第3章 愿星辰陪伴着你初见星辰
顾万年离开泰山老家来到上海去探望自己的儿子,顾万年看着儿子顾海明失魂落魄的样子,顾万年得知孙佳人已经离开很多年的消息,顾万年的火气一下子突然间上来。顾万年离开儿子儿媳住的房子,顾万年来到了孙正刚住的教师楼,顾万年跑过来找亲家公理论。孙正刚看到顾万年这副想吃人的架势,孙正刚知道自己的老婆还没有回来,孙正刚知道自己吵架不是顾万年的对手。孙正刚笑脸相迎,泡了一壶茶请亲家公顾万年享用。顾万年等了这么久,依旧没有见到自己的宝贝孙子。顾万年愤怒道:“快点把我的宝贝大孙子,顾远中给我交出来。”孙正刚不知道今天亲家公今天火气这么大,孙正刚不知道到底究竟是怎么了,会让顾万年为何这么生气?孙正刚看着亲家公这么不友善的态度,来势汹汹的模样。心里想着:“大孙子离开前是女儿千叮咛万嘱咐交给我们夫妻俩的,凭什么你过来就要跟我们抢孩子啊!”再说现在已经快到二十一世纪了,哪还有像你这么粗俗无比不讲道理的人。”孙正刚看着顾万年说什么都要带走外孙的架势,孙正刚害怕他弄疼自己的外孙顾远中,孙正刚没有跟顾万年继续抢顾远中。孙正刚心里面想:“顾万年再怎么说也是孩子的爷爷,应该不会至于做出伤害他的事情。”顾万年带着顾远中离开南通回到山东老家,顾万年没想到时隔四十年能够再次见到他的初恋。贾朝云带着儿子李博明和儿媳谭红燕以及三个孙子孙女回到老家,顾远中认识了贾朝云的孙女李星辰。贾朝云自从嫁给李万州这些年一直住在中山,贾朝云这次回来的目的是给她父母亲迁坟。贾朝云如今的年纪毕竟已高,李博明代替母亲操办这些事宜。李博明在乡下待了两天时间,李博明不得不离开返回这里回到中山工作,李星洲的假期快结束了,李星洲必须回到学校读书。贾朝云带着李星辰和李星国留在了乡下。李星国和李星辰两个人年龄相差四岁,李星国毕竟才出生十个月左右,还没有满一周岁,八月份的时候正好满一周岁。谭红燕离开中山跟着婆婆回到老家,贾朝云看着孙女李星辰,谭红燕则是离开大儿子和老公,留在乡下跟着婆婆照顾女儿和小儿子。贾朝云看到该办的事情已经处理的差不多,贾朝云带着儿媳以及孙子孙女离开这里。孙佳人离开丈夫和父母和大儿子已经快两年多,转眼间两年的时间已经过去,Joy和Blake两个人已经出生三十个月,孙佳人看着儿子顾远明,这是顾远明出生已经第三十二个月。安德烈离开法国回到了英国,安德烈探望自己在史蒂夫庄园工作的父亲卢卡斯。安德烈得知无法改变自己父亲卢卡斯的心意,安德烈放下法国的工作留了下来。安德烈和Sam两个人是一起长大,如今安德烈和Sam已经各自有了家庭。安德烈的妻子杜拉拉两个人是在酒庄相识,经过一段时间相处两个人走到了一起。安德烈和杜拉拉还有一个两岁的儿子叫做安迪。Sam得知Joey生病的消息,Sam离开自己的公司赶往市区的医院。艾莉去了超市还没有回来,孙佳人还要着急赶着上班,孙佳人拜托自己的表弟秦天浩,希望他带着顾远明去医院待一天。Sam没找到自己的女儿,Sam意外地遇到了自己和Ella的干儿子Jack.Sam在想:“如果把Jack带进我的阵营,Susan会考虑我吗?”Sam胡思乱想。Sam想了想,还是没有什么好的办法。这时,Sam遇到了他同父异母的弟弟,我的救世主终于来到了。Sam看到George的到来,George给Sam出了一个坏主意。Sam和乔治两个人聊完天,Sam赶到Joy打针的地方,Sam发现Joy的输液已经结束。Sam让保姆带着Joy回到史蒂夫庄园,Joy觉得自己不受自己的父亲Sam宠爱了。Sam离开乔伊打过针的705室,Sam走到路过的儿童乐园。Sam用慈祥关爱的目光凝视着Jack.Jack didn't know who the uncle in front of him was?Why do you look at yourself like that?Sam looked at Jack and unknowingly thought of his deceased wife Ella. Sam knew that Ella liked this godson Jack very much. Sam took Jack away without Kane's knowledge.秦天浩忙完自己手头上的工作,秦天浩离开了办公室来到了楼上的儿童广场。秦天浩找到了半天依旧没有找到侄子顾远明的身影,秦天浩可谓是着急万分。秦天浩收到表姐孙佳人打过来的电话,秦天浩得知孙佳人下午要过来接儿子时,秦天浩可谓是彻底的慌了。秦天浩不得已告诉了孙佳人,顾远明在医院丢失的事情。Sam took Jack out of the hospital and returned to his residence, Steve Manor.Jack对Sam说:“这里是哪里,我不要待在这里,我要回家。”Sam looked at Jack shouting there,Sam patiently coaxed Jack,Jack's uneasy state gradually calmed down.Sam looked at Jack's calm appearance and thought to himself:“If only Jack were my biological son .“Sam has a selfish idea and wants to keep Jack in his manor forever,If Jack is my son, Joey's brother, then he doesn't have to leave here and stays in this manor forever.Unknowingly, Sam was lost in thought.Jack came to the backyard of Steve's manor and met Sam's good brother Andre who was training the horse. Andre saw another boy at home. Andre was not only curious about Jack's identity.Andre asked Jack five questions, and Andre saw that Jack could answer them fluently without thinking. Unbeknownst to Sam, Kane and Susan are frantically searching for Jack in the hospital.Jack was in the backyard of Steve's manor at this time. Jack