Section 2 介绍自己
15. 让我来介绍一下自己。
Let me do some introduction.
introduction 介绍
A: May I have your name? 我能知道你的名字吗?
B: Let me do some introduction. My name is Lucy. 让我来介绍一下自己。我叫露西。
16. 我毕业于北京大学,专业是国际贸易。
I graduated from Peking University and my major is international trade.
graduate from 从……毕业
international trade 国际贸易
A: Mr. Li, where did you graduate from and what’s your major? 李先生,您毕业于哪所学校,专业是什么?
B: I graduated from Peking University and my major is international trade. 我毕业于北京大学,专业是国际贸易。
● 请问您的专业是什么?May I know what are you specialized in?
● 我主修国际贸易。I major in international trade.
你知道吗 常见学科专业:
Mechanics 力学
Architecture 建筑学
Mechanic Engineering机械工程
Philosophy 哲学
Logic 逻辑学 Medicine医学
Law 法学
Mathematics 数学
Statistics 统计学
Diplomacy 外交学
Education 教育学
Management Science 管理学
Literature 文学
Linguistics 语言学
Journalism 新闻学
Art 艺术学
Economics 经济学
Film 电影学
Geography 地理学
Physics 物理学
Chemistry 化学
Astronomy 天文学
Meteorology 气象学
Biology 生物学
Genetics 遗传学
Ecology 生态学
17. 我获得了北京大学的英语学士学位。
I have a B.A. degree in English from Peking University.
A: So what is your degree in? 你是什么专业的学位?
B: I have a B.A. degree in English from Peking University. 我获得了北京大学的英语学士学位。
18. 我的专长是英语。
My specialty is English.
A: How would you describe yourself? 你怎样描述自己?
B: I’m a diligent worker with years of experience, and my specialty is English. 我是一个勤奋的员工,有着多年的工作经验,我的专长是英语。
A: Oh really? What was your major? 哦,真的?那你的专业是什么?
你知道吗 specialty意为“专业,特长”,强调某人特别专注或专门从事的事或技能等,例如:
● My specialty is history. 我专修历史。
● My specialty is art. 美术是我的特长。
● My specialty is dumplings. 包饺子是我拿手的。
19. 我是个很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。
I am a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.
sensitive 敏感的
determined 坚决的
A: What do you think about yourself? 你觉得自己怎么样?
B: I am a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person. 我是个很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。
● 她很友善,我们都爱和她一起工作。
She is very friendly and we all like to work with her.
● 他非常有决心,几乎没有事情能够动摇他。
He is very determined and nearly nothing can influence him.
20. 我是那种谁有问题都可以找我的人。
I’m the person who gets called on if anyone has a problem.
call on请求
A: I’m the person who gets called on if anyone has a problem. 我是那种谁有问题都可以找我的人。
B: So, you must be very popular among your colleagues. 那你一定在同事间大受欢迎。
● 我是那种别人有困难时可以提供帮助的人。
I’m the one who will be helpful if anyone has trouble.
● 我的朋友在遇到困难的时候都愿意来找我。
My friends are willing to consult me when they have some trouble.
● 和亲密的朋友进行一次心与心的交流能帮你脱离困苦。
Having a heart-to-heart talk with a close friend will help you get out of the trouble.
21. 我是那种喜欢在生活中冒险的人。
I’m the kind of person who is always willing to take adventures in life.
take adventure 冒险
A: Why do you want this job? 你为什么想要这份工作?
B: I’m the kind of person who is always willing to take adventures in life. 我是那种喜欢在生活中冒险的人。
● 我喜欢在生活中有一些变化,所以我相信那种具有挑战性的工作就是我的理想工作。
I’d love to have some changes in my life so I believe a challenging job is my ideal one.
● 我不太喜欢舒适和一成不变的工作环境。
I don’t like the too comfortable and unchangeable working environment.
22. 我是一个富有团队精神的人。
I’m a good team player.
A: What’s your best quality? 你最大的优点是什么?
B: I’m a good team player. 我是一个富有团队精神的人。
23. 我是个勤奋的人,并且我喜欢各种各样的挑战。
I’m a hard-working man and I love a variety of challenges.
A: How do you comment on yourself? 你怎么评价你自己?
B: I’m a hard-working man and I love a variety of challenges. 我是个勤奋的人,喜欢各种各样的挑战。
a variety of 各种各样的……comment on 对……评论
● 我是一个活泼的女孩,并且喜欢迎接新的挑战。
I am a lively girl who is glad to meet new challenges.
