【常用搭配】aseismatic design 抗震设计
asphaltic concrete
【例句】With the rapid increase of the mileage of asphalt road,segregation of the asphaltic concrete is therefore becoming increasingly prominent.随着目前高速公路沥青路面通车里程的快速增加,沥青混合料离析这一难题也日益突出。
【常用搭配】hot mixed asphaltic concrete 热拌沥青混凝土;asphaltic concrete mixer 沥青混凝土拌和机;coarse graded asphaltic concrete 粗级配沥青混凝土
【例句】The steel penstock assembling will start from the lower vertical bend in both directions.压力钢管拼装将由垂直弯段下部双向进行。|Multi-strand anchors shall be assembled prior to placement in boreholes.在装入钻孔前,多束锚索应装配好。
【释义】 v.评价,评估
【例句】 What they need now are not new program ideas,which they have in abundance,but new ways of paying for and assessing them.他们现在需要的,不是新的计划——这些东西他们已有很多,而是新的支付和评估方法。
【释义】美国试验材料学会(American Society for Testing Material)
【例句】Typhoon surges encounter highest tide of astronomical tides is not rare.台风过程最大增水与天文潮高潮相遇并非罕见。
【常用搭配】astronomical tides 天文潮
【例句】The case of asymmetrical opening of the gates should be considered.应该考虑闸门不对称打开问题。
atmosphere pressure
【例句】The atmosphere pressure gradient is an inverse measure of the spacing of the isobars on a weather map.气压梯度与天气图上等压线的间隔大小成反比。
at-rest state
【释义】n.[物] 衰减,变薄,稀释
【例句】That's because low-frequency electromag netic waves pass through skin with little attenuation,a route that also shelters them from outside interference.因为低频电磁波通过皮肤衰减很小,这个通路也可以保护信号不受外界干扰。
【常用搭配】 signal attenuation 信号衰减;attenuation distance 衰减距离;cable attenuation 电缆衰减;output attenuation 输出衰减;attenua-tion characteristic 衰减特性;attenuation losses衰减损失
attenuation relationship
【例句】Select the attenuation relationships for the candidate earthquakes.为可能的地震选取衰减关系。
auger boring
【例句】The equipment,drilling tools,drilling process and technical features of the dry auger boring method should be clearly determined with reference to the field cases.干燥螺旋钻孔方式所使用的钻孔工具、钻孔流程以及工程技术特点应根据具体工程实例决定。
auger drilling
【释义】 v.增加,补充
automatic recorder
【例句】 The automatic recorder of grouting pa-rameter shall be used in curtain grouting and high pressure consolidation grouting for impor-tant projects.重要工程的帷幕灌浆和高压固结灌浆应使用灌浆自动记录仪。
【例句】Rock excavation for auxiliary power-house NO.2 is shown on the drawings.第二副厂房的岩石开挖如图纸所示。
auxiliary spillway
auxiliary equipment
【例句】 Facilities including the occupation of land,buildings and structures,machinery and equip-ment,auxiliary equipment.设施包括占用的土地、建筑物和构筑物、机器设备、辅助设备。
auxiliary generator
auxiliary plant
auxiliary powerhouse【图】
【例句】Auxiliary powerhouse No.1 concrete will con-sist of all concrete placed in the auxiliary power-house No.1.第一副厂房混凝土包括所有浇于第一副厂房的混凝土。

auxiliary powerhouse(一)

auxiliary powerhouse(二)
【例句】The avalanche effects of employing au-tomatic control in the production of goods were not all obvious.在商品生产中使用自动控制所产生的雪崩效应,并不都是那么明显。
【常用搭配】avalanche voltage [电子] 雪崩电 压,[电子] 突崩电;avalanche engine 雪崩引 擎;avalanche load 雪崩荷载
average runoff
【释义】 adj.轴的,轴向的
【例句】 These studies,as well as Tensile Strength and Torque/Axial Force Tests confirm that Hard Lock Nuts maintain a stable tightened condition,regardless of the type of impact to which they are exposed.这些测验,连同张力和扭力/轴向力测试,证实了强力锁紧螺母无论在何种冲击的影响下仍然保持稳定的锁紧状态。
【常用搭配】axial force 轴向力;axial load 轴向载荷,轴向负荷,轴向荷载
axial hydraulic thrust force
【释义】 adj.轴向流动的,轴流
【例句】 Experiment results indicate that the me-chanical and aerodynamical performances on the new two-stage axial-flow compressor have met the design requirements.试验结果表明,新的双级轴流压气机实验台在机械性能和气动性能两个方面均达到了预定的设计要求。
axial-flow fan
【例句】They are generally round but stretch longer along one axis than along the other.总体上它们是圆的,但沿一根轴比另一根轴延伸得要更长一些。
axis of dam【图】

axis of dam
azimuth angle