第三章(Chapter 3)提高业绩英语
Unit 13 高业绩的开场白
Thank you so much for having me
01 Thank you so much for having me.
02 You wiII Iove our products.
Watch our 03 demonstration.
04 You wiII be convinced.
05 This wouId be a great buy.
06 Let me teII you about our service.

appreciate 感激
opportunity 机会
convinced 被说服
superior 优越的
option 选择
unfortunateIy 不幸
research 研究
cataIog 目录
M:I appreciate(感激)the opportunity(机会)to meet with you today.
Thank you so much for having me.
W:No problem.
We are excited to hear about your new product.
M:You will love what this new automated answering system can do for your business.
W:Yes. We have heard a lot about it.
M:Watch our computer demonstration.
You will be convinced(被说服)that our product is superior.(优越的)
W:Yes. I would have to agree with you.
It seem s to offer more options(选择)than the others.
业务应用会话(Practice, Listen&Repeat)
W:If you have a little cash to spend, this would be a great buy.
M:UnfortunateIy,(不幸)I'm broke right now.
M:I know that long-term bonds aren't the best return for your money.
But if you do not want risk, you should look into them.
W:I'll do so mere search(研究)and get back with you.
What do you think about the products in our new c ataIog?(目录)
Let me tell you about an investment that would be the opportunity of a life time.