dam [dæm]
【例句】They built a dam along the seashore to retain the seawater.他们沿海岸筑起一道堤坝以拦住海水。|The new dam will form a large artificial lake behind it.新筑的水坝建成后,其后将会形成一个人工湖。|They have decided to build a dam across the river.他们已经决定在河上建立拦水大坝。
【常用搭配】gravity dam重力坝;movable dam活动坝,可动水坝,活动堰;arch dam拱坝,拱形坝;dam foundation坝基;earth dam土坝;rockfill dam堆石坝;concrete dam混凝土坝;masonry dam浆砌石坝
【例句】Four longitudinal galleries will be pro-vided within the dam body,and will also extend into the dam abutments.坝体内部设4条纵向廊道,一直延伸到坝肩。

dam abutment
dam aging
dam axis【图】
【例句】The approximate location of the dam ax-is was chosen during the pre-feasibility stage.坝轴线的位置选择在预可行性设计阶段基本确定。|Dam axis should be arranged in a straight line.坝轴线宜布置成直线。
dam back

dam axis
dam base【图】
【例句】Analysis of the stability and calculation of the stresses are generally conducted at the dam base and at selected planes within the struc-ture.一般在坝基和坝体的选定截面进行稳定性分析和应力计算。

dam base
dam body【图】见“dambase”
【例句】Engineering geophysics is economic,and efficient for seepage detection in dam body.工程物探方法是一种经济、有效的坝体渗漏检测手段。
dam core
【例句】Qualified dam core impervious material is produced by controlling four key procedures during material mixing.合格的大坝心墙防渗料是在材料混合阶段通过4个控制性的关键程序进行生产的。
dam crest【图】
【例句】The dam crest should have sufficient thickness to resist the impact of floating objects and ice loads and to meet access and roadway requirements.坝顶应具有足够厚度以抵抗漂浮物和冰的冲击,同时满足作为通路和道路的要求。|The dam crest width shall be selected according to the requirements for operation,equipment and construction.坝顶宽度应根据运行需要、坝顶设施布置和施工要求确定。

dam crest
dam failure
【例句】Severe monsoon rains in the summer of 2010 led to a dam failure on the Indus River,which subsequently split in two.2010年夏季强烈的季风降水导致印度河一座大坝的崩溃,随即裂成两段。
dam foundation
【例句】After dam foundation grouting treatment,the drainage holes still have water flowing out with educt.坝基灌浆处理后排水孔内仍有地下水流出并有析出物生成。
dam heel
dam height
【例句】The horizontal width of cushion zone shall be selected according to dam height,topography,construction workmanship and economic comparison.垫层区的水平宽度应由坝高、地形、施工工艺和经济比较确定。
dam safety legislation
dam shape
dam slope
【例句】When soft rockfill is used or dam is rested on soil foundation,the dam slopes shall be defined through stability calculation.软岩堆石料或在覆盖层基础上建坝,坝坡应由稳定计算确定。
dam thickness
dam toe
【例句】The influence of bypass seepage is limited along the direction of river stream,but the effect on the left bank around the dam toe is great.绕坝渗流沿河道方向的影响是有限的,主要影响发生在坝趾处的左岸坡上。
【例句】The scheme can be applied to simulate dam-break flood wave propagation in the natural river courses.该方案可用于模拟天然河道中的溃坝洪水波传播。
damping ratio
damping value
damsite ['dæmˌsaIt]
【例句】 The geology and foundation conditions at the damsite may dictate the type of dam suitable for that site.根据坝址的地质和基础情况,可以阐明适合该坝址的坝型。
【常用搭配】damsite selecting 坝址选择
data-handling procedure
dead capacity
dead load
【例句】The modified method on dead load and vehicles load were discussed based on the character of the load on the concrete bridges.考虑混凝土桥梁的荷载特点,讨论了静荷载和车辆 荷载特性的修正方法。|The dead load analysis does not need to be revised.不需要重新进行静载分析了。
【同义词】static load 静荷载
dead weight
debris load
【例句】The Yalong River at Ertan dam site carries debris load,including logs.雅砻江上的二滩坝区有漂浮物,包括漂木,造成的偶然荷载。
【例句】Analysis of kinetic model of double exponential fluorescence decay is implemented.进行了双指数荧光衰减动力学模型分析。
decay rate
【常用搭配】decked dam 面板坝
deck-type ['dektaIp]
【例句】The design of a deck-type,multiple-span spillway bridge should generally conform to the following criteria.对于上承式多跨溢洪桥的设计,一般应遵循以下标准。
