第9章 镌刻成长的印记,记忆永恒
Footprint of Our Adnascent Years
Don't forget the things you once owned.Treasure the things you can't get.Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.
Flying Youth
◎ Doris
“Youth” seems to be fading away in my life,only leaving me some unforgettable and cherished memories.Something that we used to think would last forever in our lives,had actually vanished in a second before we realized it.Those who we used to deeply love or miss,have now become the most acquainted strangers.Our once pure and beautiful dream,is gradually fading away with time passing by ...This is youth,which is indeed an endless cycle from familiarity to strangeness,and from strangeness to familiarity,until the curtain of our youth is closing off little by little,along with our childish fantasies.
Human is such a strange animal that when we mostly did not cherish something until we lost it.We have gained a lot of things,but also lost a lot.What we want is merely getting the peace of mind.We care for children because they are the most pure-minded and kind-hearted among human beings.We are fond of staying with the old,because we can sense their inner peace from their serene faces.Maybe for them,the essence of life is to live it in the most comfortable way they deem.We may also love cats because their relaxation renders us a substantive sense of life.
There are many things in our lives that are easily gone or broken.Therefore,we will gradually learn to become apathetic[1] and indifferent towards everything.Maybe oftentimes,we are inclined to believe in ourselves rather than trust and rely on others,because in our lives,nothing will stay with us eternally and all will be gone one day eventually.Sometimes it is not the world that abandons us,but we who abandon the world.It can be evidenced by the fact that we have learnt to deny something habitually and therefore lost a lot of things.More often than not,we would believe that it is life that hurts us rather than believe that it is our personality flaw that hurts ourselves.
We are in strenuous[2] effort in changing our fate,bringing more happiness to people around us,realizing our dreams and reaching the love we are anticipating.However,we soon realize it is by no means easy to achieve any of them.It is a lifelong commitment and many things would alter with time and no one can guarantee eternity.Hence,silence becomes the best solution to all difficulties and hardships.Since we cannot make a for-sure promise,why do we still bother to boast too much about it?We still need to get down to our business with our own effort.
The flying youth has deposited too many things in our heart.Life should be treated with special care like an egg in your hands.We should treasure every moment of sincerity and gratefulness because the best things will be gone very easily.Try to forgive every lie simply because everyone has ever lied sometime.If you do not want to have tearing eyes,then just try to smile and hold a positive attitude towards your life every day!
Life isn't always beautiful,but the struggles make you stronger,the changes make you wiser.
[1]apathetic['æpə'θtik] a.冷淡的;无动于衷的
[2]strenuous['strenjuəs] a.费劲的;奋发的;强烈的;紧张的
A Lesson of Life
◎ Ronald Reagan
“Everything happens for the best.” my mother said whenever I faced disappointment.“If you can carry on,one day something good will happen.And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment.”
Mother was right,as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932.I had decided to try for a job in radio,then work my way up to sports announcer.I hitchhiked[1] to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station—and got turned down every time.
In one studio,a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring inexperienced person—“Go out in the sticks and find a small station that'll give you a chance,” she said.
I thumbed home to Dixon,Illinois.While there was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon,my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department.Since Dixon was where I had played high school football,I applied.The job sounded just right for me.But I wasn't hired.
My disappointment must have shown.“Everything happens for the best.” Mom reminded me.Dad offered me the car to job hunt.I tried WOC Radio in Davenport,Iowa.The program director,a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur,told me they had already hired an announcer.
As I left his office,my frustration[2] boiled over.I asked aloud,“How can a fellow get to be a sport announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?”
I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling,“What was that you said about sports?Do you know anything about football?” Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an imaginary game.
On my way home,as I have many times since,I thought of my mother's words:“If you carry on,one day something good will happen.Something wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment.” I often wonder what direction my life might have taken if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.
When your day has been like a hurricane,all you can do is looking forward to the rainbow that follows.
