第5章 自然站立
Polyclitus also made a statue of a woman athlete called an Amazon. The Amazons were a mythological race of warrior women who wanted nothing to do with men-except to fight them in battles and duels.
Other sculptors admired these two statues by Polyclitus and made copies of them in marble. It is fortunate for us they did so, for all we have now are the copies.The ones that Polyclitus himself made have disappeared and no trace of them is left.
Polyclitus made his statues out of a metal called bronze. The first metal ever discovered was not gold or silver or iron but copper.Then tin was found, and tin and copper were combined to make bronze.So bronze is not a pure metal.It is a combination of copper and tin.Bronze lasts if kept dry;however, when it is
exposed to the weather or dampness, it is gradually eaten away. Bronze could be worked so well that the Greeks loved to make statues and other things out of it.It does not rust like iron, it is not expensive like gold or silver, and over the course of time, it gets a greenish coating called a patina.
I have an ancient lamp made of bronze with a beautiful patina that took perhaps two thousand years to form. Some people try to imitate the real patina by treating bronze with acid, but only nature and time can make the real patina.

Another Greek sculptor, a friend of Polyclitus, was named Myron. Myron went further than Polyclitus in giving his figures naturalness and action.One of his statues is called The Discus Thrower.Discus-throwing is a sport in which the object is to see how far a heavy disk can be thrown underhanded.
The Discus Thrower is shown at the moment just before he hurls the discus. Notice the toes of the front foot gripping the ground and those on the rear foot being drawn along the ground to balance the body.Back then, the discus weighed about two and a half pounds and the record throw was less than one hundred feet.That may not seem very far until you try it.Today the discus has been thrown up to one hundred and fifty-five feet.
The Discus Thrower was first made in bronze, but the bronze statue has disappeared and the statue shown here was made in marble from a copy. It is one of several marble copies in museums around the world.The difference between the bronze and marble copy, besides the color, is that marble is so heavy that it breaks if it is not supported.That is why the

marble copy of The Discus Thrower has an odd-looking, tree-trunk shape behind one leg-to hold up the weight and keep the statue from toppling over and breaking.
Myron also made a bronze cow that was so natural it is said to have fooled everybody into thinking it was a real cow. But this cow has disappeared and there are not any copies.
Bronze statues were entirely eaten away or melted down over the course of time. Marble statues often were broken but otherwise lasted, and many have been far luckier than Humpty Dumpty because they have been put back together again.