第二节 国外情景分析法研究与应用
一 国外情景分析法研究状况
情景分析法在西方已有60多年的历史。该方法最早用在军事上,20世纪40年代末,美国兰德公司的国防分析员对核武器可能被敌对国家利用的各种情形加以描述,这可以看做情景分析法研究及应用的开始。第二次世界大战期间,Herman Kahn和其他学者进一步研究并应用该方法。20世纪70~80年代,壳牌石油的Pierre Wack的深入研究及应用使情景分析方法逐渐成形。
近年来,有关情景分析方法的理论研究快速增加,应用范围也日益广泛。国外学者及管理者对情景分析法的理论研究主要侧重于对情景、情景分析、情景分析过程等基本概念和方法的研究,有关研究从多个角度完善情景分析法的理论基础,如有专家在情景分析的基础上引入概率理论,对专家观点进行定量分析。同时,国外研究不仅重视情景分析自身领域的研究,并延伸到其他相关领域,如Jutta和Martin提出利用JPT表(Joint Probility table)来减少不一致性现象,George Burt
Celeste Amorim Varum和Carla Melo对近年来发表的与情景分析有关的文章研究后认为,近年来,研究情景分析的文章数量呈快速上升趋势,2004~2006年,每年上升14%,并且,超过70%的文章是近年发表的。文章主要发表在40个左右的出版物上,其中,主要发表在三个杂志上:Futures(26%), Technological Forecasting and Social Change(15%)和Long Range Planning(13%)
表1-2 情景分析研究成果类型(按理论与方法分)

表1-3 情景分析研究成果类型(按研究组织对象分)

表1-4 情景分析研究成果类型(按学科类别分)

二 国外代表性研究成果
根据Celeste Amorim Varum和Carla Melo的研究,截至2006年,Kees Van der Heijden是发表相关论文最多的作者(6篇),紧随其后的是George Wright(5篇)、George Burt(4篇)、Thomas Chermack(4篇)。还有很多发表2~3篇相关文章的作者。
不过被引用最高的3篇文章都是P. J. H. Schoemaker的作品,文章如下:
•P. J. H. Schoemaker, “When and how to use scenario planning-a heuristic approach with illustration”, Journal of Forecasting, 10(1991), pp.549-564.
•P. J. H. Schoemaker, “Multiple scenario development-its conceptual and behavioural foundation”, Strategic Management Journal, 14(1993), pp.193-213.
•P. J. H. Schoemaker, “Scenario planning-a tool for strategic thinking”, Sloan Management Review, 36(1995), pp.25-40.
•A. Ghosh and S. L. McLafferty, “Locating stores in uncertain environments-a scenario planning approach”, Journal of Retailing, 58(1982), pp.5-22.
•W. R. Huss and E. J. Honton, “Scenario planning-what style should you use”, Long Range Planning, 20(1987), pp.21-29.
•K. M. Eisenhardt. “Strategy as strategic decision making”, Sloan Man agement Review, 40(1999), pp.65-72.
•D. Myers and A. Kitsuse, “Constructing the future in planning: a survey of theories and tools”, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 19(2000), pp.221-231.
•M. Godet, “The art of scenarios and strategic planning: tools and pitfalls”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 65(2000), pp.3-22.
1967年,Herman Kahn和Wiener合著的《2000年——关于未来33年猜想的框架》中,最早对Scenario进行了比较系统的解释。近年来,一些学者对情景分析理论进行了较为全面的研究,代表性人物主要有:Schoemaker, Porter M. E, Fahey, Lena Bõrjeson, Fink等。
•Herman Kahn and Anthony J. Wiener, The Year 2000 A Framework for Speculation on the Next Thirty-Three Years, The Macmillan Company, New York, N. Y. Collier-Macmillan Limited, London, 1967, pp.262-264.
•Brauers J. , Weber M. , “A new method of scenario analysis for strategic planning”, Journal of Forcasting, 1988(7), pp.31-47.
•Morgan M. G. , Henrion M. , Uncertainty: a guide to dealing with uncertainty in quantitative risk and policy analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press.1990, p.344.
•Finkel, Adam, Confronting Uncertainty in Risk Management(Resources for the Future, Washington DC), 1990.
•Schoemaker, Paul J. H. , “Scenario planning: a tool for strategic thinking”. Sloan Management Review, 1995, 36(02), pp.25-40.
•R. P. Bood and Th. J. B. M. Postma. , Strategic learning with scenarios. Eur. Manag. J.15 6(1997), pp.633-647.
•Alexander Fink, Oliver Schlake, “Scenario management: An approach for strategic foresight”, Competitive Intelligence Review, Volume 11, Issue 1,pp.37-45, 1st Quarter 2000.
