About the Authors
Otavio Salvador loves to play video games and started his free software activities in 1999. In 2002, he founded O.S. Systems, a company focused on embedded system development services and consultancy worldwide, creating and maintaining customized BSPs and helping companies with their release management challenges. This resulted in him joining the OpenEmbedded community in 2008, when he became an active contributor to the OpenEmbedded project, culminating in his attribution as the maintainer of the Freescale ARM BSP layer in the Yocto Project in 2011.
Daiane Angolini has been focusing on embedded technologies for the past 8 years. Since 2008, she has been working on Freescale Semiconductors as an application engineer, on internal development and porting custom applications from Android to Freescale architectures, and on customer support for ARM processors of the i.MX family, while also participating in Freescale forums. She has been working with the Yocto Project tools through meta-fsl-arm, the BSP meta layer that provides board support for Freescale ARM machines, since 2012. The desire to become an expert in ice cream making has been keeping her busy in her spare time for the past year.
We initially want to thank our families. They provided lovely support and helped us to get on track for this project.
This project has only been possible because we had support from many people who provided insights, reviews, material, and guidance during the full period of conception and production of this book. We'd like to give special thanks to (in alphabetic order): Alex González, Alexandru Vaduva, Harsha Bharwani, Jeffrey Osier-Mixon, John Weber, Manan Badani, Paul Eggleton, Rogerio Nunes, Radek Dostál, Sageer Parkar, and Sankalp Pawar
- Otavio Salvador and Daiane Angolini