第13章 天堂之门
All the sculptors set to work. And all except one kept their work secret from everyone else until the year was up.The one exception was Lorenzo Ghiberti.He worked and worked, and then he asked his friends to come in and tell him how he could make his relief better.Then he worked some more until he had a very beautiful relief indeed.
When the year was up, each sculptor brought his relief to the judges. And what do you think happened?The judges couldn't decide which was the very best!There was a tie for first place.One of the winners was Ghiberti's relief.The other was cast by a famous architect-a person who designs buildings-named Brunelleschi.But Brunelleschi himself thought Ghiberti's relief was better than his own, so he very generously said he would withdraw and let Ghiberti be the winner.Then the judges said Ghiberti could make the doors.
Ghiberti set to work. He worked and worked.One year, two years, five years, ten years passed and still he worked on the doors.You won't believe how long it took to make them.I'll tell you the date when he began and when he finished.He started to work on the reliefs in 1403.He finished the doors in 1424.
“What?”you say.“It took him twenty-one years to make one pair of doors?That is a long time!”
Finally the doors were finished and put in the south doorway of the baptistery. They opened down the middle and had twenty-eight panels fit together into frames to make two enormous doors.Those panels were made up of scenes chiefly from the life of Christ in
relief.Each scene was made separately and then fit together with the rest.Try to imagine doors that are over sixteen feet tall, and each door weighing one and one-third tons.
Ghiberti's doors were a big hit. Everyone liked them so much that the men of Florence asked the sculptor to make another pair of bronze doors for the east doorway to the baptistery.There was no need for a competition this time.They knew Ghiberti was the man for the job.
Ghiberti started on the second pair of doors. He worked and worked and worked.One year, two years, five years, ten years, twenty years, and still he worked on the doors.He began these doors in 1425.He finished them in 1452.What?Twenty-seven years to make one set of doors?That is a long time, of course, so he wanted in some small way to leave his signature behind after so many years.Can you imagine what he decided to do?
Ghiberti included a bust of himself, his son Vittorio, and Vittorio's wife and child-his whole family who had watched as he labored for so very long. So there they are,


surrounded by the famous characters from the Old Testament along with frogs, crickets, lizards, and bouquets of flowers just for fun.
But this time, when Ghiberti had finished, the doors were so splendid that many people said they were perfect. Their name, The Gates of Paradise, is based on the story that the young Michelangelo, greatly impressed by the doors, described them as worthy to be the gates of Paradise.
The Gates of Paradise has ten scenes from the Old Testament. This illustration is a detail of the scene showing the story of Abraham.