saw that Andre was so good at training horses, so Jack learned equestrian skills from Andre. Andre saw Jack put on riding clothes, looking very much like a young gentleman. Andre helped Jack get on the horse and saw Jack running twice in the open space.Andre saw Jack coming back from two laps, sweating all over, and returned to the place where he started. Jack unknowingly lost track of time playing with Andre and the horse in the backyard. It was already dark when Jack left the backyard. Jack said goodbye to Andre, and passed by the garden. Jack met Dai Li, Beirut, and Rod's family.Dai Li was worried about her son. Rod graduated from middle school this year. Rod wanted to give his parents a good life. Rod didn't want his parents to continue to live a life of dependence on others. Rod decided to try to get into the military academy. Jack left the garden and returned to the room that Sam had arranged for himself. Sam saw Jack return sweating profusely. Sam learned that Jack ran to the backyard. Sam learned that Andre had been teaching Jack to ride horses for the past few hours.孙佳人的儿子顾远明(Jack)自从丢失后,孙佳人的心中可谓是想到的着急。孙佳人不知道究竟应该去哪里找孩子,孙佳人来到公园遇到一个正在画油画卖艺的中年男人,孙佳人不知道这个画油画的大哥名字叫什么名字?孙佳人用英语交流知道他的名字叫保罗,保罗送了一幅画给孙佳人,孙佳人不知道保罗是一个油画大师,保罗为了寻找创作灵感来到这边没想到会遇到孙佳人。保罗在感叹着:“美丽的东方女孩,有缘的话期待我们下次见面。”保罗画完这幅画带着自己行李离开这里打车去了机场,保罗坐上去往罗马的飞机。Ellie watched Susan return to her residence with a painting,Susan looked at the sky outside, which was extremely dark and without sunlight. Susan was very worried about her son Jack.Ellie actually felt guilty and did not dare to look directly into Susan's eyes. Ellie suspected that her stepson Sam had taken Jack away. If Jack lived in Sam's manor, there should be no big proEllie thought hard about whether to tell Susan the truth, fearing that it would affect the friendship between landlord and tenant that the two had built over two years.blem, but what about me?Should I tell Susan? Ellie thought about it and still didn't find a suitable opportunity.Ellie thought hard about whether to tell Susan the truth, fearing that it would affect the friendship between landlord and tenant that the two had built over 3 years. Joey saw that his father, Sam, cared so much about Jack. Joy felt that his father was partial to Jack. Joy could be said to be quite angry. Joy hoped that Jack would not take away the love from his father, Sam.乔治听说了孙佳人孩子顾远明走丢的事情,乔治知道看到今天是一月二十号了,乔治知道还有半个月就是中国的农历春季。乔治希望孙佳人能够回去跟家人团聚,反正现在学校也是放假的阶段。孙佳人受到乔治的鼓励下,孙佳人准备回去一趟探望一下父母。孙佳人离开前来到了医院找到工作中的秦天浩,孙佳人得知不需要给小姨带礼物的消息,孙佳人告别了秦天浩走出了医院的大门。孙佳人离开医院打车直接去了机场,孙佳人离开伦敦踏上飞往国内的航班。孙佳人坐了一天的飞机终于抵达了目的地,孙佳人发现这个时间已经很晚了。孙佳人希望能够给自己的丈夫惊喜,孙佳人没有告诉顾海明自己要回来的消息。孙佳人发现现在已经是晚上十点多,顾海明竟然没有在家,孙佳人不知道顾海明究竟跑去了哪里?第二天下午孙佳人离开自己的住处,孙佳人来到了教师楼去找自己的父亲和儿子顾远中。孙佳人抵达父母的住处已经是傍晚五点半了,孙佳人正好赶上晚饭的时间。孙正刚看到竟然是女儿佳人的归来,孙正刚留下了感动的泪水。孙正刚毕竟有四年没看到自己的女儿,孙佳人发现怎么没有看到自己的儿子顾远中,孙佳人得知顾远中被顾万年带走的消息,孙佳人显得相当的气愤。