[1]hitchhiked['hitʃˌhaikt] v.搭便车(旅行)(hitchhike的过去式和过去分词)
[2]frustration[frʌs'treiʃən] n.挫折,失败,挫败
The Boy Under the Tree
◎ David Coleman &Kevin Randall
In the summer recess between freshman and sophomore[1] years in college,I was invited to be an instructor at a high school leadership camp hosted by a college in Michigan.I was already highly involved in most campus activities,and I jumped at the opportunity.
About an hour into the first day of camp,amid the frenzy of icebreakers and forced interactions,I first noticed the boy under the tree.He was small and skinny,and his obvious discomfort and shyness made him appear frail and fragile.Only 50 feet away,two hundred eager campers were bumping bodies,playing,joking and meeting each other,but the boy under the tree seemed to want to be anywhere other than where he was.The desperate loneliness he radiated almost stopped me from approaching him,but I remembered the instructions from the senior staff to stay alert for campers who might feel left out.
As I walked toward him,I said,“Hi,my name is Kevin,and I'm one of the counselors.It's nice to meet you.How are you?” In a shaky,sheepish voice he reluctantly answered,“Okay,I guess.” I calmly asked him if he wanted to join the activities and meet some new people.He quietly replied,“No,this is not really my thing.”
I could sense that he was in a new world,that this whole experience was foreign to him.But I somehow knew it wouldn't be right to push him,either.He didn't need a pep talk;he needed a friend.After several silent moments,my first interaction with the boy under the tree was over.
At lunch the next day,I found myself leading camp songs at the top of my lungs for two hundred of my new friends.The campers eagerly participated.My gaze wandered over the mass of noise and movement and was caught by the image of the boy from under the tree,sitting alone,staring out the window.I nearly forgot the words to the song I was supposed to be leading.At my first opportunity,I tried again,with the same questions as before,“How are you doing?Are you okay?” To which he again replied,“Yeah,I'm all right.I just don't really get into this stuff.” As I left the cafeteria,I realized this was going to take more time and effort than I had thought—if it was even possible to get through to him at all.
That evening at our nightly staff meeting,I made my concerns about him known.I explained to my fellow staff members my impression of him and asked them to pay special attention and spend time with him when they could.
The days I spend at camp each year fly by faster than any others I have known.Thus,before I knew it,mid-week had dissolved into the final night of camp,and I was chaperoning[2] the “last dance”.The students were doing all they could to savor every last moment with their new “best friends”—friends they would probably never see again.
As I watched the campers share their parting moments,I suddenly saw what would be one of the most vivid memories of my life.The boy from under the tree,who had stared blankly out the kitchen window,was now a shirtless dancing wonder.He owned the dance floor as he and two girls proceeded to cut a rug.I watched as he shared meaningful,intimate time with people at whom he couldn't even look just days earlier.I couldn't believe it was the same person.
In October of my sophomore year,a late-night phone call pulled me away from my chemistry book.A soft-spoken,unfamiliar voice asked politely,“Is Kevin there?”
“You're talking to him,who's this?”
“This is Tom Johnson's mom.Do you remember Tommy from leadership camp?”
The boy under the tree.How could I not remember?
“Yes,I do.” I said.“He's a very nice young man.How is he?”
An abnormally long pause followed,then Mrs.Johnson said,“My Tommy was walking home from school this week when he was hit by a car and killed.” Shocked,I offered my condolences[3].
“I just wanted to call you,” she said,“because Tommy mentioned you so many times.I wanted you to know that he went back to school this fall with confidence.He made new friends.His grades went up.And he even went out on a few dates.I just wanted to thank you for making a difference for Tom.The last few months were the best few months of his life.”
In that instant,I realized how easy it is to give a bit of yourself every day.You may never know how much each gesture may mean to someone else.I tell this story as often as I can,and when I do,I urge others to look out for their own “boy under the tree”.
You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.
[1]sophomore['sɔfəmɔ:] n.(大学,高中的)二年级学生
[2]chaperoning['ʃæpərəunɪŋ] v.陪伴;护送(chaperon的现在分词)
[3]condolences[kən'dəulənsiz] n.吊唁;慰问(condolence的名词复数)
Brush Past the Death
◎ Steve Jobs
When I was 17,I read a quote that went something like:“If you live each day as if it was your last,someday you'll most certainly be right.” It made an impression on me,and since then,for the past 33 years,I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself:“If today were the last day of my life,would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been “No” for too many days in a row,I know I need to change something.
