Installing Stencyl and testing the setup
We've had a look at what Stencyl can do and how we are going to learn to use it. So, let's jump right into the next vital step and install Stencyl. The following section of the book is split into four parts. The first three parts will explain how to install and run Stencyl on each of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and the fourth part will step through creating an account and quickly testing Stencyl to make sure that everything is working.
Once we have Stencyl up and running, we'll head off into Chapter 2, Let's make a game!, where we'll quickly progress with the development of our first game.
Installing Stencyl
Let's look at how to install Stencyl on each of the three desktop platforms that it supports: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Microsoft Windows
Stencyl will currently install on the versions of Windows listed as follows:
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
The download and installation methods are the same for each version of Windows, but the following screenshots have been captured in Windows 7.