defect [dI'fekt]
【例句】Abrupt discontinuities along the dam profile,material changes,defects in the foundation,and the location of features such as outlet works and penstock will also influence joint location.大坝 截面形状的突变、材料的改变、坝基缺陷和特征结构的位置,比如泄建筑物和压力管道,将会影响施工缝的位置。
defect notification period
【例句】However,adefects notification period shall not be extended by more than two years.缺陷通知期限不能超过2年。
【例句】The Agheila defile was kernel of the situation.阿盖拉隘路是全局的核心。
definition sketch
deflation valley
【例句】The local Aeolian geomorphic unit is chiefly some small-scale deflation shallow valley deflation relic hillock,dune and soil hillock etc.that generate facing wind slope on ridge-mound and in hollow.当地的风成地貌主要是一些发育在垄岗的迎风坡及洼地中的小型风蚀浅谷、风蚀残丘、沙丘、土丘等。
【例句】Modeling experiments told the researchers that an asymmetrical deflection of light would create a surprisingly stable lift force.研究人员从模型试验中得知,光线的非对称偏转可以产生惊人的稳定的提拉力。
【常用搭配】deflection angle [雷达][测]偏转角
deflector [dI'flektə]
【例句】His many gadgets will have that garbage crusher or pesky deflector shield shut down in minutes.他身上的许多小物件能让垃圾粉碎机,或者让烦人的导向装置防护罩在几分钟内关闭。
【例句】The ability of a foundation to support the loads imposed by the various structures is primarily dependent on the deformation,stability,and ground-water conditions of the foundation materials.地基抵抗来自于不同结构的荷载的能力主要依靠其地基组成物的变形、稳定性以及地下水条件。|Temperature affects structures in two aspects:deformation and stress.温度对结构物的作用体现在变形和应力两个方面。
【常用搭配】deformation joint变形缝;compressive deformation压缩变形;creep deformation蠕变;plastic deformation塑性变形;elastic deformation弹性形变;thermal deformation热变形;shear deformation剪力变形;deformation temperature变形温度;reserved deformation预留变形量
deformation characteristic
deformation modulus
【例句】Hydraulic conductivity is indispensable for groundwater modeling in fractured rock masses while deformation modulus is required for stability evaluation of rock masses.渗透系数是进行裂隙岩体渗流模拟的必备参数,而变形模量是工程岩体数值模拟的必备参数。|The deformation modulus of a foundation rock mass must be determined to evaluate the amount of expected settlement of the structure placed on it.必须确定基岩的变形模量以评估放置其上结构的沉降量大小。
【常用搭配】comprehensive deformation modulus 综合变形模量;equivalent deformation modulus等效变形模量
deformation response
degrading stream
【例句】Degrading stream actively deepens its channel or valley through erosional process.下切河流通过侵蚀过程主动地向下侵蚀其河道和流域。
【释义】n.分层,[生物][化学] 层离
【例句】When the material liquid is homogenized under high pressure,the liquid delamination can be prevented or reduced while the fineness,cleanliness,looseness and inner quality can be improved.料液在高压下进行均化,能起到防止和减少液料的分层,提高料液的细洁度、疏松度和提高在制品的内在质量。
【常用搭配】delamination resistance抗脱层性能,抗脱胶性;bond delamination 黏合层剥层测量,黏结分层测量;delamination supply分层供给
【例句】Fine aggregates shall be non-plastic and free from clay,loam,aggregations of material,vegetative and other organic matter,and other deleterious substances.精细骨料应为干硬性物料,不含黏土、肥土、组合物料、促进植物生长的物质及其他有机物质,并且不含其他有害物质。
【常用搭配】deleterious mineral有害矿物;deleterious gas有害气体
【例句】Workers must clear floating debris near the cofferdam while demolition experts prepare to demolish it.在爆破专家准备拆毁围堰时,工人们必须清理围堰附近的漂浮物。
【例句】An example will demonstrate how these objects work together.示例将说明这些对象如何一起工作。
density ['densItI]
【常用搭配】high density高密度;low density低密度;power density功率密度,谱线密度,力密度
density meter
dental concrete