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.Because almost everything—all external expectations,all pride,all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death,leaving only what is truly important.Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.You are already naked.There is no reason not to follow your heart.
About a year ago,I was diagnosed[1] with cancer.I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning,and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas.I didn't even know what a pancreas was.The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable,and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months.My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order,which is doctor's code for preparing yourself to die.It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months.It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family.It means to say your goodbyes.
I lived with that diagnosis all day.Later that evening I had a biopsy,where they stuck an endoscope down my throat,through my stomach and into my intestines,put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor.I was sedated[2],but my wife,who was there,told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery.I had the surgery and I'm fine now.
This was the closest I've been to facing death,and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades.Having lived through it,I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:
No one wants to die.Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there.And yet death is the destination we all share.No one has ever escaped it.And that is as it should be,because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life.It is Life's change agent.It clears out the old to make way for the new.Right now the new is you,but someday not too long from now,you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.Sorry to be so dramatic,but it is quite true.
Your time is limited,so don't waste it living someone else's life.Don't be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people's thinking.Don't let the noise of others'opinions drown out[3] your own inner voice.And most important,have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.They somehow already know what you truly want to become.Everything else is secondary.
Never underestimate your power to change yourself.
[1]diagnosed['daiəgnəuzd] v.诊断(diagnose的过去式和过去分词)
[2]sedated[si'deitid] v.使昏昏入睡,使镇静(sedate的过去式和过去分词)
[3]drown out压过,盖过。
Growing Roots
◎ Philip Gulley
When I was growing up,I had an old neighbor named Dr.Gibbs.He didn't look like any doctor I'd ever known.He never yelled at us for playing in his yard.I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than circumstances warranted.
When Dr.Gibbs wasn't saving lives,he was planting trees.His house sat on ten acres,and his life's goal was to make it a forest.
The good doctor had some interesting theories concerning plant husbandry.He came from the “No pain,no gain” school of horticulture[1].He never watered his new trees,which flew in the face of conventional wisdom.Once I asked why.He said that watering plants spoiled them,and that if you water them,each successive tree generation will grow weaker and weaker.So you have to make things rough for them and weed out the weenie trees early on.
He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots,and how trees that weren't watered had to grow deep roots in search of moisture.I took him to mean that deep roots were to be treasured.
So he never watered his trees.He'd plant an oak and,instead of watering it every morning,he'd beat it with a rolled-up newspaper.Smack!Slap!Pow!I asked him why he did that,and he said it was to get the tree's attention.
Dr.Gibbs went to glory a couple of years after I left home.Every now and again,I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I'd watched him plant some 25 years ago.They're granite strong now.Big and robust.Those trees wake up in the morning and beat their chests and drink their coffee black.
I planted a couple of trees a few years back.Carried water to them for a solid summer.Sprayed them.Prayed over them.The whole nine yards.Two years of coddling has resulted in trees that expect to be waited on hand and foot.Whenever a cold wind blows in,they tremble and chatter their branches.Sissy trees.
Funny things about those trees of Dr.Gibbs’.Adversity and deprivation[2] seemed to benefit them in ways comfort and ease never could.
Every night before I go to bed,I check on my two sons.I stand over them and watch their little bodies,the rising and falling of life within.I often pray for them.Mostly I pray that their lives will be easy.But lately I've been thinking that it's time to change my prayer.
This change has to do with the inevitability of cold winds that hit us at the core.I know my children are going to encounter hardship,and I'm praying they won't be naive.There's always a cold wind blowing somewhere.
So I'm changing my prayer.Because life is tough,whether we want it to be or not.Too many times we pray for ease,but that's a prayer seldom met.What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the Eternal,so when the rains fall and the winds blow,we won't be swept asunder.
Don't pray for easy lives.Pray to be stronger men.
