We learned a lot in this chapter about how the UDK works and how to set up our own game project.
Specifically, we covered:
- The UDK directories and what goes into each folder. We know which folders we'll be working in as programmers as well as the ones any artists or designers on the project would be using.
- Which programs we can use to work with UnrealScript. We know that there are two aspects to programming, writing the code and being able to easily browse the existing source code.
- How to set up our own project and compile and test code that we've written. We know how to use UnrealEd and the Logs folder to help us test and make sure our code is running correctly.
Now that we've learned about the UDK, we're ready to start learning more about the UnrealScript language by taking a look at variables and operators—which is the topic of the next chapter.