About the Authors
Andri Yadi is a developer, entrepreneur, influencer, and educator in the IT industry, especially in the mobile apps field.
As a developer, he has been developing in many well-known programming languages for the past 16 years. Since iOS SDK was first released in 2008, he's one of the early adopters in developing iOS apps with iOS SDK and Objective-C. He has developed more than 50 web and desktop apps and 10 iOS apps. He's the creator of a well-known iOS app in Indonesia, Movreak that is a social app for movies and the cinema.
As an entrepreneur, he has founded four software companies since 2003. The more recent one is PT. Dycode Cominfotech Development (DyCode), where he has been putting all his heart, time, thoughts, and passion for the last 6 years.
As an influencer, he has been actively influencing the mobile apps industry as well as the startup and developer community in Indonesia. He co-founded four developer communities; one of them is the ID-Objective-C community, Indonesia's first and biggest iOS developer community, where he also serves as the President. For his technical expertise and community influence, he has been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award for 6 years in a row. He occasionally shares his thoughts on his blog http://andriyadi.me.
As an educator, he has delivered more than 100 discussions and training about software development and entrepreneurship. Lately, he's been actively talking about Microsoft Windows Azure and iOS app development, and also delivering regular iOS app development training.
He's majoring in Physics from the famous Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), yet, he's been spending more than half of his life in the IT field. He lives in Bandung, Indonesia, with his two dogs, Cocoa and Kinect, and hopefully, will soon be joined by his soon-to-be wife, Gina.
I dedicate this book to the knowledge seekers, the ones who always stay hungry and foolish.
With this book, I commemorate the late Steve Jobs for always being my role model and an endless inspiration. Thanks to Steve and Apple for the iCloud, without which I have nothing to write about.
Thanks to my fellow DyCoders (Helmi and others) who kept working on my job while I was working on this book. Thanks to the fellow communities for always sharing their knowledge, and fellow professionals for challenging me. Also, thanks to my fellow author, Fauzan, without whom I would have accomplished only a few chapters within the given time. And thanks to the Packt Publishing team without whom this book would never have been published.
Special thanks to my dynamic duo, Cocoa and Kinect, who are named after the best app development framework and 3D motion sensor in the world, for keeping me company night after night. Though they will probably never read it since they are too busy with their bone, plus they are dogs.
I also thank my parents enormously for their unconditional love and everything else and for making me who I am now. Mere words are not enough to thank them, but I've tried anyway.
Lastly, I'd like to thank my soon-to-be wife, Gina Rizka Ariany, who is a rare combination of brains, beauty, and humor, for always believing in me, for relentlessly giving me thrust and lift force, and for everything else in the years to come. And thanks for the coffee I always miss.
Fauzan Alfi lives in Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, with his family. At the time of writing this book, he was still a student majoring in Architecture from the Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB). He has been using Mac ever since 2007. Admiring how well-designed and sophisticated Apple technology is, he joined MakeMac, a well-known Apple website with news and guides to using Apple products in Indonesia, as a writer and has been writing for 5 years.
He also supports the Open Web movement and joined Mozilla as a volunteer and representative. He's also a blogger and contributes to many communities in his hometown. You can contact him by visiting his blog on www.fauzanalfi.com or mention him on Twitter @fauzanalfi
First of all, thanks to God Almighty for guiding me always. I'd like to thank my parents, Agus and Siti Rakhmawati, for supporting me during all days and nights of my book writing period. Thanks to my fellow co-author, Andri for this amazing opportunity. Thanks to Packt Publishing for supporting us from beginning until this book is published. Thanks to my brother, Salman, all my fellow friends at Ikatan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Gunadharma Institut Teknologi Bandung and all my friends from fellow communities in Bandung for the support I got. One last thing. Thanks Steve for inspiring us.