第47章 de·for·est·ation
Pollution deforestation over-fashing,intensive farming and
global warming are severely affecting the environment.
The government should ensure the economic reform is for the benefit of the less well-off.
Otherwise,the gap between the rich and the poor will keep widening.
Online education may have lowered the cost of learning,but it remains to be seen weather it will enable students to learn more effectively.
It remains to be seen weather the econmics of this sort of testing make it feasible on a national scale.
It remains to be seen weather...句子中it是形式主语,指代weather…后面的内容,相当于weather...remains to be seen这一句式在写作中有很广泛的应用。
There are reckoned to be about 7000 rare diseases in the world,aftecting 400m people,and most are genetic.
The British project is likely to begin with a small number of exetremely
rerliable testes that will improve the way children are treated.This ensure the testing is for benefit of the child.
somebody ensures (that)XX is for the benefit of…意思是“某人应该保证XX对于……是有益的”
the action of clearing a wide area of trees:
“a key aim is to try to halt widespread deforestation in the Amazon“ · “deforestation caused by foreign logging companies“