7 Integrated Arrangement of Pipeline
7.1 General Requirements
7.1.1 Integrated arrangement of pipeline shall be designed in a way as considering it and the design of general layout,vertical arrangement,transportation and vegetation as a whole,with pipeline as short and straight as possible.Efforts shall be made to develop a coordinated,compact,safe,cost effective design for the arrangement between pipelines and between pipeline and buildings/structures,while achieving the effect of a nice-looking plant area.
7.1.2 The pipeline laying method shall be determined according to the nature of media to be conveyered,process requirement,production requirement,safety requirement,traffic requirement,construction requirement,maintenance requirement,natural condition and site condition as well as the result of techno-economic comparison.
7.1.3 On the premise that technical and safety requirements are fulfilled,different kinds of pipelines shall be laid on the same support or pole,in the same trench,directly buried in the same channel,and in such a multi-layer way as arranging the underground pipe trench or cable tunnel under the pipe gallery(support)as far as practical.
7.1.4 Pipes for liquid of Category A,B,C and combustible and toxic gas shall be laid in the pipe gallery or on the support.If there are difficulties in doing so,the pipes may be buried in the ground.However,the pipeline for conveying the producer gas,water gas,semi-water gas,blast furnace gas and converter gas which has high concentration of carbon oxide(CO)shall not be buried in the ground.
7.1.5 In the integrated design,pipelines should be arranged by category on two sides of the road and parallel to the road.The trunk pipe should be arranged on the side which is close to major consumers or where there are many branch pipes.In normal case,it should be avoided to make the pipes cross the road from one side to the other.
7.1.6 If the media is toxic,combustible,inflammable and explosive,their conveying pipeline must not pass through the buildings,structures,process devices,production units and storage tank areas which have nothing to do with the pipeline.
7.1.7 Permanent pipelines above or under the ground should not pass through the process equipment or production units which have nothing to do with the pipeline,nor should they pass through the open air storage yards,buildings,structures and the lands for long-term development.
7.1.8 Where possible,the pipeline should not intersect other pipelines or railways and roads.If intersection is unavoidable,it should be a perpendicular crossing.In case an oblique crossing is a must,the intersecting angle should not be smaller than 45°.If the pipeline has to intersect the railway and road,the intersections shall coincide at one point wherever possible.
7.1.9 Ancillary structures of the adjacent pipelines shall be arranged in a staggered way.Ancillary structures of the elevated pipelines should be arranged within the vertical projection area of the pipe or pipe gallery.Structures of underground pipeline should not be arranged within the road crossing area.
7.1.10 For the iron and steel enterprise to be developed by stages,its pipelines design shall be made in such a concept as having an overall plan for the whole,making compact arrangement for the short-run project,finding coordination between short-run project and long-run project,while affecting not the use of land for long-term development.
7.1.11 If the plant is built in mountain area with complex terrain conditions,the existing terrain shall be made the most of and the geological hazards such as mountain torrents,debris flow,etc.shall be avoided as far as the pipeline laying is concerned.
7.1.12 In the pipeline design for renovation or extension project,the newly installed pipeline shall not affect the use of the existing ones.In case the distance between pipelines cannot meet the requirements herein,it may be reduced to some extent provided effective measures are taken to assure safety of construction,maintenance and use.
7.1.13 In case of interferences during the integrated arrangement of various pipelines,the following requirements shall be complied with under the premise that production and safety conditions are met:
1 Priority is given to the existing pipe over the newly designed one.
2 Priority is given to the gravity-flow pipe over pressure pipe.
3 Priority is given to the pipe with bigger diameter over the one with smaller diameter.
4 Priority is given to the pipe which is not easily bent over the easily bent one.
5 Priority is given to the permanent pipe over the temporary one.
6 Priority is given to the pipe demanding more construction work over the one demanding less.
7 Priority is given to the pipe of which construction and maintenance is not easy over the one of which such work is easy.