第9章 小小珍品
great as those who made life-size and colossal-size figures.These gems were made for kings and wealthy people, for no others could afford them.Rich people long ago used to collect such gems as you might collect stamps.Today museums-and those who can afford it-still do so.
Often these tiny bits of low-relief sculpture were cut in a stone that had two or three layers of different colors so that the figures were one color and the background another. If one layer was black and the other white, the stone was called onyx.If the top layer was reddish and those below it white and black, it was called sardonyx.Such sculptured low reliefs were known as cameos, and some were very beautiful.Today cameos are made of shells with two color layers and are called shell cameos.Some are cut from two or more layers of different-colored stone cemented together or from artificial sardonyx.
There was another kind of gem made in great quantities, in which the figures were hollowed out or sunken instead of being raised. A gem of this sort was called a seal or intaglio, which means sunken.The seals were used to stamp a design in wax.The stamped impression made from the sunken relief was raised in wax, and one could

make as many stamped impressions with the seal as he or she liked.Each person who could afford it had such a seal with a special design all his own to stamp everything he wished to mark with his own hand.Everyone would then know he alone had made the impression.These seals are similar to the cylinder stamps that the Assyrians, who lived long before the Romans, used to sign their names.
Back in the days when few people knew how to write-or even how to sign their names-these seals were used to make marks that served the same purpose as signatures. Sometimes the seal was fitted into a finger ring that was worn by the owner so that no one else could use it.Such rings were called signet rings, or signing rings.Sometimes the seal was not mounted in a ring but was kept in a safe place so that no one but the owner could use it.
Have you ever collected coins?Many people do. Perhaps you would never think of such coins as a kind of sculpture, but that is what old coins are-pieces of low-relief sculpture.The Greeks used to make the most beautiful coins with heads or figures of famous people or gods on them in low relief.First they made a die that was a sunken relief, and then coins were stamped out of metal-gold, silver or bronze-with the die.
One difference between a coin and a gem is that a coin is made from a die and any number of the same coin can be made from one die. But a gem is one of a kind and cannot be duplicated.The coins of some countries today are really beautiful but not quite as beautiful as those the ancient Greeks made.One reason for this is that today our coins have to be made quite flat, or in very low relief, so that they will stack in a pile, for this
is necessary in our banks.But it was not necessary to stack the old Greek coins in piles, so they could be made in higher relief.
Coins were, of course, used to buy things, but there were old coin-like sculptures called medals that generally were larger and were not used as money. The figures on medals were often in higher relief and were made by pouring the metal into a mold instead of by stamping the metal with a die.Usually such medals were made for prizes in athletic games, honors in war, or to celebrate some great event, anniversary, or celebration.Medals of this kind are still made today.Perhaps you know someone who has won such a medal and you can see for yourself.
