What this book covers
Chapter 1, JBoss EAP6 Overview, teaches you how to download and install JBoss EAP6, introduces you to startup modes of JBoss EAP6, and covers the basic uses of the domain management function.
Chapter 2, Using JBoss EAP6, covers more details on using the EAP6 management console and explains the design of the EAP6 management model.
Chapter 3, Setting Up a JBoss EAP6 Cluster, guides you on how to set the EAP6 servers properly for it to form a cluster.
Chapter 4, Load Balancing with mod_jk, shows how to use mod_jk as the load balancer of the EAP6 cluster.
Chapter 5, Load Balancing with mod_cluster, discusses how to use mod_cluster as the load balancer of the EAP6 cluster.
Chapter 6, Clustering with SSL, shows how to enable SSL in a clustering environment and teaches you how to set SSL to work with mod_jk.
Chapter 7, Configuring mod_cluster with SSL, shows how to set SSL to work with mod_cluster.
Chapter 8, Developing Distributed Applications, discusses how to develop the distributable applications with the help of JavaEE technologies and deploy it into the EAP6 cluster.
Appendix, WildFly Troubleshooting, shows how to debug the WildFly server at runtime. This chapter is available as a bonus chapter and can be downloaded from http://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/downloads/2432OS_Appendix.pdf.