TKT Module 1 Practice Test One

Language and background to language learning and teaching
Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions.
Read the instructions on the answer sheet.
Mark your answers on the answer sheet. Use a pencil.
You must complete the answer sheet within the time limit.
At the end of the test, hand in both this question paper and your answer sheet.
There are 80 questions in this paper.
Each question carries one mark.
This paper consists of 14 printed pages.
For questions 1—7, match the underlined verb structures in the example sentences with their grammatical functions listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
example sentences
1 My flight’s at eight.
2 We’re going to submit our application this week.
3 At the moment she’s staying with her parents.
4 Why are they all hurrying inside?
5 I think I’ll leave early today.
6 The weather’s getting worse.
7 I’m seeing my sister after class.
grammatical functions
A to describe a future arrangement
B to talk about a timetabled future event
C to talk about a change currently occurring
D to describe an activity in progress at the time of speaking
E to express a prediction
F to talk about a current temporary situation
G to describe a future plan that has already been decided
H to describe a decision made at the time of speaking
For questions 8—13, match the underlined words in the text with the grammatical terms listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
grammatical terms
A relative pronoun
B definite article
C adverb
D object pronoun
E possessive adjective
F conjunction
G subject pronoun
University was a very rewarding time in (8) my life, and something I will never forget. Tertiary study was (9) initially quite a shock, as the staff expected (10) us to be independent. To my surprise, (11) they never checked whether we attended, or did the homework (12) that had been assigned. However, (13) the experience gave me an opportunity to grow as an adult.
For questions 14—19, choose the correct word(s) to complete each statement about lexis.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
14 Toe and tow, and by and buy, are examples of____.
A homographs
B homonyms
C homophones
15 ____are words with a similar meaning.
A Minimal pairs
B Synonyms
C Antonyms
16 An example of a compound noun is____.
A post office
B impression
C busy street
17 The words begin and commence differ in____.
A word stress
B word class
C register
18 Stand up is an example of a____verb.
A regular
B phrasal
C transitive
19 Strong coffee and heavy rain are examples of____.
A collocations
B false friends
C lexical sets
For questions 20—27, look at the phonemic symbols and the three words listed A, B and C.
Choose the word which contains the matching sound.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
20 /uː/
A thumb
B soon
C won
21 /ʃ/
A shower
B pleasure
C sorry
22 /ʌ/
A pattern
B mother
C cartoon
23 /ð/
A shout
B think
C with
24 /əʊ/
A house
B go
C bought
25 /ʤ/
A dream
B through
C just
26 /ə/
A mention
B tidy
C statue
27 /eɪ/
A leather
B lighter
C lately
For questions 28—34, look at the questions about functions, and three possible answers.
Choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
28 Which of these is NOT an example of ‘giving advice’?
A Why don’t you call?
B Will you try to solve the problem?
C You could always meet her later.
29 Which of these is NOT an example of ‘making a suggestion’?
A Should we walk?
B Why don’t we go by bus?
C Let’s try to get there early.
30 Which of these is NOT an example of ‘disagreeing’?
A Yes, but email would be better.
B In my view it’s correct.
C I’m not sure about that.
31 Which of these is NOT an example of ‘making a request’?
A Would you mind turning on the fan?
B Could you please explain it again?
C Will you come and visit sometime?
32 Which of these is NOT an example of ‘asking for permission’?
A Will I pass if I fail an assignment?
B Is it all right if we hand it in on Friday?
C Do you mind if I use my phone?
33 Which of these is NOT an example of ‘inviting’?
A You must come to dinner.
B Would you like to see a movie?
C Can you please drop by tomorrow?
34 Which of these is NOT an example of ‘refusing an invitation’?
A I’d love to, but I’m babysitting tonight.
B Could we make it a different day?
C Unfortunately I’m tied up all week.
For questions 35—40, look at the statements about language skills, and the three possible ways of completing them listed A, B and C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
35 Learners scan a text in order to
A understand the main idea.
B find specific information.
C identify key vocabulary.
36 Learners can predict the content of a story by
A reading a summary.
B writing a response to the text.
C looking at the title and pictures.
37 Learners can have authentic speaking practice by
A recording themselves.
B reading aloud.
C debating a topic.
38 Conversational strategies enable learners to
A deal with communication difficulties.
B avoid pronunciation errors.
C give effective class presentations.
39 Process writing involves
A sentence-level accuracy practice.
B achieving a real-world goal.
C drafting and redrafting.
40 Inferring meaning is a useful skill because
A the words speakers use may not give information directly.
B English has many different accents.
C speakers often use figurative language.
For questions 41—45, look at the statements about student motivation, and the three possible ways of completing them listed A, B and C.
Two of the ways complete the statement correctly. One of the ways does NOT.
Mark the letter of the way (A, B or C) which does NOT complete the statement correctly on your answer sheet.
41 You can make learning goals clear by
A devoting the last part of the course to test preparation.