【例句】Miscellaneous concrete will consist of all concrete placed in the permanent works not otherwise classified,such as,but not limited to,box type road culverts,headwalls,manholes,sidewalks,dental concrete,valve pits,septic tanks,fire protection water storage reservoir,and retainning walls.其他混凝土指浇注于永久工程中而未另行分类的混凝土,如(但不仅限于此),箱型涵管、端墙、进人孔、走道、齿槽、阀坑、化粪池、消防水池及挡土墙。
dental treatment
deposit [dI'pɒzIt]
【例句】The contractor shall load,transport,deposit and compact the spoil as directed by the engineer.承包商应按工程师的指示进行装车、运输、卸料和压实开挖料。
【例句】On all foundations,random fill shall be hand placed into depressions in the foundation area.在所有的随机填筑的基础上,都应采用人工填平低洼地带。
【常用搭配】derrick stone 大石块,粗石块
descending stage grouting method
【常用搭配】desiccant system 干燥装置;VCI desiccant 气相防锈干燥剂;bentonite desiccant 天然活性干燥剂
design basic data
design basis earthquake (DBE)
design consideration
design discharge
【例句】The discharge of seepage per unit width q is lower than or equal to the allowable design discharge (in consideration of storage and exploitation of water energy).单宽渗流量q小于或等于允许设计流量(以蓄水和水能利用为原则)。|The total design discharge for the power waterway is considered to be 2×22.2m3/s=44.4m3/s.引水发电系统总设计流量为2×22.2m3/s=44.4m3/s。
【常用搭配】minimum design navigable discharge设计最小通航流量;design-flood discharge 设计洪水流量;single design discharge单机(孔)设计流量
design drawing
design flood
【例句】Seasonal design flood should not only satisfy the flood prevention standard,but also reflect seasonal variation characteristics.分期设计洪水既要满足防洪标准,又能反映洪水的季节性变化特征。
design flood discharge
design full gate capacity
design head
design intensity
design load
design parameter
design value
【例句】Contact grouting for bank slope must be performed only after concrete temperature of dam block reaches design value.岸坡接触灌浆必须等待坝块混凝土的温度达到设计规定值后方可进行。
design basic earthquake acceleration
【常用搭配】peak horizontal acceleration of design basic earthquake 设计基本地震水平峰值加速度
design discharging capacity
design maxearthquake (DME)
detailed site explorations
detention dam
【例句】Rock deteriorates near the grout cap.岩石在灌浆帽附近可能恶化。
【例句】Determination of the required parameters is made by evaluation of the most appropriate laboratory and/or in situ strength tests on representative foundation samples coupled with extensive knowledge of the subsurface geologic characteristics of a rock foundation.通过对典型基础样本的最佳实验室和/或原位强度测试计算,并辅以对地下基础特性的广泛认识,从而确定所需参数。
determination of responsiveness
【例句】No separate payment will be made for detour of existing or new roads,and the cost thereof shall be included in the prices for other items.无论是现有还是新修公路的临时弯道不分开支付,其费用包含在其他项目的单价中。
deviant ['di:vIənt]
deviation [ˌdi:vi'eIʃən]
【例句】The standard deviation from the mean is the preferred quantity.用平均值得出标准偏差是优先采用衡量的单位。
【例句】The contractor shall determine and submit a scheme for dewatering the construction ar eas,and care for all water from any source.承包商应制定并提交一份关于施工区排水和来自任何水源的水流控制方案。
【常用搭配】dewatering system排水系统
【例句】The contractor shall supply,install,and maintain necessary facilities for dewatering.承包商应供应、安装并维护所需要的排水设施。
【常用搭配】facilities for dewatering 排水设施
dewatering works
【例句】Pumping equipment and dewatering works shall be of sufficient capacity to maintain all excavations free of water.抽水设备和排水设施应有足够的能力以保持开挖区无水。
【例句】This temperature adjustment is necessary to ensure that the dewpoint is not reached.为 了确保不达到露点,温度调整是必要的。
【常用搭配】dewpoint temperature 露点温度
【例句】Next,move to the diagonal section at the back-right side of the diamond.下一步,移至钻石右后侧的对角区。
【例句】He drew a diagram to show us how to get to his house.他画了一张图表,告诉我们到他家该怎么走。
【例句】Listing 1 is a diagrammatic representation of gathering information from STAB format for a simple function.清单1用图表形式展示了从STAB格式收集一个函数的信息。
