
Word List 8


compulsory [kəmˈpʌlsəri]


记  词根记忆:com(一起) + puls(推,冲) + ory →一起推→强制性的

例  compulsory military conscription强制征兵// compulsory education义务教育

同根词:repulse(v.反击); repulsive(a.排斥的); compulsive(a.强制的)

computation [ˌkɑːmpjuˈteɪʃn]


记  词根记忆:com + put(思考,估计) + ation →计算,估计

例  The decorator did a few computations to determine how much wallpaper was needed.

compute [kəmˈpjuːt]

v.计算(to determine or calculate by means of a computer);估算(to determine especially by mathematical means);推断(to reckon)

记  computer(n.电脑)的动词形式

例  This tax, which was assessed on villages, was computed by the central government using the annual census figures.

派  computation(n.估计;计算)

conceal [kənˈsiːl]

v.隐瞒;隐藏(to hide)

记  词根记忆:con(一起) + ceal(隐藏) →隐瞒;隐藏

例  Slips of the tongue do not necessarily reveal concealed beliefs or intentions.

concede [kənˈsiːd]

v.让步(to yield);(不情愿地)承认(to acknowledge grudgingly or hesitantly)

记  词根记忆:con + cede(割让) →让出去→让步

例  The lawyer conceded that his argument was not logical.

派  concession(n.让步;特许权)

conceive [kənˈsiːv]

v.怀孕(to become pregnant);构思,设想(to think)

例  The ancients conceived the world as flat.

派  conceivably(ad.令人信服的); preconceived(a.预想的)

同根词:perceive(v.知觉); receive(v.收到)

concentrate [ˈkɑːnsntreɪt]

v.聚集,浓缩(to bring into one main body)

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + centr(中心) + ate →聚集在一个中心→聚集

例  We should discontinue the deluxe air filter and concentrate all our advertising efforts on the economy filter.

派  concentration(n.集中;浓度)


concentration [ˌkɑːnsnˈtreɪʃn]

n.专心,专注(the act or process of concentrating);集中(a concentrated mass or thing);浓度(the amount of a component in a given area or volume)

记  来自concentrate(v.集中;全神贯注;n.浓缩)

例  The salt concentration soon returns to normal.


conceptual [kənˈseptʃuəl]

a.观念的,概念的(of, relating to, or consisting of concepts)

记  来自concept(n.观念,概念)

例  conceptual model概念模型

concern [kənˈsɜːrn]

v.涉及,关系到(to relate to);使担心(to be a care, trouble, or distress to);

n.关心(matter for consideration)

例  Clearly, the customer's main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping.

派  concerned(a.有关的;关心的)

concerning [kənˈsɜːrnɪŋ]

prep.关于(regarding);就…而言(relating to)

记  来自concern(v.涉及,关系到)

例  More evidence concerning women became available to historical researchers.

concert [ˈkɑːnsərt]

n.一致(agreement in design or plan);音乐会(a public performance of music)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + cert(确实的事) →共同确定的事→一致

例  He is working in concert with his colleagues. // concert tour巡回音乐会

concession [kənˈseʃn]

n.让步(the act of conceding)

记  词根记忆:con + cess(行走,前进) + ion →向后走→让步

例  It is important to continuously test the market and use the results to secure concessions from existing suppliers.


conclude [kənˈkluːd]

v.推断,做结论(to reach as a logically necessary end by reasoning)

记  词根记忆:con + clud(关闭) + e →关闭,闭幕→做结论

例  Many analysts conclude that evidence of a recovering automotive market remains slight.

派  conclusion(n.结论,结局)


concrete [ˈkɑːŋkriːt]

a.具体的,有形的(actual, definite)n.混凝土(a hard strong building material made by mixing cement with sand, gravel etc. and water)

记  联想记忆:混凝土(concrete)当然是具体的,有形的(concrete)

例  a concrete instance一个具体的例子

concurrent [kənˈkɜːrənt]


记  词根记忆:con + current(发生的) →同时发生的

例  A concurrent sharp decline in the populations of seals and sea lions was certainly caused by a pollution-related disease.

condemn [kənˈdem]

v.声讨,谴责(to criticize)

记  词根记忆:con + demn(=damn伤害) →共同伤害→谴责

例  The principal condemned smoking by students at school.

