Building a C++ shader program class
If you are using C++, it can be very convenient to create classes to encapsulate some of the OpenGL objects. A prime example is the shader program object. In this recipe, we'll look at a design for a C++ class that can be used to manage a shader program.
Getting ready
There's not much to prepare for with this one, you just need a build environment that supports C++. Also, I'll assume that you are using GLM for matrix and vector support, if not just leave out the functions involving the GLM classes.
How to do it...
First, we'll use a custom exception class for errors that might occur during compilation or linking:
class GLSLProgramException : public std::runtime_error { public: GLSLProgramException( const string & msg ) : std::runtime_error(msg) { } };
We'll use an enum
for the various shader types:
The program class itself has the following interface:
class GLSLProgram { private: int handle; bool linked; std::map<string, int> uniformLocations; int getUniformLocation(const char * name ); // A few other helper functions public: GLSLProgram(); ~GLSLProgram(); void compileShader( const char * filename )throw(GLSLProgramException); void compileShader( const char * filename, GLSLShader::GLSLShaderType type )throw(GLSLProgramException); void compileShader( const string & source, GLSLShader::GLSLShaderType type,const char * filename = NULL )throw(GLSLProgramException); void link() throw(GLSLProgramException); void use() throw(GLSLProgramException); void validate() throw(GLSLProgramException); int getHandle(); bool isLinked(); void bindAttribLocation( GLuint location, const char * name); void bindFragDataLocation( GLuint location, const char * name ); void setUniform(const char *name, float x, float y,float z); void setUniform(const char *name, const vec3 & v); void setUniform(const char *name, const vec4 & v); void setUniform(const char *name, const mat4 & m); void setUniform(const char *name, const mat3 & m); void setUniform(const char *name, float val ); void setUniform(const char *name, int val ); void setUniform(const char *name, bool val ); void printActiveUniforms(); void printActiveAttribs(); void printActiveUniformBlocks(); };
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Full source code for all of the recipes in this text is also available on GitHub at: https://github.com/daw42/glslcookbook.
The techniques involved in the implementation of these functions are covered in previous recipes in this chapter. Due to space limitations, I won't include the code here (it's available from this book's GitHub repository), but we'll discuss some of the design decisions in the next section.
How it works...
The state stored within a GLSLProgram
object includes the handle to the OpenGL shader program object (handle
), a Boolean variable indicating whether or not the program has been successfully linked (linked
), and a map
used to store uniform
locations as they are discovered (uniformLocations
The compileShader
overloads will throw a GLSLProgramException
if the compilation fails. The first version determines the type of shader based on the filename extension. In the second version, the caller provides the shader type, and the third version is used to compile a shader, taking the shader's source code from a string
. The file name can be provided as a third argument in the case that the string
was taken from a file, which is helpful for providing better error messages.
The GLSLProgramException
's error message will contain the contents of the shader log or program log when an error occurs.
The private function getUniformLocation
is used by the setUniform
functions to find the location of a uniform variable. It checks the map uniformLocations
first, and if the location is not found, queries OpenGL for the location, and stores the result in the map before returning. The fileExists
function is used by compileShaderFromFile
to check for file existence.
The constructor simply initializes linked
to false and handle
to zero. The variable handle
will be initialized by calling glCreateProgram
when the first shader is compiled.
The link
function simply attempts to link the program by calling glLinkProgram
. It then checks the link status, and if successful, sets the variable linked
to true
and returns true
. Otherwise, it gets the program log (by calling glGetProgramInfoLog
), stores the result in a GLSLProgramException
and throws it.
The use
function simply calls glUseProgram
if the program has already been successfully linked, otherwise it does nothing.
The functions getHandle
and isLinked
are simply "getter" functions that return the handle to the OpenGL program object and the value of the linked
The functions bindAttribLocation
and bindFragDataLocation
are wrappers around glBindAttribLocation
and glBindFragDataLocation
. Note that these functions should only be called prior to linking the program.
The setUniform
overloaded functions are straightforward wrappers around the appropriate glUniform
functions. Each of them calls getUniformLocation
to query for the variable's location before calling the glUniform
Finally, the printActiveUniforms
, printActiveUniformBlocks
, and printActiveAttribs
functions are useful for debugging purposes. They simply display a list of the active uniforms/attributes to standard output.
The following is a simple example of the use of the GLSLProgram
GLSLProgram prog; try { prog.compileShader("myshader.vert"); prog.compileShader("myshader.frag"); prog.link(); prog.validate(); prog.use(); } catch( GLSLProgramException &e ) { cerr << e.what() << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } prog.printActiveUniforms(); prog.printActiveAttribs(); prog.setUniform("ModelViewMatrix", matrix); prog.setUniform("LightPosition", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
See also
- For full source code, check out the GitHub site for this book: http://github.com/daw42/glslcookbook
- All of the recipes in this chapter!