1 鹧鸪天·缅怀林则徐
Cherish the Memory of Lin Zexu
(To the Tune of Zhegutian)
In order to relieve people's worry, Lin Zexu, an official in the Qing Dynasty, burnt the opium in Humen, which had come from the West and that had caused our hundreds of nationalities anxiety.
The Chinese people wept as the fatuous emperor feared the foreign countries and signed the treaty of national betrayal, which had become the hatred of the people for the whole nation.
The dragon has been bracing up and the history is long-drawn- out. Now the pearls reappeared and the disgrace of the sick man, so called, has been wiped out.
The revered Mr. Lin should be not regretful in nether world, as he would be on the verge of seeing the Divine Land whips the steed on.