Microsoft Windows Server AppFabric Cookbook

Initializing Cache Client using code

In the preceding chapter, we looked at the Client Libraries required for using Windows Server AppFabric's caching capabilities. Once these libraries are available, it is fairly straightforward to get started with common cache-related programming scenarios.

Windows Server AppFabric Caching Client needs connection settings to connect to a particular instance of a Cache Host. There are two ways a Cache Client can specify these settings:

  • Code based: Using Windows Server AppFabric's Cache Client API to specify connection details programmatically
  • Configuration based: Using the configuration file of a Cache Client to specify connection settings declaratively

In this recipe we will cover code-based configuration.


To be able to program the AppFabric Cache Client, we need to make sure that AppFabric Caching Assemblies are available.

Getting ready

To be able to connect to Windows Server AppFabric Cache using the Client API, we need to ensure that the Cache Host we want to talk to is available. By using Windows Server AppFabric commandlets in PowerShell, we can identify and ensure that the particular instance is available for caching.

We will use the following AppFabric commands to check and see if the AppFabric Host is up and running.


To be able to use AppFabric commandlets, PowerShell must be launched as the administrator. This will ensure that PowerShell has enough privileges to execute AppFabric commandlets.

You will need to launch AppFabric's Caching Administration Windows PowerShell tool with Admin privileges and run the following commands:

  • Use-CacheCluster: To set the context for PowerShell.
  • Start-CacheHost: To start the cache host (if the cache host is already up and running, then we can skip this command), OR
  • Start-CacheCluster: To start the cache cluster. If you have only one node (for example, in Development environment) this is the same as Start-CacheHost.
  • Get-Cache: To see if there is any cache defined on this host.
Getting ready

How to do it...

We will use Visual Studio 2010 to write programs against the AppFabric Caching API. Before we actually initialize the cache using the AppFabric API, we will quickly go through the following steps which will help us set up the development environment:

  1. Launch Visual Studio 2010 with administrative privileges.
  2. Start a new project using the C# Console Application project template and assign InitializeCacheWithCode as Solution name:
    How to do it...


    This can be done using Visual Studio 2008 as well. You will need to make sure that you use .NET Framework 2.0 or above.

  3. Once the project is created, right-click on References and select Add Reference.
  4. Browse to .Windows\System32\AppFabric and add the following two assemblies:
    • Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Core.dll
    • Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Client.dll

    On a 64-bit OS, you may not be able to access the AppFabric folder directly using System32. However, AppFabric should still be available under .\Windows\SysNative\AppFabric.

  5. Initialize the DataCacheServerEndPoint array with an instance that has server name = 'your-host' and port='22233' (or your own configured cache port):
    var cacheServerEndPoints = new[]
    new DataCacheServerEndpoint("yourServerHost", 22233)


    Your server host should be the cache Host Name as shown in the Start-CacheCluster command. You will also need to add the following using statement to access AppFabric's caching related classes: using Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching;.

  6. Create an instance of DataCacheFactoryConfiguration and pass it an object of DataCacheServerEndPoint:
    var cacheConfiguration = new DataCacheFactoryConfiguration { Servers = cacheServerEndPoints };


    Downloading the example code

    You can download the example code files for all Packt books you have purchased from your account at If you purchased this book elsewhere, you can visit and register to have the files e-mailed directly to you.

  7. Create an instance of DataCacheFactory, passing DataCacheFactoryConfiguration to the constructor:
    var cacheFactory = new DataCacheFactory(cacheConfiguration);
  8. Invoke GetCache on DataCacheFactory by providing the name of the cache. The following code snippet shows a utility method showing the creation of DataCache:
    private static DataCache InitializeCache(string cacheName)
    var cacheEndPoints = new[]
    new DataCacheServerEndpoint("yourServerHost", 22233)
    var cacheConfiguration = new DataCacheFactoryConfiguration { Servers = cacheEndPoints };
    var cacheFactory = new DataCacheFactory(cacheConfiguration);
    return cacheFactory.GetCache(cacheName);
  9. The calling client can simply pass the name of the cache and the rest of the details around cache initialization can be handled by the method just defined:
    DataCache cache = InitializeCache("referenceData");
    Debug.Assert(cache != null);


    This may seem like a complex way of initializing a cache instance, but this complexity is worth it because of the highly configurable nature of the Windows Server AppFabric Cache API.

How it works...

DataCacheFactory is responsible for providing access to DataCache instances. DataCacheFactory requires a configuration object of type DataCacheFactoryConfiguration, which in turn requires an instance of array of DataCacheServerEndPoint. The following is a schematic representation of the composition of DataCacheFactory with respect to DataCacheFactoryConfiguration and DataCacheServerEndPoint(s):

How it works...

To be able to access DataCache, we will need to create an array of DataCacheServerEndPoints. Initialize it and assign it to an instance of the DataCacheFactoryConfiguration class. We can then pass the DataCacheFactoryConfiguraiton instance to our DataCacheFactory class so that it can read the configuration via server end points and get the appropriate cache instance.


Instantiation of DataCacheFactory is a compute/resource extensive operation. Think about establishing network connections with server end points to start with. Considering this, it is recommended that you minimize the instantiation of DataCacheFactory objects. Ideally, it makes sense to have only one instance of DataCacheFactory available throughout the application lifecycle. Use of the Singleton design pattern is highly recommended to control the access to, and lifecycle of, DataCacheFactory objects.

See also

In this recipe, we saw the use of the object model to construct a DataCache instance. In the following recipe we will once again create a DataCache instance, but without interacting with the detailed object model.