B writing lesson aims on the board each lesson.
C giving students a printed syllabus with weekly outcomes.
42 You can motivate students in a pre-university language course by
A awarding a prize to the most improved student.
B watching interviews with university students about campus life.
C using texts and activities that replicate university study.
43 You can help learners measure their progress by
A giving oral feedback to individuals.
B giving whole-class feedback after a free practice activity.
C giving regular quizzes on content studied in class.
44 You can encourage learner autonomy by
A showing different options for recording vocabulary.
B having students work on on-going projects.
C rewarding learners for good results.
45 You can help make learners feel good about what they achieve by
A grouping stronger students together.
B writing positive comments on their homework.
C displaying their work.
For questions 46—50, complete the sentences about features of language learning with one of the options listed A, B or C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
46 Focus on form helps learners
A achieve accuracy.
B speak more fluently.
C develop confidence to interact in English.
47 Developmental errors are
A errors that cause miscommunication.
B errors that have become permanent in a learner’s use of language.
C typical errors at different stages of learning a language.
48 Interference occurs when a learner
A is taught something incorrect.
B misapplies a feature of his or her L1.
C is exposed to non-standard use of language.
49 The silent period is when learners
A stop using an L2 after an uncomfortable experience.
B listen to a new language before they feel ready to speak.
C are inhibited because they are concerned about accuracy.
50 Interlanguage describes
A the rules a learner forms while learning a new language.
B artificial language used in the classroom.
C language that is sufficient for communication.
For questions 51—55, look at the learning strategies, and the three learner activities listed A, B and C.
In each question, two of the activities are examples of the strategy. One of the activities is NOT.
Mark the letter of the activity (A, B or C) which is NOT an example of the strategy on your answer sheet.
51 authentic practice
A I write life-like dialogues in English and read them aloud.
B I listen to English songs for fun.
C I communicate on social media using English.
52 learning meaning of words
A I write new vocabulary in sentences that are true about me.
B I translate all new words in my notebook.
C I put labels with the English word on objects in my room.
53 paraphrasing
A I look up the English definition of new words.
B I try not to give up when I’m expressing my ideas.
C I learn expressions such as ‘It’s a type of …’ for when I can’t remember a word.
54 deducing from context
A I predict what a text will be about before I read.
B I look at a whole sentence to guess the meaning of a new word.
C I ask someone when I don’t know a word.
55 self-assessment
A I record myself speaking English and listen to my pronunciation.
B I track my scores in class tests.
C I make my own vocabulary quizzes.
For questions 56—62, match the features with the teaching approaches that they involve listed A, B or C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
You need to use some options more than once.
teaching approaches
A grammar-translation
B task-based approach
C presentation, practice and production (PPP)
56 This is usually taught in the learners’ L1.
57 The first practice activity focusses on oral accuracy.
58 The teacher highlights language points after the main activity.
59 The teacher explains rules, and the learners do written exercises to apply the rules.
60 The lesson builds towards a freer, more authentic activity at the end.
61 Learners interact to achieve a life-like goal.
62 The teacher teaches meaning, form and pronunciation of new language.
For questions 63—69, match the teachers’ activities with the presentation techniques listed A—H.
Mark the correct letter (A—H) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
presentation techniques
The teacher is …
A eliciting vocabulary.
B giving feedback.
C modelling.
D analysing structure.
E highlighting intonation.
F drilling.
G concept checking.
H context setting.
teachers’ activities
63 The teacher shows a picture of an aeroplane and asks, ‘What’s this?’.
64 The teacher asks, ‘Is the speaker talking about now, or the past?’.
65 The teacher asks learners to repeat a sentence.
66 The teacher sets up her desk to look like a restaurant.
67 The teacher says a target sentence using natural pronunciation.
68 The teacher raises her finger to show that the pitch in a question rises.
69 The teacher writes up target sentences, and labels the parts.
For questions 70—74, match the descriptions of reading and writing activities with the activity types listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
activity types
A picture story
B gap-fill
C jigsaw reading
D mind map
E multiple choice
F note-taking
descriptions of reading and writing activities
70 Learners write the missing words in a summary of a reading text.
71 Learners write a story based on four illustrations.
72 Learners read different parts of the same text, then exchange information.
73 Learners read an article and write down key information.
74 Learners brainstorm ideas on paper before writing an essay.
For questions 75—80, match the assessment tasks with the types of test listed, A, B or C.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
You need to use some options more than once.
types of test
A diagnostic test
B proficiency test
C progress test
assessment tasks
75 Each Friday, learners complete a quiz on the week’s vocabulary.
76 Learners each write a paragraph to help the teacher identify their strengths and weaknesses.
77 Learners undertake a half-day test in all four skills.
78 Learners discuss a topic in pairs, and the teacher listens and notes down errors.
79 After the test, learners receive a certificate which states their language level.
80 Learners see what they have understood in a coursebook unit.