派  condemnation(n.谴责,定罪)

同根词:damnify(v.损害); indemnify(v.赔偿,补偿)

condense [kənˈdens]

v.使冷凝,浓缩(to make denser);缩短(to contract)

记  词根记忆:con(一起) + dense(变浓厚) →浓缩

例  Warmed by the Sun, ocean water evaporates, rises high into the atmosphere, and condenses in tiny droplets on minute particles of dust to form clouds.

派  condensation(n.浓缩)

condescending [ˌkɑːndɪ ˈsendɪŋ]

a.俯就的,屈尊的(patronizing);有优越感的(displaying a superior attitude)

记  来自condescend(v.屈尊)

例  The professor had a condescending attitude toward uneducated people.

同根词:descend(v.下降); ascend(v.上升)

condition [kənˈdɪʃn]

n.条件(a restricting or modifying factor);情况(situation);环境(environment)

例  Several senior officials spoke to the press on condition that they not be named in the story.

派  conditional(a.有条件的); conditioner(n.调节器;调节剂)

condominium [ˌkɑːndəˈmɪniəm]

n.共管(joint sovereignty by two or more nations);公寓公私共有方式(individual ownership of a unit in a multiunit structure or on land owned in common)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + dom(统治) + inium →共同统治→共管

例  condominium corporation共管物业立案法团// condominium apartment共管式公寓(所属房产为私有,庭园等共用场地为共有)


[kənˈdʌkt] v.实施,指导(to direct or take part in the operation or management of);传导(to convey in a channel)

[ˈkɑːndʌkt] n.行为

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + duct(引导) →指导

例  conduct a survey进行调查// Unions conducted wage negotiations for employees. // conduct heat导热// informality in dress and conduct非正式的穿着和行为

confederation [kənˌfedəˈreɪʃn]

n.同盟,联盟(alliance, league)

记  词根记忆:con + feder(联盟) + ation(状态) →联盟

例  The disease eliminated half the population of the Huron and Iroquois confederations.

confer [kənˈfɜːr]

v.讨论(to consult);授予(to give)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + fer(带来,拿来) →共同带来观点→讨论

例  The system of patent granting confers temporary monopolies for the exploitation of new technologies.

confess [kənˈfes]

v. (to)承认,供认(to acknowledge)

记  词根记忆:con(全部) + fess(说) →全部说出→承认,供认

例  The driver would not confess to being the cause of the accident.

派  confession(n.自白,招供)

confidential [ˌkɑːnfɪ ˈdenʃl]


记  联想记忆:confident(相信) + ial →亲信才知道→秘密的

例  The police taped her confidential conversations with her client .

派  confidentiality(n.机密)

configuration [kənˌfɪgjəˈreɪʃn]


记  词根记忆:con + figur(e)(形状) + ation →全部形状→外形

例  There is a new kind of star: one with a flat, “two-dimensional" configuration.

confine [kənˈfaɪn]

同根词:figurative(a.比喻的); figurehead(n.傀儡,领袖)

v.限制,禁闭(to hold within a location)n. [pl.]界限(scope)

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + fine(限制) →限制,禁闭

例  Judge Bonham denied a motion to allow members of the jury to go home at the end of each day, and instead confined them to a hotel.

派  confined(a.狭窄的,受限制的); confinement(n.限制,监禁)

confirm [kənˈfɜːrm]

v.证实,使有效(to validate);确定(to strengthen)

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + firm(坚定) →十分坚定→确定

例  It cannot be tested and confirmed until further research on volcanic activity is done.