【例句】The diameter and the circumference of a circle may vary from a blanket on the upstream face correlate.圆的直径与圆周有相互关系。|Immersion type vibrators shall maintain a fre quency,when immersed in concrete,of not less than 6000rpm for spuds with diameters greater than 125mm and 7000rpm for smaller spuds.插入式振捣器应维持一个频率,直径大于125mm的振动棒的转速应不小于6000rpm,直径小于125mm时得转速应不小于7000rpm。|A tunnel spillway with an inner diameter of 13m is located on the right bank.右岸布置一条内径13m的泄洪洞。
【常用搭配】diameter of bore 钻孔直径;inner diameter 内径;a study on reshaping technology for glass tube with presice core diameter精密内径玻璃管整形工艺的研究。
【例句】The position of this impervious diaphragm to a central vertical core.从上游铺盖到中间竖直心墙都可以作为(坝体的)不透水隔板。
diaschistite [ˌdaIə'skIstaIt]
differential [ˌdIfə'renʃəl]
differential settlement
【常用搭配】phase matching of the diffraction gratings 衍射光栅的相位拼接
【例句】The properties of the grille diffuser on a duct end can be specified.可指定管道末端的格栅扩散器特性。
【例句】The thermal diffusivity is determined by fitting the experimental data.通过拟合实验数据得出材料的热扩散系数。
【常用搭配】thermal diffusivity 热扩散率,热扩散系数
【例句】The reservoir includes certain waters,and structural member such as dam,dike and water gate.水库包括一定的水域及构成水域的大坝、堤、水闸等建筑物。
【常用搭配】clastic dike [地质]碎屑岩墙
【例句】 It is shown that the dilatancy of rock joints and the orientation of rock bolts are the most important factors in determining the effectiveness of passive,fully-grouted rock bolts.在确定被动的全长黏结岩石锚杆的有效性时,岩石节理的膨胀性和岩石锚杆的方位是最为重要的影响因素。
【常用搭配】dilatancy effect剪胀效应;dilatancy fissure膨胀裂缝
【例句】The point of this convoluted procedure is that this combination of multiplication and division produces a pure,dimensionless number.这个复杂运算过程的关键在于这种乘除法组合运算生成了一个纯粹的无量纲数。|A dimensionless correlation for the heat transfer coefficient is obtained by the least-square regress and presented as follows:St=0.179(ReFr)~(-0.25)Pr~(-0.66).结合实验数据,应用最小二乘法求得各个参数值,得到的无量纲传热系数关联式为St=0.179(ReFr)~0.25Pr~0.66。
dine cement grout
【例句】The strike and dip of geologic features must be thoroughly investigated.地质体的走向和倾向必须完全查明。|The right bank slopes are undercut by bedding planes that dip out of the hillside.右岸边坡受倾向坡外的岩层面切割。
direct current
direct shear testing
【例句】Constructibility reviews should be followed by a memorandum from the directorate of engineering to the resident engineer concerning special design considerations and scheduling of construction visits by design engineers during crucial stages of construction.在施工重要时期的可构成性评价时,应该附上一份由工程师理事会转至驻段工程师的备忘录,此备忘录内容包括设计特别注意事项和设计工程师的施工实地察访日程安排。
dirt settling pipe
【例句】If the connection between grout inlet pipe and accident return pipe and the connection between return pipe and accident inlet pipe need to be located at the bottom of grouting zone,the connection should be in the form of dirt settling pipe.进浆管与事故回浆管和回浆管与事故进浆管需在灌区底部连接时,宜采用沉污管形式。
【例句】The hydraulic head losses have been estimated considering both units operating at nominal discharge.考虑两台机组在预定流量下运行的情况,估算了水头损失。|The total design discharge for the powerwaterway is considered to be 44.4m3/s.引水发电系统总设计流量为44.4m3/s。
【常用搭配】design discharge 设计流量
discharge capacity
【例句】The theoretical discharge capacity is determined with the following equation.理论泄流能力可通过以下方程计算得到。
discharge coefficient
【例句】The discharge coefficient is the ratio of the actual discharge to the theoretical discharge.流量系数是实际流量对理论流量的比值。
discharge per unit width
discontinuity surface
【例句】Less deformation is required for intact rock to reach its maximum shear resistance than for discontinuity surfaces to develop their maximum friction resistances.完整的岩石达到最大抗剪应力所需的变形比不连续面发挥其最大抗摩擦力所需的变形要小。
