Creating Mobile Apps with Appcelerator Titanium

Chapter 3. The To-do List

In this chapter, we will be building a simple, yet useful application to manage To-do items. This application will allow us to create tasks, mark them as completed, and will also provide us with the possibility to delete all the completed items by pressing a single button.

Another aspect covered in this chapter is the use of the SQLite-embedded database. Persisting all our items in such a database will allow our tasks to exist on the device even after the application is closed.

By the end of this chapter, you will have learned the following concepts:

  • Creating a database structure
  • Adding records to a database
  • Listing all the items from a database
  • Updating an existing item from a database
  • Navigating through the data structure of a TableView component
  • Deleting items from a database based on a filter