24. 我是个做事积极的人,而且我能和他人合作得很好。
I’m a self-starter and I can cooperate well with others.
self-starter 做事主动的人cooperate 合作
A: What do you think about yourself? 你觉得自己怎么样?
B: I’m a self-starter and I can cooperate well with others. 我是个做事积极的人,而且我能和他人合作得很好。
● 我是那种有极强的责任感和积极工作态度的人。
I am that kind of person who has a high sense of responsibility and active work attitude.
● 我可以跟别人很好地合作。I can make cooperation well with others.
25. 我很幽默,也很乐观。
I have a good sense of humor and I am optimistic.
A: I have a good sense of humor and I am optimistic. 我很幽默,也很乐观。
B: Then you must be very fit for this job. 那么你一定很适合这份工作。
have a good sense of... 有良好的……感optimistic 乐观的be fit for 适合……
● 我很幽默,并且对生活保持着积极的态度。
I’m very humorous and I have a positive attitude toward life.
26. 我不害怕去一个新的环境,或者是学习一些新的、难的事情。
I’m not afraid of coming to a new environment, or learning new and difficult things.
A: I’m not afraid of coming to a new environment, or learning new and difficult things. 我不害怕去一个新的环境,或者是学习一些新的、难的事情。
B: That’s to say you have a strong adaptability. 也就是说,你的适应能力很强。
adaptability 适应性
● 我愿意学习新事物。I’m willing to learn something new.
● 学习新知识或接触到新的人总是让我很兴奋。
I am always excited about learning new things and meeting new people.
27. 我在面对压力的时候可以自我调节。
I can work under pressure by self-regulation.
A: How do you continue with your assignment in an orderly manner in such a mess? 在这种乱糟糟的情况下,你怎么能有条不紊的继续工作?
B: I can work under pressure by self-regulation. 我在面对压力的时候可以自我调节。
in a mess凌乱无序self-regulation 自我调节
● 我擅长自我控制。I’m good at self-controlling.
28. 我认为自己是个热情、善解人意又聪明的人。
I think I am an enthusiastic, understanding and smart person.
A: What’s your personality? 你的性格是怎么样的?
B: I think I am an enthusiastic, understanding and smart person. 我认为我是个热情、善解人意并且聪明的人。
personality 性格
你知道吗 understanding 在此处用来形容人物性格,是“善解人意的”意思,与considerate意思相近。常用形容人物好性格的词汇有:honest 诚实的;virtuous 善良的;knowledgeable 知识渊博的;modest 谦虚的;tough 坚强的等。
29. 我总是精力充沛,做事很有热情,这是我最大的特点。
I am always energetic and enthusiastic, which is my strongest personality.
A: Can you describe your personality? 你能描述下自己的性格吗?
B: I am always energetic and enthusiastic, which is my strongest personality. 我总是精力充沛,做事很有热情,这是我最大的特点。
● 充满热情是我突出的个性。Being enthusiastic is my outstanding character.
● 我最大的特点是幽默,这总能让别人开心。
My strongest personality is humorous, which makes others happy.
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
Mr. Hanson: You are Mr. Tom, right? I’m Hanson.
Mr. Tom: Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hanson.
Mr. Hanson: Nice to meet you, too. First, tell me a little about yourself, please.
Mr. Tom: All right. I graduated from Peking University two years ago. My major was international trade.
Mr. Hanson: According to your resume, you’ve been working for an import and export company in Beijing since you graduated. What are your responsibilities there?
Mr. Tom: I’m responsible for exporting cotton to several European countries.
Mr. Hanson: So you must have a good command of English.
Mr. Tom: Yes. All my clients think my English is good.
1. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hanson.
初次见面,礼节是很重要的。当别人说Nice to meet you. 或Glad to see you. 时,我们常用Nice to meet you, too. 或者Glad to see you, too. 来回答。其实更为简洁的回答是:My pleasure.;My honor. 或者It’s my honor.。
2. First, tell me a little about yourself, please.
Could you tell me about yourself? 首先,请做一下自我介绍。
Can you introduce yourself? 你能做下自我介绍吗?
Can you tell me your name, please? 能告诉我你的名字吗?
May I ask your age? 请问你多大了?
Where are you from? 你来自哪里?
Where is your permanent place? 你永久居住地在哪里?