派  confirmation(n.证实); confirmed(a.惯常的)

conflict [ˈkɑːnflɪkt]

n.斗争,冲突,抵触(a clash between ideas; opposition)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + flict(打击) →共同打→斗争,冲突

例  The conflict between the guilds was not purely economic.

conform [kənˈfɔːrm]

v. (to)遵照(to be obedient or compliant);符合(to act in accordance with)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + form(形状,形式) →共同的形式→符合

例  conform to conventional practices墨守成规

派  conformism(n.因循守旧)

confront [kənˈfrʌnt]

v.面对(to encounter);面对挑战(to face especially in challenge)

记  联想记忆:con + front(前面) →冲到前面面对挑战→面对挑战

例  They found themselves confronted with generous criticism.

Confucian [kənˈfjuːʃən]

a./n.孔子的;儒家的;儒家学者(of or relating to the Chinese philosopher Confucius or his teachings or followers)

记  发音记忆:“孔夫子”

例  Confucian civilization儒家文明

派  Confucianism(n.儒教,孔教)

congenial [kənˈdʒiːniəl]


记  联想记忆:con + gen(产生) + ial →产生好感的→舒适的


例  The country provided a congenial environment where women could aspire to their own goals.

congested [kənˈdʒestɪd]


记  来自congest(v.充满,拥塞)

例  The only bridge over the channel is congested and trucks typically spend hours in traffic.

派  congestion(n.充血;拥挤)

congestion [kənˈdʒestʃən]

n.拥挤,堵塞(the state of being crowded and full of traffic);充血(the state of part of the body being blocked with blood or mucus)

记  来自congest(v.充塞,拥挤)

例  During the average workday, private vehicles owned and operated by people living within the city account for twenty percent of the city's traffic congestion.


conglomerate [kənˈglɑːmərət]

n.企业集团(a widely diversified corporation)

记  联想记忆:con + glomer(聚集) + ate →集成物→企业集团

例  The publishing company is owned by a large media conglomerate. // conglomerate company综合公司


congregation [ˌkɑːŋgrɪ ˈgeɪʃn]

n. (某地区的)全体教徒(the members of a specific religious group who regularly worship at a church)

记  词根记忆:con + greg(群体) + ation →共同信仰的群体→全体教徒

例  South Korea has witnessed the world's most dramatic growth of Christian congregations.


congress [ˈkɑːŋgrəs]

n.议会,国会;代表大会(a formal meeting of delegates for discussion and usually action on some questions)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + gress(行走) →走到一起开议会→议会,国会

例  Some members of Congress disagree with the president's position.

派  congressional(a.会议的)

congressional [kənˈgreʃənl]

a.国会的,议会的(of or relating to congress)

记  来自congress (n.国会,会议)

例  The Lone Wolf decision had a greater long-term impact than did the congressional action of 1871.

派  congressionally(ad.国会地,议会地)

conjunction [kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn]

n.结合,联合(occurrence together in time or space);连接词(words that join together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words)

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + junct(连接,联合) + ion →联合

例  They are often implemented in conjunction with a company's efforts to reconfigure its work processes.


connotation [ˌkɑːnəˈteɪʃn]

n.言外之意,内涵(idea or notion suggested in addition to its explicit meaning or denotation)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + not(注意) + ation →共同注意的内容→内涵

例  This has enriched the strategic connotation of bilateral relations from another perspective.

conscience [ˈkɑːnʃəns]

n.良心,是非感(a person's awareness of right and wrong with regard to his own thoughts and actions)

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + sci(知道) + ence →知道好坏是非→良心,是非感

例  Those kinds of people are apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.

派  conscientious(a.尽责的); consciousness(n.知觉;个人思想)

conscription [kənˈskrɪpʃn]

n.征兵,征募(compulsory enrollment of persons especially for military service)

记  来自conscript(v.征兵,征募)

例  military conscription征兵

consecutive [kənˈsekjətɪv]

a.连续的,连贯的(following one after another in order)

记  词根记忆:con + secut(跟随) + ive →一个跟着一个的→连续的,连贯的

例  The total time allotted to the average cluster of consecutive television commercials is decreasing.

派  consecutively(ad.连续地)

consensus [kənˈsensəs]

n.意见一致(agreement in opinion)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + sens(感觉) + us →感觉相同→意见一致

例  There is no consensus among researchers regarding what qualifies a substance as a pheromone.

consent [kənˈsent]

v.同意,答应(to agree)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + sent(感觉) →有共同的感觉→同意

例  The modernization was implemented without the consent of the employees directly affected by it.

