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Pocket CIO – The Guide to Successful IT Asset Management
Packt Upsell
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ITAM – It's Not Just IT's Problem or Function
Key benefits of ITAM
What are we getting out of the IT investment?
The challenge of IT
Cost management
The hidden cost of technology
Critical downtime leads to lost revenue
The distractions of technology
Cost control mechanisms
Why manage IT assets?
How does ITAM help?
Why finance executives need to pay attention
What makes ITAM so important?
Tips for a positive working relationship – on both sides
Building the case for ITAM
Leadership is not about luck
Management No-Go on ITAM
ITAM will but management isn't buying – points to demonstrate value of an ITAM program
Get funded in a bad budget year
ITAM Strategy and Plan
Are you ready for the evolution?
Key initiatives that lay your foundation
ITAM fundamentals
Defining what ITAM is
What ITAM isn't
What ITAM is
The ITAM lifecycle
Phase one – requests and procurement
Request management
Procurement process
Phase two – change management
Process accessibility
Record all changes in the CAR (ITAM repository)
Policies and procedures
Help Desk
Data accuracy
Quality assurance
Phase three – asset disposition
Planned obsolescence and asset retirement
The New Risk Management
Policies processes and procedures
Governing through policies processes and procedures
Tracking and consequences
Data security
Implementing a strict policy
Tips for implementing your policies
Don't let the process get you down
Why do policies fail?
What separates policy process and procedure?
Heat map diagnostics – key process areas
IT asset management function model
Why separate policy process and procedure?
10 Issues to address before the documentation process
Key documentation development process
Phase one – planning
Phase two – active development
Phase three – implementation
Phase four – monitoring and enforcement
What is SAM?
Software license contracts money pit
Successful Implementation of SAM programs
The C-suite didn't buy it
Reduced audit exposure and potential financial risk to the enterprise
Reduced security risk from unauthorized software within the environment
Minimized cyber security risk (SAM + IT Security)
Improved budgeting process and financial controls
Increased operational efficiency
Alphabet Soup - ITIL ISO