Unit 11
符合 父亲 付款 负责 复印 复杂 富 改变 干杯 赶 敢 感动
搭配:符合标准to meet the standard;符合要求to be up to the criteria;符合条件to quality for sth
例句:他的说法和事实并不符合。His statement doesn’t accord with the fact.
王红的条件完全符合公司的要求。Wang Hong is totally qualified with the company’s requirement.
搭配:父亲节Father’s Day;我的父亲母亲my father and mother
例句:父亲对孩子的成长有很重要的影响。A father has a very important influence on a child’s growth.
我很少得到父亲的表扬。I seldom receive my father’praise.
搭配:分期付款divided payments;hire purchase;付款方式payment terms;信用卡付款to pay with a credit card;当场付款to pay on the nail
例句:有的人买东西的时候喜欢用信用卡付款,不喜欢用现金付款。Some like paying for the bill by credit card instead of paying cash.
他买了一台电脑,是分期付款的,每月还1000元。He bought a computer on hire purchases,paying1000RMB each month.
搭配:负责人person in charge;认真负责be responsible;对……负责be responsible for...
例句:经理让我负责这儿的工作。The manager asks me to be in charge of the work here.
王东对工作非常负责。Wang Dong is a very responsible person at work.
搭配:复印机a photocopier;复印材料to duplicate a document
例句:王东在办公室里复印材料。Wang Dong is making a copy of the material at the office.
李红不会用复印机。Li Hong can’t use the photocopier.
搭配:情况复杂a complicated situation;复杂的问题a complicated problem
例句:这份工作看起来简单,其实非常复杂。This work is more complicated than it looks.
我们面对的是一个很复杂的问题。We’re facing a complicated problem.
搭配:富人a rich person;富有be rich in...;富贵be rich and powerful
例句:他富起来以后,帮助了很多人。He helps a lot of people after becoming rich.
只有国家富起来,人们的生活才能好起来。Our citizen can have a better life only after our country becomes rich and strong.
搭配:改变自己to change oneself;改变世界to change the world;发生改变to undergo a change
例句:王东这次的表现,改变了经理对他的看法。Wang Dong’s action changed the manager’s opinion.
他的生活发生了很大的改变。His life has changed a lot.
搭配:干一杯cheers;bottoms up;为……干杯to propose a toast for
例句:他站起来说:“来!大家一起为明天的幸福生活干杯!”He stood up and said:“Cheers!
Let’s drink to tomorrow’s happy life!”
我先干了这一杯。I will drink this glass of wine up first.
搭配:赶路to press ahead;赶上to catch up with sth;赶时间be in a hurry
例句:你最好现在就走,要不就赶不上火车了。You’d better go now,otherwise you’ll miss the train.
最近公司很忙,我得天天加班赶活儿。Recently our company is very busy,and I have to do extra work every day.
搭配:敢说to dare to speak;敢想to dare to think
例句:经理很生气,大家都不敢说话。The manager is very angry,so no one dare to speak a word.
我的汉语不好,不敢跟中国人说话。I don’t have the courage to speak to any Chinese people,because my Chinese is not good enough.
搭配:深受感动be moved by;感动世界to move the whole world
例句:他感动得说不出话来。He was moved beyond words.
我被李红的话感动了。I was moved by Li Hong’s words.
A符合 B富 C父亲 D复印 E复杂 F负责
1.王东的( )在大使馆工作。
2.找一下你们这儿的( )人。
3.你来检查一下,我做的是不是( )要求?
4.现在事情变得越来越( )了,别想得那么简单。
B:他刚刚到三楼( )材料去了。
B:她家里( )得很,两三千的眼镜算不了什么。
A改变 B干杯 C付款 D感动 E赶 F敢
7.他只记得自己不断地和别人( ),怎么回家的都记不清楚了。
8.经理的做法让我( )极了。
9.她试着( )了一下方法,果然把问题解决了。
10.早点睡,明天还要( )路呢!
11.A:在网上买东西怎么( )啊?
12.A:我怕黑,不( )一个人睡。
1.改变吗 你 他的 感觉不到_________________________________________________
2.得 来 父亲 说不出话 感动________________________________________________
3.人 是个 丰富的 李红 感情________________________________________________
4.材料 我负责 这部分 打印出来 把__________________________________________
5.复杂性 已经 事情的 王东 知道了__________________________________________