派  consensus(n.共识)

consequence [ˈkɑːnsəkwens]


记  词根记忆:con + sequ(跟随) + ence →跟随其后→结果

例  Unemployment does not have the same dire consequences today as it did in the 1930's.

派  consequently(ad.因而)

conservatism [kənˈsɜːrvətɪzəm]

n.保守主义(disposition in politics to preserve what is established);守旧性(the tendency to prefer an existing or traditional situation to change)

记  词根记忆:con(加强)+ serv(保持) + atism(主义) →都保持下来的主义→保守主义

例  The technological conservatism of bicycle manufacturers is a reflection of the kinds of demand they are trying to meet.


conservative [kənˈsɜːrvətɪv]

a.保守的(traditional)n.保守派(a political party professing the principles of conservatism)

记  来自conserve(v.保存;保守)

例  Recent polls indicate that many people in the United States hold a combination of conservative and liberal political views.

派  conservatively(ad.保存地;保守地)


conservatively [kənˈsɜːrvətɪvli]


例  Newscasters, who read the news on TV, are considered to be more convincing, honest, and competent when they are dressed conservatively.

conserve [kənˈsɜːrv]

v.保存(to preserve);节约(to avoid wasteful or destructive use of)

记  词根记忆:con(全部) + serve(服务,保持) →保存

例  Camels do rely on a special mechanism to conserve internal water. // It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy.

派  conservatism(n.保守主义); conservative(a.保守的;n.保守派)

considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl]

a.相当多的(great in amount or size);值得考虑的(worth consideration)

记  来自consider(v.考虑)

例  The conversion of methane to electricity would occur at a considerable distance from the landfills.

派  considerably(ad.非常地;相当地)


consideration [kənˌsɪdəˈreɪʃn]

n.考虑(continuous and careful thought);报酬(payment)

记  来自consider(v.考虑)

例  The first is a generalization about the likely effect of a policy under consideration in the argument; the second points out a group of exceptional cases to which that generalization does not apply.

consistency [kənˈsɪstənsi]

n.一致性(agreement or harmony of parts);连接(condition of adhering together)

记  来自consist(v.一致)

例  A company's two divisions performed with remarkable consistency over the past three years.

派  inconsistency(n.矛盾); consistent(a.一致的,相符的)

consistent [kənˈsɪstənt]

a.始终如一的,一致的(marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity);坚持的

记  注意与constant(a.不变的;经常的)区分

例  The symptoms that he began showing five days before his death are consistent with lead poisoning, not arsenic poisoning.

派  consistently(ad.一贯地;一致地)

consolidate [kənˈsɑːlɪdeɪt]

v.巩固(to make stable and firmly established);(使)坚强(to strengthen);合并(to merge; unite; join)

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + solid(结实) + ate →巩固

例  Even though OLEX could consolidate all its refining at the Tasberg plant, doing so at the Grenville plant would not be feasible.

派  consolidation(n.巩固;合并)


consortium [kənˈsɔːrtiəm]

n. [pl.consortia]协会(an association);联营,集团(an association or a combination, as of businesses, financial institutions, or investors, for the purpose of engaging in a joint venture);财团(financial group)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + sort(类型) + ium →联合,合伙→协会

例  Many satellites are built by international consortia.

conspire [kənˈspaɪər]

v.阴谋,共谋(to plot)

例  The bank tellers conspired to rob the bank.

派  conspirator(n.阴谋者,谋叛者); conspiracy(n.阴谋)

constant [ˈkɑːnstənt]

a.稳定的,不变的(invariable)n.常数,恒量(a number that is assumed not to change value in a given mathematical discussion)

记  词根记忆:con(始终) + stant(站,立) →始终站立→不变的

例  The cost would remain constant even if such treatments were instituted on a large scale. // In this equation, the constant equals the speed of light.