•Lee Gilbert, A. , Using multiple scenario analysis to map the competitive futerscape: A practice-based perspective, The use of multiple scenario analysis to map the future competitive landscape is described. Competitive Intelligence Review,Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals, 2000.
•Philip W. F. van Notten, Jan Rotmans, Marjolein B. A. van Asselt and Dale S. Rothman, “An updated scenario typology”, Futures, Volume 35, Issue 5, June 2003, pp.423-443.
•Joseph Alcamo & Dale Rothman. Introduction Scenarios Analysis, TIAS Summer School, Osnabruck, Germany 30 July 2004.
•Dan G. Cacuci, Mihaela Ionescu-Bujor, Michael Navon. Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Vol Ⅱ: Applications to Large-Scale Systems(2005). by Taylor & Francis Group.
•Lena Bõrjeson, Mattias Hõjer, Karl-Henrik Dreborg, Tomas Ekvall and Gõran Finnveden. “Scenario types and techniques: Towards a user's guide”. Futures, Volume 38, Issue 7, September 2006, pp.723-739.
•Susan A. van't Klooster and Marjolein B. A. van Asselt. “Practising the scenario-axes technique”, Futures, Volume 38, Issue 1, February 2006, pp.15-30.
在类型学研究方面,早期学者有Ducot和Lubben, Duncan和Wack, Godet和Roubelat, Postma等,最近的有Heugens和Van Oosterhout, Lena Bõrjeson等。他们的代表作品如下:
•C. Ducot and H. J. Lubben, “A typology for scenarios”, Futures, 121(1980), pp.15-57.
•N. E. Duncan, P. Wack, “Scenarios designed to improve decision making”, Planning Review 1994; 22(4)pp.18-25, p.46.
•T. J. B. M. Postma et al. “Toekomstverkenning met scenarios(Exploring the future using scenarios)”, Bedrijfskunde 67 2(1995), pp.2-19.
•M. Godet and F. Roubelat, “Creating the future: The use and misuse of scenarios”, Long Range Planning 29 2(1996), pp.164-171.
•P. M. A. R. Heugens and J. van Oosterhout, “To boldly where no man has gone before: integrating cognitive and physical features in scenario studies”,Futures 33 10(2001), pp.861-872.
•Lena Bõrjeson, Mattias Hõjer, Karl-Henrik Dreborg, Tomas Ekvall and Gõran Finnveden, “Scenario types and techniques: Towards a user's guide”, Futures, Volume 38, Issue 7, September 2006, pp.723-739.
•M. E. Porter, Competitive Advantage-Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, Free Press, New York(1985).
•H. Jungerman and M. Thüring. The use of mental models for generating scenarios. In: G. Wright and P. Ayton, Editors, Judgmental Forecasting, Wiley, Chichester(1987), pp.245-266.
•M. Godet, Scenarios and Strategic Management. Butterworth, London(1987).
•W. R. Huss, “A move toward scenario analysis”, Int. J. Forecast. 4(1988), pp.377-388.
•U. von Reibnitz. Scenario Techniques. McGraw-Hill, Hamburg(1988).
•P. Schwartz, “The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World”, Doubleday Currency, New York(1991).
•P. J. H. Schoemaker and C. A. J. M. van der Heijden, “Integrating scenarios into strategic planning at Royal Dutch/Shell”, Plann. Rev.20 3(1992), pp.41-48.
•K. van der Heijden, Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation. Wiley,Chichester(1996).
•G. Ringland, Scenario Planning: Managing for the Future. Wiley, Chichester(1998).
•Learning from the Future: competitive foresight scenarios, edited by Fiam Fahey & Robert M. Randall, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.1998.
•Kees van der Heijden. Scenarios, Strategy, and the Strategy Process,Presearch provoking strategic conversation, volume 1 number 1. GBN.
•Lawrence Wilkinson, How to Build Scenarios, Planning for“long fuse,big bang”problems in an era of uncertainty. Cofounder, Global Business Network, 1995.
•Steven Schnaars, Paschalina(Lila)Ziamou, “The Essentials of Scenario Writing”, Business Horizons, July-August 2001.
•K. van der Heijden, R. Bradfield, G. Burt, G. Cairns and G. Wright,The Sixth Sense: Accelerating Organizational Learning with Scenarios, Wiley, Chichester(2002).
•F. A. O' Brien, “Scenario planning-lessons for practice from teaching and learning”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 152, Issue 3, 1 February 2004, pp.709-722.
•Theo J. B. M. Postma, Franz Liebl. “How to improve scenario analysis as a strategic management tool? ”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Volume 72, Issue 2, February 2005, pp.161-17.
