Unit 2 Body Language II身体语言(二)
Section 1 Basic 初级基础
□don't pay much attention to 我不会非常关注/关心/留意/在意
□read up on 仔细研究,熟读
□No wonder/It's no wonder... 怪不得
□I was just beginning to think 我原先还以为
□feel like a guinea pig/a canary in a coal mine 感觉像一只小白鼠
1. don't pay much attention to
释 I don't care about/listen to...我不会非常关注/关心/留意/在意
例 I don't pay much attention to that gossip mongering any more. It's so uncouth.
2. read up on
释 read about a subject matter to become more familiar with it仔细研究,熟读
例 I enjoy reading up on the latest science articles in Astronomy Today.
3. No wonder/It's no wonder...
释 It's no surprise then that怪不得
例 You've spent the last of your savings. No wonder you're broke.
4. I was just beginning to think
释 I was just starting to think/I was beginning to wonder我原先还以为
例 Good thing your idea was correct. I was just beginning to think you were mad.
5. feel like a guinea pig/a canary in a coal mine
释 feel like a person on which something is being tested for the first time感觉像一只小白鼠
例 I felt like a guinea pig, when my biology teacher asked me to stand in front of the class to show my teeth.
Bob: I've never seen so many cameras and monitors in a department store before.
Tina: You're very observant.Most people don't pay much attention to them.
Bob: I was reading up on some of the high-tech equipment that stores have these days.
Tina: Ah!No wonder!I was just beginning to think you had been watching too many spy movies.
Bob: So here's what's interesting. Many leading department stores do research on their customers, so they observe customers while they're shopping.
Tina: Observe?I'm starting to feel like a guinea pig in a research lab.
Bob: Don't worry. It's harmless. They simply watch customers as they shop, to find out what customers like and don't like, what they notice and don't notice.
Tina: That's easy. Just put everything I need in the same area and I'm happy. Don't put shoes on the first floor and pants on the third floor. Oh yeah, and hire plenty of cashiers, so we don't have to line up behind just one on each floor.
Bob: Well, someone's listening, I'm sure.
在美国,驾照不仅是开车的资格证明文件,更是一种广泛使用的身份证件。出门在外,买车、租车、买保险、住旅馆、开支票、签信用卡等,几乎都能用到它。相对来说,在美国申请驾照是一件很容易的事情。与中国一样,在美国考驾照也是由笔试和路考两部分组成,至于考试内容和难度则是由各个州的相关部门自己把握。关于笔试,主要考交通规则。考生可以到附近的机动车辆管理局(DMV, Department of Motor Vehicles)索取一本该州汽车驾驶规则。当交通规则准备好之后,就可以申请笔试了。笔试合格后,考生即可领到一张限期一年的学习驾驶执照(Instruction Permit)。一年期限内,一般有三次路考(road test)机会。有了学习驾驶执照,就可以找已有驾照的家人或朋友学习,或者花钱去驾校学习。路考时,必须要有持有驾照的家人或朋友陪同。