Dear Chinese reader,
The book in your hand is a collection of fun and inspiring amateur science projects. The author, Jiamin, was a PhD student in my group in the Physics Department of the University of Arizona. I witnessed and sometimes participated in the creation of more than half of the projects in my lab. We played with the diamagnetic levitation (Chapter 7) and levitron (Chapter 8) together. From time to time Jiamin would show me other interesting stuff he made in his spare time, such as the bending laser light in sugar water (Chapter 2) and PID controlled magnetic levitations (Chapter 16) etc. Even the day before he left our lab to work in another city, he was trying to measure the microwave leakage from the microwave oven in our lab (Chapter 4). Fortunately, he didn't break the oven.
Jiamin did all these projects in a lab filled with instruments costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, he did not use any of this equipment for these projects. So you can also enjoy the fun experiments at home with a little bit of spare money and lots of spare time, and explore some quite broad and deep science topics. Even a professional scientist can find something new and interesting from reading the book and experimenting with the project ideas.
Time to get your hands dirty and start working on them!
Best wishes,
Brian LeRoy
Tucson, Arizona