[1]horticulture['hɔ:tikʌltʃə] n.园艺;园艺术
[2]deprivation[ˌdepri'veiʃən] n.剥夺;免职;损失
Let the Candle Relight
◎ Odain
A man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child.He lived for her—she was his life.So when she became ill,he became like a man possessed,moving heaven and earth to bring about her restoration to health.
His best efforts,however,proved unavailing[1] and the child died.The father became a bitter recluse,shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise[2] and bring him back to his normal self.But one night he had a dream.
He was in heaven,witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels.They were marching in a line passing by the Great White Throne.Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle.He noticed that one child's candle was not lighted.Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl.Rushing to her,he seized her in his arms,caressed her tenderly,and then asked,“How is it,darling,that your candle alone is unlighted?”
“Daddy,they often relight it,but your tears always put it out.”
Just then he awoke from his dream.The lesson was crystal clear,and its effects were immediate.From that hour on he was not a recluse,but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates.No longer would his darling's candle be extinguished by his useless tears.
Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.
There is no such thing as darkness;only a failure to see.
~Malcolm Muggeridge
[1]unavailing[ʌnə'veɪlɪŋ] a.徒劳的,无用的
[2]poise[pɔɪz] n.泰然自若;自信;体态;姿态
Sometimes Happiness Requires Nail Holes in Life
◎ Roger Dean Kiser
Finally,for the first time in my life,I was going to move into brand-new house and it was an absolute beauty.
I spent hours upon hours walking up and down the hallway just looking at that sunken living room.I had never actually seen one of those before and always thought they were only for rich people.It sure made me proud to now have one for my very own.I smiled real big and then put a foot down onto the first step,which led down onto the beautifully carpeted living room.Then I carefully looked to make sure I did not get any dirt on the golden colored carpet.Then I removed my shoes and walked all around the living room,feeling the soft,new,thick carpet beneath my feet.
I met the real estate agent for the last time,signed the final papers and he handed me the keys.I jumped into my car and rushed as fast as I could to my rented mobile home to get the family and start the moving-in process.That was a very good day in my life,because no one in my family would ever have to live on the streets like I did as a young boy when running away from that abusive Florida orphanage.This house would be kept in brand-new condition,and would last forever and ever—so that all my children,grandchildren and great grandchildren would always have a nice,new looking place to live,no matter what.
That held true year after year and about five years later,we sold that immaculate house for top dollar.There was not a spot or smear or hole anywhere in that beautiful house.Not even on the walls could you find a small nail hole that would have held a picture.I was supposed to meet with the real estate agent who was selling our house later that evening and when I arrived,I was surprised to find the new owners of the house standing in the driveway.I parked my car,walked up and began talking with the older couple.
“This house is in perfect condition,” said the old man.
“Perfect in every way.Not even a nail hole in any of the wall.” I told him proudly.
“It's really too bad that nobody lived here,” said the old woman.
“I lived here for five whole years.” I said with a great big smile on my face.
“No.You didn't live here for five years.You just stayed here for five years,” said the old lady.
All the way home I thought about what she said.What did she mean?How could they not be happy about buying a house in perfect condition and without any holes in the walls?I was very puzzled.Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.I quickly pulled over to the side of the road and just sat there thinking.The old lady was absolutely right.
Just because you stay in a house,it doesn't mean you really lived in it.Not unless you put your heart into it,enjoy it and do the things that make you happy while you are there—like walking into the living room and seeing pictures of the kids and the smiling faces of the grandchildren or watching them yelling their little lungs out under the sprinkler in your front yard,and yes maybe even a picture of the old dog who decided to go to the bathroom on that beautiful carpet.
I sat there alone biting my bottom lip and feeling very much ashamed of what I had done by having lost five years of my life,not to mention what I had taken from my family without even realizing it.Living really is much more than just remembering yesterday with only your mind.It is walking into your home and living for today with your heart and your eyes.Those holes in the wall,when all the furniture is gone and the house is completely bare,are memory holes and without any memories “You didn't really live there.You just stayed there.”
Today,our home in Brunswick,Georgia has so many darn pictures of kid,grandkid,friends and dogs on the walls that it might collapse one day.And if it does that will be very sad for me.But today I'm living a happy life with everything around me.