discrete cracking fracture mechanics model
【中文定义】离散断裂分析模型:用于研究岩 石、混凝土离散接触-断裂特性的模型,应用离散-接触-断裂分析模型,研究高坝与地基安全稳定问题。
discrete element
disintegrated rock
【例句】As the shallow depth and poor geological conditions,the surrounding rocks are always soft,fragmentized or intensively disintegrated rock mass with partial pressure.在浅埋及较差的地质条件下,围岩一般为软岩、破碎岩体或高风化岩体且带有一定的偏压。
【例句】In engineering applications,soil may be defined as generally nonindurated accumulations of solid particles produced by the physical and/or chemical disintegration of bedrock.在工程应用领域,土壤一般被定义为非硬化的固相颗粒的堆积物,主要产生于基岩岩床的物理或化学分解。
【常用搭配】disintegration time崩解时间
disk auger drilling
【例句】Disk auger drilling can be an economical method of drilling large-diameter holes for disturbed sampling or of installing the large diameter castings for accessible explorations.圆盘螺旋钻孔是一种经济的大孔径钻探方法,该方法主要用于得到扰动土样或安装大直径支撑件以便于勘探。
【例句】Easy installing and dismantling are necessary for these equipments.这些设备必须易于安装和拆卸。
dispersive soil
【例句】This paper analyzes the origin of solution cavern of the dispersive soil dyke and points out the treatment measures utilizing complex geomembrane and lime soil to deal with dispersive soil dyke.本篇论文分析了分散性黏土堤坝溶洞成因,提出了复合土工膜和白灰土处理分散性土堤坝的措施。
【例句】The maximum displacement of the arch dam occurs at its crown cantilever.拱坝的最大位移发生在其拱冠梁处。
【常用搭配】displacement current [电磁][电子]位移电流;light displacement 轻载排水量,空载排水量;displacement map置换贴图;horizontal displacement 水平位移,水平变位
disposal area
【例句】Borrow and disposal areas should be cleared.采料场和弃渣场应该被清理。
【近义词】spoil area
【例句】All material resulting from operations shall be suitably disposed.所有清除料都应进行适当的处理。
dissipate ['dIsIpeIt]
【例句】Diverging sections at the outlet of the diversion conduits may be introduced to dissipate the discharge energy.为了消能,可在导流底孔出口设置扩散段。
dissipated ['dIsIpeItId]
【例句】The flip bucket can be improved in order to reach correct energy dissipation in the air and at impact in a plunge pool.挑流鼻坎要满足空中和消力池中消能。
【常用搭配】heat dissipator 散热器;vacuum dissipator 真空喷雾器;energy dissipator 消能 装置
distance ['dIstəns]
【例句】Due to the long distance between the intake structure and powerhouse,a surge tank is necessary.由于进水口与厂房之间距离较长,需要设置调压室。
【常用搭配】clear distance 净距;vertical distance 垂直距离
【常用搭配】flow distortion 水流变形
【例句】The distribution and gradation of the materials throughout the fills shall be even.填筑料的分布和级配应当均匀。|Where designed anti-seepage criterion is lower than 2Lu,permeable rate of unqualified stage shall not ex ceed 200%of design value;where this criteria is higher than or equal to 2Lu,permeable rate of unqualified stages shall not exceed 150%of design value;in addition the distribution of unqualified stages shall not be concentrated.当设计防渗标准为小于2Lu时,不合格试段的透水率不超过设计值的200%;当设计防渗标准大于等于2Lu时,不合格试段的透水率不超过设计值的150%;且不合格试段的分布不集中。
【常用搭配】pressure distribution压力分布
【常用搭配】video distributor视频分配器;distributor rotor[电]分电器转子;air distributor[矿业][机]空气分配器;water distributor布水管;liquid distributor[化]布液管
【例句】Exploration methods that offer an opportunity for sampling and testing the foundation without excessive disturbance are recommended for exploring foundations.在地基探测中,推荐的方法是使用尽量不对地基造成强烈扰动的取样及检测方式。
【例句】Curb walls,earth dikes,ditches,culverts or other devices,if required,shall be constructed to prevent such inflows.如果有需要,应建造侧墙、土堤、排水沟、涵管或其他设施来防止地表水流入施工场地。|Drainage ditches adjacent to the roadways and yards shall be constructed to the lines and slopes shown on the drawings or as directed.公路和场地边的排水沟应按图示或指示的轮廓线和坡度修筑。|On the side of the tunnel,a temporary ditch for water should be installed.在隧洞边上需要设置临时排水沟。
