4.8 Vibroflotation
4.8.1 The vibroflotation test shall be conducted on site before the construction to determine various construction parameters such as water pressure,vibro-compaction current and reservation time of vibration.
4.8.2 The construction of vibroflotation replacement shall meet the following requirements:
1 The water pressure may be 200kPa-600kPa,water flow rate may be 200L/min-600L/min and penetration rate should be 0.5m/min-2.0m/min;
2 After the steady current reaches dense current value,the vibration should be kept for 30s,and the vibroflotation device should be lifted for 300mm-500mm.The filling height for each lift should not be greater than 500mm;
3 The construction should proceed from cenetr to periphery or by alternate installation sequence;where there are existing buildings(structures)or pipelines nearby the improving area,the construction shall start from the side near buildings outwards gradually;
4 The construction site shall include mud drainage ditches and settling tank for mud disposal.
4.8.3 The vibroflotation compaction construction shall meet the following requirements:
1 The high-power vibroflotation device should be adopted for vibroflotation compaction,and the sinking should be fast.The probe penetration rate should be 8m/min-10m/min,and each lifting height should be within 500mm and vibro-compaction time per m should be 1min;
2 For silty and fine sand soils,the vibroflotation compaction construction may be conducted by two point resonance method.The reservation time of vibration should be 10s-20s;the probe penetration rate and lifting rate should be 1.0m/min-1.5m/min;the water pressure should be 100kPa-200kPa,and each lifting height should be 500mm;
3 The construction should proceed from periphery or both sides to the center.
4.8.4 The quality inspection of vibrofloatation shall meet the following requirements:
1 The allowable tolerance for plan position of vibroflotation hole shall not be greater than 0.2 times the column diameter and the verticality tolerance shall not be greater than 1/100;
2 The quality inspection shall be conducted a certain time after construction;for clayey soils,silty soils and granular soils,the interval time shall be no less than 21 days,14 days and 7 days,respectively;
3 The column itself shall be inspected through dynamic penetration test;the inter-column soil should be inspected by standard penetration,static penetration,dynamic penetration or other in-situ tests,and the test position shall be in the center of equilateral triangle or square;the test quantityshall not be less than 2%of total number of column and shall not be less than 5.