Unit 10
烦恼 反对 方法 方面 方向 房东 放弃 放暑假 放松 份 丰富 否则
搭配:自找烦恼invite trouble;很多烦恼a lot of troubles
例句:她也说不清楚自己为什么烦恼。She can’t explain her own troubles clearly.
她最近为孩子上学的事情而烦恼。She has been worried about her child’s schooling these days.
搭配:反对意见an objection;反对的声音voices of disapproval
例句:全世界人民都反对战争,希望和平。The people all over the world long for peace and stand firm against the war.
女儿反对我的这个决定。My daughter objected my decision.
搭配:学习方法a learning method;科学方法a scientific method
例句:我觉得你的学习方法有问题。I think you have some problems with your learning methods.
大家认为李红的这个方法怎么样?What do you think about Li Hong’s method?
搭配:三个方面three aspects;家庭方面in aspect of family;生活方面in aspect of life
例句:这件事不能只从这一个方面去考虑。This problem cannot be considered from only one perspective.
这孩子在学习方面是不用人担心的。We needn’t worry about this child’s study.
搭配:失去方向to lose one’s direction;发展方向the direction of development;direction trend
例句:成功不仅需要努力,还需要一个正确的方向。We need both diligence and a correct direction to gain success.
有没有人知道,王东刚才是往哪个方向走的?Anyone know in which direction did Wang Dong go?
搭配:找房东to go to see the landlord;当房东to be a landlord
例句:他把房子租给别人住了,他现在是房东。He is the landlord now since he has rented his house out.
我想当房东,想把房子租出去。I want to be the landlord and rent my house out.
搭配:放弃爱情to give up one’s love;放弃工作to abandon one’s job
例句:他放弃了这次去北京总公司参观的机会。He gave up the chance to visit the head office in Beijing.
要成为一个成功的画家太难,所以他放弃了。It is too hard to become a successful painter.So he had to give up this dream.
例句:妈妈说今年放暑假的时候带我去北京。My mother said she would go to Beijing with me this summer vacation.
现在的孩子太累了,放暑假也没有时间玩。Nowadays,the children are too much burdened to have playing time even in the summer vacation.
搭配:放松身体to relax one’s body;放松肌肉to loosen one’s muscles;放松心情to get relaxed
例句:你的肌肉太紧张了,应该放松放松。Loosen your muscles.They’re too rigid.
要是放松学习,你的成绩就会下降。You can’t afford to relax yourself,otherwise your grades will go down.
搭配:一份工作a job;两份材料two copies of materials;三份报纸three pieces of newspapers
例句:王东把我的那份材料拿走了。Wang Dong took away my materials.
那份今天的早报放哪儿去了?Where is today’s morning paper?
搭配:丰富多样be rich and varied;资源丰富be abundant in resources;丰富知识to enrich one’s knowledge
例句:这本书的内容很丰富。This book is rich in content.
超市里商品非常丰富。The goods in this supermarket are rich and varied.
多读书可以丰富词汇。Extensive reading can enlarge my vocabulary.
例句:今天很冷,你要多穿一些衣服,否则会感冒的。Today is very cold.You’d better put on more clothes otherwise you’ll catch a cold.
我们得在八点之前出发,否则会迟到的。We have to set out before eight,or we’ll be late.
你得把你的签证材料准备好,否则你很可能拿不到签证。You must get your documents for visa well-prepared.Otherwise you’ll fail to get the visa.
A烦恼 B方法 C方面 D方向 E反对 F放弃
1.你要从多个( )来看这个问题。
2.这么好的机会,你怎么能( )呢?
3.风是从西北( )过来的。
4.这件事应该还有更好的解决( )。
B:他很不诚实,( )他的人很多。
6.A:你怎么了?有什么( )吗?
A放暑假 B房东 C份 D丰富 E放松 F否则
7.我打算( )的时候去上海的小姨家。
8.你快点儿把衣服穿上,( )会感冒的。
9.每月8号是我给( )交房租的日子。
10.阿姨,给我拿( )今天的报纸。
B:旅游,我要( )一下。
12.A:今天的饭菜这么( ),是什么节日吗?
1.三分之二的 都反对 超过 同学 这个决定___________________________________
2.他 放弃了 这次 机会 出国的______________________________________________
3.哪个方向 火车站的 不知道 我 是去________________________________________
4.单方面的 他 不过是 这 想法______________________________________________
5.放暑假的 他 不想 时候 回家______________________________________________
