What study is more sublime, inspiring and profitable, in the highest sense, than the "language of the stars"--those silent monitors of the midnight sky, who reveal HIS WILL as secondary causes in the administration of universal law? The science of the stars is the Divine parent of all science.
The more earnest our study, the more recondite our research and thorough our investigation of the "Science of the Stars," the more fully shall we realize the truth of the teacher's words: "Astrology is the key that opens the door to all occult knowledge." It is the key that unlocks the mysteries of man's being; his why, whence, whither.Within the temple of Urania lies concealed the mystery of life.The indices are there, written by the finger of the Infinite in the heavens above.
It is our privilege to make this language our own, and it should be the earnest work of every true student of Nature to acquire a right understanding and correct interpretation of these Divine symbols.And, as thorough students of any language seek out the derivation of words and expressions, search for the root, or stem word, and its origin, so should the student of astrology, by sincere desire and earnest study, seek to know the origin and root of these starry words and complex expressions of the "language of the stars."The Sun, Moon and five planets[*] of our solar system are to us symbols of the reflected and refracted rays of the triune attributes of the great Central, Spiritual Sun: Life, Light and Love, analogous to the three primary colors in Nature, which become still further refracted into four secondary or complementary colors, rays or attributes, the seven constituting the active principles of Nature, the seven rays of the solar spectrum, the seven notes of a perfect musical scale, there being throughout a perfect correspondence, and all are but different modes of vibration or activities of the Supreme Intelligence.
Uranus and Neptune belonging to a higher octave.
And, as we know, the seven rays of color reflect an almost infinite variety of tints, that, octave upon octave, are built upon the seven natural tones in music, so, also, are these seven active principles divided andsubdivided into innumerable forms, qualities and manifestations of the first trinity--Life, Light, Love, life being the manifestation of the second two, love and wisdom, which in turn are the dual expressions of the "One."Upon the knowledge of these Divine truths Pythagoras built the theory of the "music of the spheres." Let us pause and listen to this celestial music.
Suns and their systems of planets sound forth the deep bass tones and rich tenor, while angelic races take the silvery treble of the Divine melody, octave upon octave, by more and ever more ethereal system upon system, to the very throne of Deity--the Infinite, Eternal source of Light, Life and Love.Let us learn, through the knowledge of the stars, to attune our souls to vibrate to the Divine harmony, so that we may take our places in the celestial choir and blend our voices with those of the celestial singers, chanting the Divine anthem: "We Praise Thee, O God!"To resume.If we would gain a correct knowledge of astral science we should study astrology in its universal application, side by side with its more intricate phase and the details, as manifested upon the individual man and his material destiny.
Let us digress for a moment.The intellectual minds, the material scientists, who cavil at the "science of the stars," declaring it to be mere fortune-telling, consequently false, do but air their ignorance of this most profound subject, not knowing that it embraces and contains all sciences, all religions, that have ever been or ever will be, comprises all history of every age, of races, empires and nations; that it is the only true chronology, and marks the destiny, not only of personal man on every plane, but of the human family as a whole.All mythologies find their explanation in this starry language, and every religion is founded upon the movements of our solar system.The rise and fall of empires and races of men are written in its pages.
To master as far as we are capable, and our limited space of life here will permit, we must pursue the study in its broad sense, as already stated, in the external application of the starry influx and upon the interior planes of action from God to the mineral, the mineral to man; aye, and man to theangel, finding in every section a complete and perfect correspondence.
To master the alphabet should be the first step, whose vowels, diphthongs and consonants are the planets and shining Zodiac.It is very essential to clearly comprehend the action and reaction of the planets upon the human organism, as an integral part of the universal organism; ever remembering that the starry vowels, in combination with the consonants, or Zodiac, form the infinite expressions comprising the language of the starry heavens in their threefold manifestation upon the external planes of life; while the radiant constellations are the ideas which find expression through this language, which is likewise a science, accurate in its mathematical construction and perfect in geometric proportion.
The student should ever bear in mind that astrology, like every other science, is progressive.The underlying principles are always the same.These are like the "laws of the Medes and Persians," but the plane of action is constantly changing.