Chromatic Color and Achromatic Color

For humans,the recognizable colors amount to millions upon millions of kinds.In general,they can be divided into two categories.
Black,white and gray are called achromatic colors.The colors except the already mentioned,including red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo and purple are called chromatic colors.
Chromatic colors can be further divided into six groups:the first group is whitish,the second blackish,the third yellowish,the fourth reddish,the fifth bluish,the sixth greenish.
The first group leaves us the impression that these colors are bright.If we have a closer look,we can find that some colors contain red,some contain green,some contain blue,some contain yellow and some contain gray.Therefore,these colors share the same characteristic of brightness.
The second group leaves us the impression that they are kind of dull.Same as the first group,some colors contain red,some contain green,some contain blue,some contain yellow and some contain white.Therefore,they share the same characteristic of dimness.
The first impression on the third group is that these colors all contain yellow,some of which are greenish,some reddish,some whitish and some blackish.But they share the same characteristic of containing yellow.

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The first impression of the fourth group is that these colors all contain red,some of which are bluish,some yellowish,some whitish and some blackish.But these colors share the same characteristic of containing red.
The first impression of the fifth group is that these colors all contain blue,some of which are greenish,some reddish,some whitish and some blackish.But these colors share the same characteristic of containing blue.
The first impression of the sixth group is that these colors all contain green,some of which are yellowish,some bluish,some whitish and some blackish.But these colors share the same characteristic of containing green.
Through this grouping method,tens of millions of colors can be classified into them.