•Ged Davis, Scenarios as a Tool for the 21st Century, Probing the Future Conference, Strathclyde University, July 12, 2002.
•Jill Jager, Chris Anastasi, Sivan Kartha: A training manual on integrated environmental assessment and reporting, Training Module 6, Scenario development and analysis.
同时,METIER(METhods of Interdisciplinary Environmental Research)培训课件也为学习情景分析方法提供了很好的参考模板,该培训课件主要包括以下几个模块:
•Module 1-What are environmental scenarios?
•Module 2-How to develop environmental scenarios?
•Module 3-How to analyse environmental scenarios?
•Module 4-How set up a scenario exercise?
•Module 5(R)-How to use environmental scenarios(in decision making contexts)?
•Robinson J. , “Futures under glass: a recipe for people who hate to predict”, Futures, 1990, Vol.22 No.8, pp.820-823.
•Van der Heijden. K. , Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1996.
•Ringland. G. , Scenario Planning Managing for the Future. John Wiley &Sons, Chichester, 1998.
•Peter Schwartz, The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World, Doubleday/Currency, New York, NY, 2000.
•Bell W. , Foundations of Futures Studies: Human Science for a New Era: History, Purpose, Knowledge, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick, NJ, 2003.
•Cornish E. , Futuring: The Exploration of the Future, World Future Society, Washington, DC, 2005.
三 国外主要应用领域

图1-1 针对不同意图和焦点的情景分析法应用
,欧洲委员会(European Commission)利用情景分析法对可再生能源政策进行研究
20世纪80年代末期,南非的局势山雨欲来,但无论黑人或白人,皆对前途感到彷徨,黑人决心夺回政权而不惜对决,白人担心丧失政权将丧失一切,也决心对决,对决的气氛弥漫整个南非,令外国企业非常悲观。此时,一家跨国企业Anglo-American Corp.(南非最大公司)的公司主管桑特(Clem Sunter)及其幕僚人员研究该公司在南非前途的未来情景。这时,在20世纪80年代初从壳牌退休的Pierre Wack加入这个小组,专门为这家公司研究与发展一些种族隔离与南非未来的情景。这些情景写出后,桑特根据这些情景,开始在南非展开一系列公开演说,讨论南非的未来情景,提出了一种当时所有南非人都未曾料到的状况——黑人无须暴力革命接管政权并赶走白人,不必对决,就可以结束种族隔离,完成政权转移与经济社会转型。其后,桑特将这些演说稿结集成书出版,成为当时在南非极为畅销的非娱乐性书籍。以后南非的历史发展,即根据桑特演说的最佳剧本演出。
《壳牌2025年全球情景》(Shell global scenarios to 2025);
《壳牌2050年能源情景》(Shell Energy Scenarios to 2050)。
2000年IPCC第三次评估报告公布了《排放情景特别报告》(SRES)(IPCC Special Report Emissions Scenarios(SRES), by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)。
•联合国环境规划署(UNEP)的《全球环境瞭望》(Global Environmental Outlook)项目及系列报告。
•千年项目(Millenium Project):
《联合国的千年生态系统评估项目》(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,缩写为MA);
《全球探索性情景:2025》(Global Explanatory Scenarios 2025, by the Millenium Project);
《全球规范情景》(Global Normative Scenarios, by the Millenium Project);
《2020年全球能源情景》(2020 Global Energy Scenarios, by the Millenium Project);
《三个中东和平情景》(Three Middle East Peace Scenarios, by the Millennium Project);
《2025年全球情景——未来的科技管理政策问题》(Future S&T Management Policy Issues 2025 Global Scenarios, by the Millenium Project);
《反恐怖主义情景》(Anti-Terrorism Scenarios, by the Millenium Project)。
•美国国家情报委员会(National Intelligence Council)项目:
《全球2025年情景》(Global Scenarios to 2025, by US National Intelligence Council)。
•荷兰环境评估处所作的《在一定情景内增长》(Growing within Lim-its Scenarios, by Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency)。
•欧洲专利局所作的《EPO未来情景》(EPO Scenarios for the future, by European Patent Office)。
•《北地中海情景》(Northern Mediterranean Scenarios, by Intelcity)。
•全球情景组所作的《大变迁情景》(Great Transition Scenarios, by Global Scenario Group)。
•欧洲未来研究小组所作的《欧洲2010年情景》(Scenarios for Europe 2010. Five Possible Futures for Europe, by Forward Studies Unit, European)。
•世界可持续发展工商理事会(WBSCD)所作的《2000~2050年全球方案》(World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Global Scenarios 2000-2050);
•世界能源理事会所作的《面向2050年的能源政策情景》(Energy Policy Scenarios to 2050, by World Energy Council)。