【常用搭配】interceptor ditch 截水沟;drainage ditch 排水沟
【常用搭配】divergence angle 发散角;divergence loss [电子]发散损耗;relative diver gence [气象]相对散度
diverging section
【例句】Diverging sections at the outlet of the diversion conduits may be introduced to dissipate the discharge energy.为了消能可在导流底孔出口设置扩散段。
【中文定义】扩散段:水流扩散的区域。水流扩散一般可分为两种类型:①急流扩散,包括急流到缓流的扩散水跃,如压力管道出口、闸孔或溢洪道等下游衔接段的高速水流扩散运动;②变速流扩散,水流由缓流到急流或 由急流到急流的扩散,如泄水、退水闸门或陡坡跌水等上下游衔接段的水流扩散运动。
diversion [daI'vɜ:rʒn]
【例句】The capacity of diversion tunnel must be sufficient for the runoff discharge in the rainy season.导流洞的泄流能力必须满足雨季下泄流量的要求。|The power intake together with the power intake gate shaft allows controlled and efficient diversion of water from the reservoir to the power tunnel.进水口和进水口闸门可以把水从水库到隧洞进行可控且有效的分流。
【常用搭配】river diversion导流;diversion tunnel导流洞;diversion plug导流洞堵头段;construction diversion施工导流
diversion canal
diversion channel
【例句】The application of GPS RTD system is introduced in the diversion channel closure and the third-stage soil rock cofferdam building engi-neering in Three Gorges projection.RTD实时动态GPS测量系统在三峡导流明渠截流及三期土石围堰工程中得到了应用。
【中文定义】导流渠:将河水从天然河道引走的水道。一般用于临时设施,如绕过正在施工的坝 址。当导流用的水道长度较短时,则用“水槽”一词,否则用渠道一词。导流渠道、导流隧洞、导流渡槽等名词也可指永久设施。
diversion conduit
diversion dam【图】
【例句】The Tangxian diversion dam is double-curved arch dam and its layout adopted the sur-face hole deflecting energy dissipation.塘仙引水坝为双曲拱坝,采用表孔挑流消能。

diversion dam
diversion layout
diversion scheme
diversion structure
【例句】Considering the hydrogeologic factors,the flow diversion structure is laid out in 2 pha-ses and the fully enclosed cofferdam is adopted.根据水文地质因素将导流建筑物分两期布置,采用全封闭围堰型式。
【例句】Intakes and outlets of diversion tunnels shall be cleared.导流洞的进口和出口应该被清理。
【常用搭配】diversion tunnel inlet(outlet) 导流洞进(出)口;diversion tunnel portal gates 导流洞进口闸门
【中文定义】导流洞:将河水从天然河道引走的水道。一般用于临时设施,如绕过正在施工的坝 址。当导流用的水道长度较短,则用水槽一词,否则用渠道一词。导流渠道、导流隧洞、导流渡槽等名词也可指永久设施。

diversion tunnel
diversion works
【例句】This project is to build a nonlinear water resources controlling system composed of basin,lake and diversion works.该工程将建立一个由流域、湖泊和引水工程组成的非线性水资源控制系统。
diverting flow
【例句】The method or scheme of diverting flows around or through the dam site during constru-ction is an important consideration to the economy of the dam.建设期间在坝址周围及穿越坝址区的分流方法或规划是大坝经济性建设非常重要的一项考虑因素。
dock chamber
【常用搭配】dock type lock chamber 整体式闸室
double curvature arch dam【图】
【例句】Main features of the project include a 305m high double curvature arch dam and a 3.600MW underground powerhouse.本工程主要特点为305m高的双曲拱坝和3.600MW的地下厂房。

double curvature arch dam(一)

double curvature arch dam(二)
【例句】Snubbing unit is a new equipment work-ing in downhole at the conditions of inner pres-sure and oil and gas in well bore,drilling opera-tion or the up-and-down operation.不压井起下钻作业设备是一种能在井筒内有压力、有油气、进行钻井或起下钻作业的情况下一种先进的新型井下作业装备。
【例句】The primary function of a spillway is to release surplus water from reservoirs and to safely bypass the design flood downstream in or-der to prevent overtopping and possible failure of the dam.泄洪道主要功能是让水库多余的洪水排出,让设计洪水安全地通过至下游,以防止漫顶或可能的溃坝。
【常用搭配】downstream diversion tunnel下游导流隧洞
downstream apron
downstream channel
downstream rockfill zone【图】
【例句】The embankment built with hard rockfill may be zoned into from upstream to downstream of cushion zone transition zone,main rockfill zone and downsteam rockfill zone,as shown in Fig.5.4.1.用硬岩堆石料填筑的坝体可按图5.4.1分区,从上游向下游依次可分为垫层区、过渡区、主堆石区及下游堆石区。

