If you are at a library and you grabbed this book, chances are that you have heard about ArcGIS for Server in a meeting and you want to know what this product is and what it is capable of. You might have picked up this book because you were explicitly asked by your manager to investigate the capability of this bleeding-edge technology and report with tangible results. Or maybe you are a system administrator who is in the middle of implementing ArcGIS for Server as your backbone architecture. Whether you are a curious blogger, a business developer, or a technical system analyst, I can guarantee that this book won't disappoint you.
Administering ArcGIS for Server was designed for all levels. You might get a satisfying definition of the product and its components, with comprehensive and straightforward illustrations, by reading the first chapter of this book. If you want to just test ArcGIS for Server, you can get it up and running in testing track—a quick, simple, and efficient method for installation—and do the exercises in most of the chapters. If you are planning to set up ArcGIS for Server on your production environment, you can fully read all of the chapters and appendices and explore the advanced security preferences and performance tips to make your setup run optimally.