
图0-1 本书的结构:互联世界
[1] United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2017) World population projected to reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100, UN, New York
[2] Loughrey, C (2017) Minority Report: 6 predictions that came true, 15 years on, The Independent , 25 June
[3] Kurzweil, R (2001) The law of accelerating returns, Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence, 7 March
[4] Inside Big Data (2017) The exponential growth of data, Inside Big Data, 16 February
[5] Anthony, SD, Viguerie, SP, Schwartz, EI and van Landeghem, J (2018) 2018 Corporate longevity forecast: Creative destruction is accelerating, Innosight , February
[6] Deloitte (2018) Special Edition: European CFO Survey, Spring
[7] Thier, J (2020) 2020 Trends: Rise of the CFO-COO, CFO Dive , 26 January
[8] Holley, C (nd) What CEOs want-and need-from their CFOs, Deloitte
[9] Deloitte (nd) The CFO Program: Step ahead
[10] The data related to these statistics was collected in 2018/2019 as part of the annually conducted UK Digital Disruption Index Survey. See also: Deloitte (nd) Digital Disruption Index: Aligning strategy, workforce and technology
[11] Ehrenhalt, S (2016) Crunch time: Finance in a digital world, Deloitte
[12] Nadler, D and Tushman, M (1980) A model for diagnosing organizational behavior, Organizational Dynamics, 9 (2), Autumn, pp 35-51
[13]Including a series of Deloitte UK Digital Disruption Index Executive Surveys conducted since 2017. Deloitte (2019) Digital Disruption Index: Aligning strategy, workforce and technology
[14] Kane, GC, Phillips, AN, Copulsky, JR and Andrus, GR (2019) The Technology Fallacy: How people are the real key to digital transformation, p 40, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
[15] Gurumurthy, R and Schatsky, D (2019) Pivoting to digital maturity: Seven capabilities central to digital transformation, Deloitte Insights
[16] Gurumurthy, R and Schatsky, D (2019) Pivoting to Digital Maturity: Seven capabilities central to digital transformation , Deloitte Insights