2.2 Symbols
2.2.1 Actions and Action Effects
G—Permanent load
Q—Variable load
N—Design value of axial force
M—Design value of bending moment
pk—Average pressure on the bottom of foundation in case of typical combination of load effects
pkmax,pkmin—The maximum and the minimum pressure on the edge of foundation bottom in case of typical combination of load effects
Qk—Vertical force applied to a single pile of piled foundation in case of typical combination of load effects
Hk—Horizontal force applied to a single pile in case of typical combination of load effects
s—Settlement:Clear distance between two foundations
2.2.2 Calculation Data
Es—Compression modulus of soil
fak—Characteristic value of soil bearing capacity
fa—Corrected characteristic value of soil bearing capacity
Ra—Characteristic value of vertical bearing capacity of a single pile
RHa—Characteristic value of horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile
φ—Angle of side slope in foundation pit
2.2.3 Geometric Data
b—Width of foundation bottom(the minimum side length);or side length of foundation bottom in the torque application direction
H—Max.head height;foundation thickness
h—Thickness of concrete wall or slab;difference between the bottom elevations of two foundations
h0—Effective height of cross-section
d—Diameter of bolt;diameter of reinforcing bar