downstream rockfill zone
downstream slope protection【图】见“downstreamrockfillzone”
downstream toe【图】见“dambase”
【常用搭配】maintenance downtime 停机检修时间
【例句】Dozer as a construction machinery is used widely all over the world.推土机作为一种施工机械在全世界应用广泛。
【常用搭配】wheel dozer轮式推土机;auger pulldozer螺旋推土机;hydraulic bulldozer 液压推土机
draft tube【图】
【例句】Stress of surrounding concrete of each draft tube is analysed by the finite-element meth-od under conditions of the highest hydraulic pressure and the variable regularity of stress is obtained.基于有限元法,分析了每个尾水管在各自最大内水压力条件下外围混凝土的受力,得到各自的应力变化规律和特点。|The con-tractor shall construct erection pedestals for pla-cing and aligning the stay ring,spiral case,pit liner,and draft tube liner.为了设置和定位座环、蜗壳、水轮机坑衬及尾水管里衬,承包商应安装支墩。

draft tube
【常用搭配】floor drain地漏,地面排水管,楼面排水
drain hole
【例句】Under average conditions,the depth of the grout zone should be two-thirds to three-fourths of the headwater-tailwater differential and should be supplemented by foundation drain holes with a depth of at least two-thirds that of the grout zone(curtain).在平均条件下,灌浆区深度应该为上游尾水差的1/3~3/4,并由灌浆区 (帷幕灌浆)至少2/3地基排水孔深度进行补充。
drain off
【例句】Higher rainfall in areas without prope drainage systems can destabilise the soil,lead-ing to landslides and more floods.在没有适当排水系统的地区,降雨过多可能让土壤变得不稳定,导致 滑坡和更多的洪水。|One of the big risks for any construction on peat bogs is that the disrupted drainage will cause whole hillsides of waterloggedor dried out peat to slide and e-ventually oxidise.在泥炭沼区建设的一个大风险是排水扰乱后将会造成整个山坡被水淹没,或导致泥炭干涸而崩塌滑坡,且最终氧化。
【常用搭配】drainage divide分水岭;drainage gallery排水廊道;drainage trench排水渠;drainage facility排水设施;drainage hole排水孔;free drainage自由排水
drainage system
drainage basin
【例句】The Amazon river is the largest river in the world by volume,which also has the biggest drainage basin on the planet.亚马逊河,世界上流量最大的河流,有地球上最大的流域盆地。
drainage curtain
【例句】A drainage curtain will be provided to reduce potential uplift pressures below the dam.排水帷幕的设置可减小坝底的渗透扬压力。
drainage gallery【图】
【例句】If the drainage gallery is above tailwater elevation,the pressure of the line of drains should be determined as though the tailwater level is equal to the gallery elevation.若排水廊道在尾水高程之上,应采用与廊道高程相等的尾水位测定排水系统压力线。

drainage gallery
【常用搭配】transportation drainage gallery 交通排水廊道
drainage facility
【例句】Adequate drainage facilities shall be pro-vided at all spoil areas.所有的堆渣场均应有足够的排水设施。
drainage network
【例句】These make up a complete irrigation dra-inage network.这些(河渠)构成一个完整的排灌系统。
drainage pattern
【常用搭配】annular drainage pattern [水文]环状水系;anomalous drainage pattern不规则水系
drainage zone
drainage&dewatering system
【例句】Such facilities include buildings for vari ous,sitegrading,drainaging,landscaping,fencing,lighting and other area improvements.此类设施包括各种用途的建筑物、土地平整、排水、园林、防护栏栅、照明及其他用于改善场地条件的设施。
【常用搭配】drawdown level 动水位
drawing ['drɔ:Iŋ]
【例句】In accordance with the provisions of Part 3.6,the Contractor's Submittals,the Contractor shall submit for approval drawings and specifications of his proposed housing,office,shop,and storage facilities and each major building to be constructed by him.根据3.6“承包商递交的材料和资料”中的规定,承包商应提交其拟建的房屋、办公室、商店、仓库及每一个主要建筑物的图纸及说明供工程师批准。
drawing schedule
drawn [drɔ:n]
【例句】 Both amorphous and crystalline polymers can yield and be cold-drawn.无定形和结晶聚合物两者都能发生屈服并能冷拉伸。
【常用搭配】cold drawn Grade 1 bar冷拉Ⅰ级钢筋
drill [drIl]
【例句】Prior to the excavation for each project feature the Contractor shall submit a plan for blasting including drilling charging and ignition patterns for the approval by the engineer.在每个工程部位的开挖开始以前,承包商都应向工程师提交一份爆破方案以供批准,该方案包括钻孔、装药、起爆方式。
