2 Normative References
The clauses in following documents have become the clauses in this part after quoted by this Part.For dated references,any of subsequent changing pages(excluding the contents in corrigenda)or revisions are not applicable to this Part.For undated references,the latest edition of the following documents are applicable to this Part.
GB 50235-1997 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Metallic Piping
GB 50375 Evaluating Standard for Excellent Quality of Building Engineering
DL 5031-1994 Technical Code of Erection and Acceptance for Electric Power Construction(Piping Section)
DL/T 441-2004 Supervision Code for Creep Strain of Steam Pipe in High Temperature and High Pressure in Fossil Fuel Power Plant
DL/T 852-2004 Guide for Boiler Start-up Commissioning Test
DL/T 869 Technical Code of Welding for Power Plant