派  constancy(n.恒久不变)

constellation [ˌkɑːnstəˈleɪʃn]

n.星座,星群(named group of stars)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + stell(星星) + ation →在一起的一簇星星→星座,星群

例  The cooling-flow theory gained support when Fabian observed a cluster of galaxies in the constellation Perseus.


constituent [kənˈstɪtjuənt]

n.成分;要素(component; element);选民(a member of a constituency)

例  The amino acid is one of the sweetener's principal constituents.

派  constituency(n.选民;支持者)

constitute [ˈkɑːnstətuːt]

v.组成,建立(to set up, establish);制定(to enact)

记  词根记忆:con + stitute(建立,放) →建立,组成

例  What constitutes an American Indian reservation is a question of practice, not of legal definition.

派  constitution(n.宪法;构造)

constraint [kənˈstreɪnt]

n.约束,抑制(restraint, limitation)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + straint(拉紧) →拉紧到一起→约束

例  Western women were free from the constraints binding their eastern sisters.

constrict [kənˈstrɪkt]

v.收缩;使狭窄(to make narrow or draw together)

例  When the seal dives below the surface of the water and stops breathing, arteries become constricted.

派  constriction(n.压缩,收缩); constrictive(a.压缩性的)

construct [kənˈstrʌkt]

v.建筑,建造(to build);构成(to make or form by combining or arranging parts or elements)

记  词根记忆:con(加强) + struct(建造) →建造

例  Male bowerbirds construct elaborately decorated nests, or bowers.

派  construction(n.建设;建筑物;结构)


construction [kənˈstrʌkʃn]

n.建筑,建筑物(the process, art, or manner of constructing sth.);结构,句法关系(syntactical arrangement)

记  词根记忆:con(共同)+struct(建造) + ion →共同建立→建筑

例  The construction of the cable car terminal at Machu Picchu will require the use of potentially damaging heavy machinery at the site.


constructivism [kənˈstrʌktɪvɪzm]

n.结构主义,构成派(an art movement concerned with formal organization of planes and expression of volume in terms of modern industrial materials)

记  词根记忆:con(共同) + struct(建造) + iv + ism(主义) →结构主义

例  The modernization gave credence to the view of advocates of social constructivism.


constructivist [kənˈstrʌktɪvɪst]

n.构成主义者(an artist of the school of constructivism)

记  来自construct(v.构造,建造)

例  Clark refutes the extremes of the constructivists by both theoretical and empirical arguments.


consult [kənˈsʌlt]

v.咨询(to ask the advice or opinion of)(with)商议(to confer)

记  联想记忆:不顾侮辱(insult),不耻请教(consult)

例  The employees' job functions required them to consult at least once a day with employees from other companies.

派  consultant(n.顾问,咨询者); consulting(a.咨询的)

consultant [kənˈsʌltənt]

n.顾问(one who gives professional advice or services);咨询者(one who consults another)

记  来自consult(v.咨询)

例  For some reason the new consultant treats his clients like idiots.

派  consultancy(n.咨询工作)


consumption [kənˈsʌmpʃn]

n.消耗(量),消费(量)(the utilization of economic goods)

例  The annual number of fish caught for human consumption has not increased.

contaminate [kənˈtæmɪneɪt]

v.污染(to pollute);感染(to corrupt or infect by contact)

记  词根记忆:con + tamin(接触) + ate →接触脏东西→污染

例  Dental researchers discovered that toothbrushes can be contaminated with bacteria.

派  contaminant(n.污染物)

contamination [kənˌtæmɪ ˈneɪʃn]

n.污染,玷污;污染物(a state of being contaminated)

记  来自contaminate(v.污染)

例  Extensive use of chemicals in numerous future full-scale solar ponds would lead to contamination of the Dead Sea, which now enjoys a lucrative tourist trade.


contemplate [ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt]

v.沉思(to ponder);打算,预期(to view as probable or as an intention)

记  联想记忆:con + templ(看作temple庙) + ate →在庙里打坐沉思→打算

例  After the date all actions contemplated in the treaty are to be complete.

Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.


——美国实业家凯泽(H.J. Kaiser, American businessman)