【常用搭配】drill pipe 钻杆;rotary drilling 回转式钻孔设备;percussion drilling 冲击钻
drill core
【例句】A testing method of drill core's mechan ical properties,triaxial stress testing,is described.介绍了钻井岩芯力学性能的测试方法──三轴应力试验。
drill hole
【例句】A number of drill holes are usually required at a damsite to determine the bedrock profile along the proposed axis.为研究坝址区基岩特性,通常需要大量的沿特定轴线布置的钻孔。
drill hole log
【例句】Open-cut rock excavation shall consist of the excavation of in-place bedrock which requires systematic drilling and blasting,or barring and wedging to the lines and grades as shown on the drawings or as directed by the engineer.岩石明挖包括需要进行系统的钻孔和爆破的基岩开挖或为达到图示的或工程师指示的开挖线和坡度而进行的修整和加固工作。
drilling program
【例句】The field investigation must be a continual process starting with the preliminary geologic review of known conditions,progressing to a detailed drilling program and sample testing program,and concluding at the end of construction with a safe and operational structure.野外调查必须是一个持续的过程,以对已知条件的初步地质评价作为开始,接着进行详细钻探计划和取样检测,最后得出施工所需的安全可操作的结构。
driving force
driving gear
droop [dru:p]
dry density
【例句】 Moisture content of the fill material shall be such that the fills can be compacted to the required dry densities specified in 6.7.9,Compaction,for the various types of fill materi als.对于各种填筑料,其含水量应能使碾压后的干密度满足6.7.9“压实”中的要求。
【例句】Dry pack shall consist of a mixture,by weight,of one part cement to 2.5 parts of sand conforming to 6.9.7,Fine Aggregate.干填料应 由一份水泥配2.5份的砂混合组成(按重量记),砂的具体要求应符合 6.9.7,“细骨料”中的规定。
【例句】All grout holes shall be dry-packed on conclusion of the grouting of that not less than 7 days after the grout has set.对所有灌浆孔,应在浆液凝固 7天或更长时间后进行干塞。
【常用搭配】dry-packed concrete 干硬性混凝土
【例句】Where direct drilling and grouting method is used,dual holes interconnection test may be taken.当采用直接钻孔灌浆法时,可采取双孔连通试验的方法。
【例句】Enter the visible width of the duct.输入管道的可见宽度。
ducted radial arm
dump [dʌmp]
【例句】During the dumping and spreading of fill materials,the contractor shall maintain,at all times,a force of workers adequate to remove all roots,trash,and debris from the fill and dispose of them in an approved manner.在填筑料卸料、铺摊期间,承包商都应随时组织一批工人拣出树根垃圾、污物等杂质,并以批准的方式予以外置。
【常用搭配】dump truck自卸卡车;waste dump废石堆,废料堆;garbage dump垃圾场,垃圾堆;rubbish dump垃圾堆,碎石堆;refuse dump 垃圾场;dump car自卸汽车
【例句】Dune is a ridge of sand created by the wind which could usually be found in deserts or near lakes and oceans.沙丘是由风吹积沙子而形成的山脊,通常在沙漠中或在湖边、海边形成。
【常用搭配】anchored dune[地质]固着沙丘,固定沙丘;coast dune海岸沙丘;dune deposit沙丘层,沙丘沉积
【常用搭配】duplex piston-type pump双活塞式泵
【例句】Nylons have the virtue of durability.尼龙材料有耐久的优点。
duration [dʊ'reʊʃən]
【例句】Of course,for the project to have acceptable risk,this must be done for each of the tasks,leading to almost doubling the duration.当然,对于拥有可接受的风险的项目来说,必须对每个任务都这样做,这将几乎导致持续时间加倍。
【例句】The flood waters burst the dyke.洪水冲垮了堤坝。
【例句】Within each level,we present both the dynamic view and static view of the behavior for that particular level.在每个层次内,我们既展 示了该特定层次行为的动态视图,又展示了其静态视图。|The influence of this measure on the results of a dynamic analysis should be small.这些措施对动态分析结果影响很小。
【常用搭配】dynamic model 动态模型,动力模型
dynamic analysis
【例句】 This paper studies dynamic analysis method that can dovetail with FEM.文中研究了能与有限元法吻合的动力计算方法。
dynamic head
dynamic load
【例句】Internal bolts subject to vibration,fluctuating load,impact load or dynamic load shall be protected against loosening.可能受到振动、波动载荷、冲击载荷或动载荷的内部螺栓应加以保护以防止松动。
dynamic response
dynamic stability