PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide

Time for action – passing data from the search users dialog to the source page

Let us add a new column Select to the DataTable in the searchUsers.xhtml page to select a user, and pass the selected user's details back to source page. Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a DataTable component with a Select column to choose a user row using the following code:
    <p:dataTable id="usersTbl" value="#{userController.searchUsers}" var="user">
      <p:column headerText="EmailId">
      <p:column headerText="Name">
        #{user.firstName} #{user.lastName}
      <p:column headerText="Select">
        <p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-search" actionListener="#{userController.selectSearchUser(user)}" />
  2. When the user selects a row (user), close the dialog by passing the selected user object as data:
    public void selectSearchUser(User user){
  3. Register the dialogReturn AJAX listener to the Search Users button, which will receive the SelectEvent object as a parameter. We can obtain the selected user object from SelectEvent with event.getObject(), and update the UserDetails PanelGrid to display the selected user details:
    <p:commandButton value="Search Users" actionListener="#{userController.searchUsersForm}">  
      <p:ajax event="dialogReturn" listener="#{userController.handleSelectSearchUser}" update="UserDetails"/>           
    <h:panelGrid id="UserDetails" columns="2">
      <h:outputLabel value="EmailId" />
      <h:outputText value="#{userController.searchUser.emailId}" />
      <h:outputLabel value="FirstName" />
      <h:outputText value="#{userController.searchUser.firstName}" />  
    public void handleSelectSearchUser(SelectEvent event){
      this.searchUser = (User) event.getObject();

What just happened?

We have created a CommandButton button to open a dialog with the Search Users form. When the user searches for users, the results will be populated in a data table. When you select any user by clicking on the Select button, the selected user object will be passed back to the source page and display the results in the User Details panel grid.

What just happened?

Displaying FacesMessage in dialog

The dialog framework also provides a simple utility method, RequestContext.showMessageInDialog(FacesMessage) to display FacesMessage in a dialog. This comes in very handy when displaying the user action status once the application logic is executed:

<p:commandButton value="Delete" actionListener="#{userController.deleteUser}" />

public void deleteUser() {
  //logic to delete user
  RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().showMessageInDialog(new FacesMessage("User deleted successfully"));
  • At the moment, <p:commandButton> and <p:commandLink> supports dialogReturn
  • Nested dialogs are not supported
  • Calls to the DialogFramework API within a non-AJAX are ignored