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it.
~Irving Berlin
My Motivation
◎ Erin E.
I used to feel like my life was stressful and hard until a life-changing event happened to my mom's best friend,Anna.She was put in a life-or-death situation and remained strong.Her strength made me want to be like that in my daily life.
One night Anna was coming out of her office building when a man attacked her.He beat her with a rock,took her car keys,and threw her in her car.She told me that she was praying for God to help her the whole time.She knew she would not give up easily,but she also knew they were driving toward the river.The man didn't stop until he absolutely had to.With God's strength,she jumped out of the car and got help.
Anna is not only my mom's friend but also like another mother to me and my sister and brother.When we heard about the attack,we were devastated but so relieved she was alive.My mom became more protective of me,always wanting to know where I was going.I'd never worried about someone attacking or kidnapping me,but now I am more aware of my surroundings and realize that not everyone is as nice as I might think.
Anna stayed strong and optimistic during one of the worst possible situations.Many would have given up,but she didn't.I have so much respect for her and wish I could be more like her.I have never been through anything like that,but seeing how she responded gave me a desire to be strong and optimistic in my life.
Now,when I think of stress and difficulties,it is not about little everyday problems.Anna truly inspired me not to worry about the small things.She may not know it,but she made me want to be a better person.That is what matters to me:motivation to become a stronger,better individual.
Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
~Clare Boothe Luce
An Encounter
◎ Megan C
As the hot tears rolled down her cheeks,I knew I had asked the wrong question.The words reverberated in my mind:widowed or divorced?I looked into the lady's eyes,now dampened with the miserable tears my words had caused.
“Well,you could call me widowed,” she replied.“My husband died five months ago today.”
Her face,a haunted mask as she looked away,searched the racks as if he might appear.Tears again welled in her eyes,when she didn't find him,and she was unable to blink them back.
“I am so sorry,” I mumbled.“I needed it to fill out your credit application.” I wished I had allowed her to check the box herself.I knew well enough that words spoken aloud hold more pain than those unspoken.
“Don't worry about it,honey,” she soothed.“If I never thought about it,I would not remember the love and the memories we shared.Even after 50 years of marriage,each passing moment would bring a deeper meaning to the word love.Now,trust me,I know how foolish that sounds.We had our share of challenging times,but in the end none of that mattered.”
Unsure of what to say,I laughed nervously,not yet aware of the impact those words would have on me.I picked up the phone to relay her information;words hung in the air.My mind was not focused on the current task,and I was unsuccessful in my first few attempts.After finally completing the credit application,I turned to find myself riveted to the lady's face again.
Her eyes began to sparkle as she proceeded in a heart-to-heart.I couldn't believe someone could open up to a perfect stranger,but it was not my place to criticize.I enjoyed listening to her just as much as she appreciated having somebody to talk to.
“Have you ever been married?” she asked.
I couldn't help but laugh.I hadn't even thought about getting married.Besides,I looked nothing like a married woman—my braces stuck out from my mouth,and my frizzy hair was thrown back into a messy bun.
“Ah,no.” I replied.“I'm only 16.”
“16?” she murmured,eyes alight with the mystery of shrouded memories.“That's a great age,an age of lessons.There's so much worth learning.”
She then spoke in a hushed whisper,sharing the one lesson that I will carry with me the rest of my life.“Never,ever take anyone for granted.If you are in love with someone,let it be known as often as you feel it.Otherwise,life may pass you by.Don't spend your life angry.The ridiculous arguments you think are important won't even be remembered in a short time.”
Then,she hugged me and thanked me for letting her talk.As she turned to walk away,I could see that tears still hung in her eyes,but the smile that lit her face was amazing.After she left,I stood there replaying the conversation in my mind and letting her words sink in.Never,ever take anyone for granted.
The miracle is this—the more we share,the more we have.
~Leonard Nimoy
If you are in love with someone,let it be known as often as you feel it.
I have never seen that woman again,but her words of inspiration still live in me.At that time,the words were only little bits of advice.Now,however,they are the words which I try to live by,words that will always remind me of my special friend.