Meet the Community
The title of the book you are reading is "Mastering Adobe Captivate 6". In order to truly "Master" a piece of software, I'm convinced that one must be introduced to the community that supports it.
At the end of each chapter, I'll add a Meet the community section in which I'll introduce you to a key-member of the community. By the end of the book, you'll know the names, blog addresses, twitter handles, and so on of the most influential members of the Captivate and eLearning community. I hope these resources will jump start your own Captivate career and, who knows, your own involvement in the community.
Dr Allen Partridge
Dr. Allen Partridge is an eLearning Evangelist for Adobe. In addition to his work for Adobe Systems, he continues to serve on the doctoral faculty in the Communications Media and Instructional Technology program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Allen has written several books and a host of articles on topics ranging from 3D game development to Instructional Design for new technologies. He is active in explorations of Immersive Learning as well as traditional multimedia enhanced eLearning and rapid eLearning. Allen works closely with the eLearning Suite and Captivate teams at Adobe, providing a channel to customer needs and concerns and helping facilitate communication among team members.
Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/captivate/
Twitter: @adobeElearning
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/adobecaptivate
Allen Partridge is the ultimate key member of the Captivate community. As an Adobe Evangelist for Captivate, he is one of the main contributors of the official Captivate blog and animates the official Captivate page on Facebook. Allen also participates in virtually every Captivate-related event around the world, so chances are that you'll have an opportunity to meet him not far from where you live.
You definitely want to bookmark his blog and follow him on Twitter.
When I asked him to author the foreword of this book, it took Allen exactly 29 minutes to reply to my email and to accept.
Thank you, Allen, for supporting this project and for your outstanding work with the Captivate community.