It is a well-established and indisputable truth that from the Sun, the solar center of our system, is derived all force, every power and variety of phenomena that manifests itself upon Mother Earth.Therefore, when we remember that the solar parent passes through one sign of his celestial Zodiac in 2,160 years, a twelfth part of his orbit of 25,920 years, we see that from each sign in turn he (the Sun) rays forth an influx peculiar to that special sign; and, as there are no two signs alike in nature or quality, hence the passage of the Sun from one sign into another causes a change of polarity in planetary action, which can be fully demonstrated and conclusively proven.It follows, as a natural sequence, that the rules formulated and taught by astrologers in reference to the plane of planetary influence in one sub-cycle will not hold good in the next.To illustrate: In the year 1881 the Sun passed from the sign Pisces into Aquarius, thus beginning a new cycle of solar force.The human race has entered upon a cycle in every respect differing in nature and action from the past cycle of 2,160 years.The sign Aquarius is masculine, electric, positive.It is intellectual in character, scientific, philosophic, artistic, intuitive and metaphysical.It is the sign of the Man.The truths of the past are becoming etherealized.Our solar parent has scarcely crossed the threshold of thesign Aquarius, and already we observe in many directions the activities of the peculiar influx.True, it is but the first flush of the dawn of a new era, the harbinger of a glorious day to our race.In the light of this truth, ponder well on the nature of the influx radiating from the solar center, each orb of his shining family absorbing a different ray, or attribute, of solar energy, corresponding to its own peculiar nature.The Earth, in her annual passage about her solar parent, receives the harmonious or discordant vibrations of this astral influx according to the many angles she forms to the various planets.
We see, then, that the Earth is enveloped in an atmosphere, or zone, of occult force we recognize as humane, mental, positive, etc., acting and reacting upon the human family through the laws of vibration in strict and exact ratio to its interior capacity to receive and ability to externalize upon the material plane of being.The results, as far as this stage of existence goes, will be manifest as man vibrates harmoniously or otherwise to the stellar cause.