What you need for this book
First, you will require a thorough understanding of UAG and its out-of-the-box configuration. You will need to have a good understanding of key concepts in the UAG world, such as the following:
- Trunks
- Applications
- Endpoint detection
- RuleSet
- Public URLs
- The UAG Portal
- Tunneled Applications
- Tracing
All of the preceding concepts can be learned using UAG's online documentation (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff358694.aspx), as well as by referring to the book to which this is a follow-up: Microsoft Forefront UAG 2010 Administrator's Handbook (http://www.packtpub.com/microsoft-forefront- uag-2010-administrators-handbook/book.
In addition, you will require some level of understanding of the following underlying technologies:
- Windows Server
- Windows clients
- Networking (TCP/IP, Windows Networking, WAN)
- Active Directory
- The HTTP and HTTPS protocols
- Public Key Infrastructure
- The Kerberos authentication protocol
- Claims-based access control authorization model
- COM programming
- ActiveX
- Java
- JavaScript
- VBScript
- Windows Shell scripting (Batch files)
The preceding list is in no particular order, and being an expert on these is not essential. However, it would be of an advantage as customizations will vary and sometimes require only simple HTML and CSS knowledge, while others may focus on ASP, XML, and VBScript. Equally, a good grasp of networking, Windows Servers, and Windows clients is somewhat important and are all areas that require a good foundation.
This is particularly true when working with protocols, such as HTTP and HTTPS. Most of the others will only require basic understanding. The first chapter will describe these technologies in more detail.